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Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 6:48pm

Lieutenant Dominic Costa

Name Dominic Costa

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29
Date of Birth April 1st, 2366
Place of Birth Consenza, Italy
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6’2”
Weight 202 lbs
Hair Color Mocha Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Dominic has relatively fair skin for an Italian. He keeps himself clean-shaven, and very rarely presents on shift with beard stubble.
His frame is more slightly more agile than muscular. He moves purposefully and firmly, but he does have the flexibility to move quickly when the need arises, despite his height and weight. He carries himself with confidence, his at-ease posture only a few millimetres away from his attention posture.


Spouse None
Status single
Children None that he is aware of.
Father Angelo Costa
Mother Sofia Costa (neé Rossi)
Brother(s) Lieutenant Georgio Costa - Twin brother (older by two minutes). Currently posted on the USS Winters as Chief Tactical Officer.
Sister(s) None
Other Family None of note.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dominic is gregarious and outgoing, typically laughing and smiling and enjoying a good drink with good friends, telling stories of his various misadventures in Starfleet.

A Klingon once told him he'd have made a good Klingon Warrior, and the comparison wasn't too far off. He just isn’t as violent.
Strengths & Weaknesses Dominic is a hard worker, a dedicated friend, and an unstoppable force when he puts his mind to something. He gets the job done, and he gets it done well. He is a natural born leader, and fiercely loyal.

The problem, is that his drive can often cause him to forget to enjoy life like he needs to. In addition to that, he takes failure more deeply than most. He also has a hard time following orders from time to time, his need to compete overruling his need to comply.
Ambitions Nothing but the top for Dominic; his ambitions are to run his own ship and reach the Admiralty. And if at all possible, to beat his brother to it first!
Hobbies & Interests Dominic likes to rock climb, hang-glide, play ball, and practice archery in his spare time. He's also been running a holoprogram for quite a while; trying to get an old Earth hot rod working again.

Personal History

Personal History Dominic was born and raised in a suburb outside of Consenza, Italy. He was brought up with his twin brother Georgio, and by the age of 4, the two were already competing. Unlike other parents, Dominic’s made no bones about their favorite kid being the one who did the most. Georgio got a leg up on Dominic by being born first, and never gave that leg back.

Kindergarten was their last quiet year, because when both boys went into first grade the competition began. Kickball, tee-ball, baseball, football. From first grade and all the way through high school, there was no end to their competition, and their parents encouraged it.

At one point, Dominic confronted his father about this constant need to impress, venting all of his frustration at the need to buy their love. In a rare moment of honest and genuine love, Angelo Costa explained to his son that the competition wasn't to buy their love (which both boys already had and had equally), but it was to drive them forward and make them the best that they could be.

After that, and with a renewed understanding of what was happening and why, Dominic took everything in his stride. He still tried beating his brother in everything he did, but now knowing that the love of his parents was not at stake.

Dominic was a star pupil in High School (his grades only slightly lower than his brother's), he excelled over all of his classmates and held the highest marks in just about every simulator in the school. Having always enjoyed tinkering with engines and mechanical machinery, Dominic was naturally drawn towards a career in that field.

In his final year at the Academy, Dominic spent three-months rewriting a dissertation for his engineering professor, after the professor initially rejected it. Dominic struggled through the class and eventually passed. Despite these setbacks, he graduated from Starfleet Academy at the age of 22.

Unfortunately for Dominic, he was a part of one of the larger graduating classes, and positions onboard starships were quickly filled before he could acquire a desirable position. That left Outpost 33, the one place he didn't want to go. Given the option of venturing out among the stars or orbiting Jupiter, he would have much rather chosen the stars. A long year passed with him assigned there until, finally, Dominic got assignment orders for a ship: the USS Reznor.

The USS Reznor was a medical ship, and not exactly what he was hoping for, but it was better than his previous posting. He worked as a Junior Engineering officer, and before long he'd worked himself up to Senior Engineering officer aboard. He enjoyed his work on the Reznor, but was still looking for more forward action in a posting.

Needless to say, he was ecstatic when the orders to transfer to the Sovereign-class USS Atticus came in. The USS Atticus was where Dominic really began to shine. The Atticus was stationed along the Romulan Neutral Zone.

He was assigned the position of Assistant Chief Engineer and made the best of it, quickly advancing in rank from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade. His crew mates and superior officers were impressed with him to say the least, and he loved it. His chief loved it to, as their department tightened up to record breaking levels of efficiency.

Dominic served aboard the Atticus for four years, before orders finally came through that he was being transferred. Now, leaving his home of the last four years, he looks forward to a higher position, and the opportunity to run his own department. Dominic Costa, large and in charge.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number SF-28181-Echo
Command authorization code Costa-One-Four-Beta-Gamma-Seven
Education & Qualifications Starfleet Academy
First Year Cadet
Starfleet Policies / Engineering Basics

Starfleet Academy
Second Year Cadet
General Starfleet Orders / Advanced Engineering

Starfleet Academy
Third Year Cadet
Advanced Engineering / Advanced Propulsion

Starfleet Academy
Fourth Year Cadet
Theoretical Engineering / Advanced Mechanics
Awards & Commendations Cochrane Medal of Excellence (while serving onboard the USS Atticus).

Medical History Despite having engaged in his fair share of fist-fights during his teens and Academy days, Dominic is in great shape. He has passed each medical review he has ever had with flying colours.
Service Record Outpost 33 (12 Months)
Junior Engineering Officer

USS Reznor (2 Years)
Junior Engineering Officer
Senior Engineering Officer

USS Atticus (4 Years)
Ensign —> Lieutenant JG
Asst. Chief Engineering Officer