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Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 6:45am

Commander Rize Tedeza

Name Rize Tedeza

Position Commanding Officer - USS Europa

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Date of Birth February 14, 2360
Place of Birth Masonwood, Hokkaido, Japan, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 123 IBS
Hair Color Naturally black, but prefers to dye it purple.
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description Commander Tedeza is fairly tall for her age and in peak physical condition. She tends to pull her hair up into a set of twin-tails with loose bangs, but has been known on occasion to let her hair down. The left side of her bangs are fastened in place with a black hair clip that is inscribed with the words "USS Osaka, NCC-26593- We remember".


Spouse None
Status single
Children None
Father Captain Yasaburo Tedeza [Commanding Officer, USS Viper (NCC-74291), 2373-2377]
Mother Nao Tedeza
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Lieutenant Kurumi Ebisuzawa [First Cousin- currently serving as Chief of Security aboard the USS Myogi (NCC-65918)]

Personality & Traits

General Overview Commander Tedeza is a tough, headstrong woman who holds a reasonable degree of maturity over her charges. Though she endeavors to be fair and understanding, she can at times be bluntly opinionated on how she feels that things need to be done, even going so far as to override direct orders if she feels they would put her charges in jeopardy.

With her father having served as a Commanding Officer during the Dominion War, Commander Tedeza is highly educated in various forms of self-defense, and is both independent and physically strong as a result of her upbringing. While talented in the field of espionage and deeply respected by her peers, she is paranoid enough to carry a vintage Glock 17 on her person at all times.

Though she tries to distinguish her personal hobbies and interests from her obligations to the Federation, Commander Tedeza secretly harbors an affinity for “feminine” things, though she is highly uncomfortable in sharing her interests for fear of being perceived as weak.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically and emotionally resilient.
+ Well-trained in hand-to-hand combat and other means of self-defense.
+ Kind, diligent, and (usually) sensible towards both her peers and commanding officers.
+/- Headstrong and bluntly opinionated.
- Sometimes forgoes orders if she feels they jeopardize her charges.
- Paranoid enough to carry a lethal firearm on her person at all times.
- Has an affinity for girly things.
Ambitions Commander Tedeza greatly idolizes some of Theta Fleet's finest captains, and aspires to one day reach their level of greatness; she recognizes that it's not something that happens overnight, however, so she's content with biding her time.

On a more private level, Rize secretly desires to be called "Cute," but she'll never admit to that anytime soon.
Hobbies & Interests o Parrises Squares
o Military paraphernalia
o “Girly” things
o Cosplay

Personal History

Personal History Rize Tedeza was born on February 14, 2360, to a wealthy family in the Japanese province of Hokkaido. Her father, Lieutenant Yasaburo Tedeza, was a member of Starfleet’s Advanced Tactical Division for over a decade, and was keen to ensure that his first and only child could protect herself. As such, most of his time between deployments was spent rigorously teaching Rize various forms of self-defense.

When Rize was twelve, the Dominion War broke out and then-Commander Tedeza was abruptly called away on duty, having been dispatched aboard the USS Viper (NCC-74291), a Defiant-Class destroyer tasked with overseeing the transportation of munitions to Federation-allied home worlds across the Alpha Quadrant. In 2374, a convoy that the Viper was escorting was ambushed by a Dominion patrol, and despite the best efforts of its crew, their numbers were quickly cut down by enemy forces. With the warp core leaking and heavy casualties piling up, Commander Tedeza rallied the remaining crew members and cut a full retreat, leading their attackers on a tense 3-hour chase before backup eventually arrived and ushered them to safety. For his quick-thinking and valor during the encounter, Commander Tedeza was promoted to the rank of Captain and was given full command of the Viper. His act of heroism left a strong impression on the young Rize, and would ultimately serve as the driving factor for her decision to pursue a career in Starfleet, much in a similar vein to that of her father.

As she transitioned into her adolescence, Rize began take her dream of joining Starfleet more seriously and started seeking out gainful employment in order to cover her tuition expenses. Her father, who coincidentally happened to be on shore leave at the time, referred him to an old friend of his; Lieutenant Takahiro Kafu, a retired and widowed Security Administrator who had been managing a café in the neighborhood. As it turned out, Takahiro owed Yasaburo a small favor from back in their Academy days, and was more than happy to employ Rize part-time at his establishment.

While working at the café, Rize became acquainted with Takahiro’s daughter, Chino, who was also working part-time at the establishment and lived in the space directly above. While at first she didn’t care much for the younger girl due to her quiet and sequestered mannerisms, with time Chino worked up the courage to opened up to her coworker and disclose some of the emotional struggles she had faced growing up in light of her mother's death. Feeling somewhat ashamed for ignoring Chino on prior occasions, Rize elected to make herself a more active part in the younger girl’s life, and from that point onward became someone with whom Chino could confide in with regards to her day-to-day troubles.

About a year into her employment at the café, Rize was cleaning up the backrooms one night when she encountered what she thought was an intruder and nearly shot her with her father’s antique service pistol. Fortunately, Chino arrived just in time to talk her down and proceeded to introduce the “intruder” as Cocoa Hoto, who would be staying with her family while attending a local high school in the area. Rize wasn’t quite certain what to make of the new girl at first, for while Cocoa was hardly lacking in charisma, her attention span left a lot to be desired. But in spite of the new girl's shortcomings, her unbridled enthusiasm eventually wormed its way into Rize’s heart, and she soon came around to valuing the friendship the three of them shared.

Towards the end of her High School tenure, Rize was approached by Cocoa and Chino shortly after they’d closed up shop one afternoon and asked what she was planning on doing once she eventually graduated. Figuring it wouldn’t hurt to satiate their curiosity, she shared with them her dream to pursue a career in Starfleet, much in the same vein as her father before her. Much to her surprise, both girls expressed similar interest in Rize's career field of choice, with Cocoa desiring to follow in the steps of her older sister and Chino hoping to take advantage of a tuition discount that would help her in attaining a degree in hospitality so that she could begin franchisng her father's café. Rize initially had her doubts as to whether or not the two of them fully grasped the risks that came with such a career, but was nonetheless flattered by their ambition, and pledged to help the two of them with Starfleet's entrance exams once they eventually came of age.

Rize formally enrolled at Starfleet Academy’s Tokyo campus in 2378, with the field of Command as her primary major and Security as a Secondary major. She was eventually joined by Cocoa in 2379, and not long after that Chino in 2380; though all three of them were studying in vastly different fields (Rize in Command and Security, Cocoa in Flight Control, and Chino in Operations), the odd trio managed to keep in touch with one another over the course of their overlapping tenures.

Rize proved particularly fastidious in her studies and graduated from the Academy with honors in 2382; after bidding a tearful goodbye to Cocoa and Chino, with whom she now shared a dedicated friendship, she was assigned to the Ambassador-Class USS Osaka (NCC-26593) as a Security Officer. Her first few years aboard the Osaka were relatively uneventful, save for a voluntary promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2384; her first notable promotion eventually came in the spring of 2387, when the Osaka was assigned to establish contact with the Ritians, a Beta Quadrant race who had only recently achieved warp capability. On that fateful assignment, Rize was part of the away team who beamed down to the surface to consult with the Ritian Imperial Consulate. However, when the conspiratorial Minister of Defense falsely accused the away team of slaughtering the Emperor’s prized race horse in a calculated bid to seize power, Rize and company were imprisoned and forced to partake in several rounds of fierce gladiatorial combat. It was here on the fields of battle that Rize’s saw her hand-t-hand training put to good use, and she utilized a combination of strength and wit to overpower several opponents that were easily twice her size. Eventually, the Minister of Defense’s deceit was uncovered, the crew of the Osaka managed to safely extract the away team with minimal casualties. For her valor, Rize was promoted to full Lieutenant and offered the position of Assistant Chief of Security.

During a Christmas party later that year, the Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Robert DePaul, along several other officers, abruptly took ill, and were determined by Medical Staff to be contaminated with what appeared to be a variant strain of the Anthrax virus. After quarantining the entire ship, Rize located the source of the infection as having originated from spores laced into the wrapping paper used for a gift exchange. Raising the possibility that this was a deliberate bio-attack on Federation Personnel, Rize carefully coordinated her efforts with intelligence to track down the culprit, whom it eventually came to light was an undercover agent for the Tal’Shiar who had been ordered to carry this attack out as an act of defiance against the Federation for their recent annexation of Sector 1044, which had formerly been a part of the Romulan Neutral Zone. The agent was promptly shipped off to stand trial for bio-terrorism, and Lieutenant Commander DePaul, deciding that it would be in his best interests to transfer to a specialized medical ward in order to seek treatment for his condition, recommended Rize to the command staff to serve as his direct replacement. Rize was surprised to find she was being offered the position of a department head just barely five years into her Starfleet career, as she felt she had just been doing her job; but she was hardly one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and accepted her promotion dutifully.

In 2390, the Second Officer of the Osaka, Commander Jayde Northampton, was offered an Executive role aboard Starbase 751, and so the position of Second Officer suddenly became vacant. After several potential candidates were considered, Rize was eventually approached for the position, to which she happily accepted.

In 2392, Rize was approached by Captain Moeka China, a decorated Dominion War veteran who had been scouting out potential recruits for her most recent command, the USS Ayanami (NCC-61027). After combing through Rize’s files, Captain China was of the opinion that Rize was an ideal candidate for her Executive Officer, citing her numerous accomplishments in such a short span of time as one of several contributing factors forming the basis of her judgement. Rize was shocked that she was already being approached for a major command role—and by someone with as storied a legacy as that of Captain China, no less—but after some careful deliberation, she reluctantly declined Captain China’s offer; Though she was honored to have been considered for the position, she felt that the place she belonged was on board the Osaka, and wanted to stick it out with her crew for a little while longer. Rather than being disappointed (as Rize was expecting her to be), she was surprised that Captain China seemed somewhat amiable about the whole ordeal, even commmending her for loyalties to her fellow crew mates at the expense of holding herself back.

In early 2394, the Dominion, in a move that was decidedly out-of-character, approached the Federation with the intent of tying up loose ends and entered talks to establish diplomatic relations between the two powers. On May 18 of that year, the Osaka was conducting a routine patrol in the Bajor sector when the crew received an emergency broadcast from Commodore Kaede Kayano of the USS Yamato (NCC-71807-A). The diplomatic talks, as it had transpired, were a ruse; the Dominion’s true objective was to mobilize and extract the Female Changeling, a Founder who was serving 100 concurrent life sentences in a maximum administrative facility for her role in the instigation of the Dominion War. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the Osaka was quick to divert its course and rendezvous with a small Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and Bajoran coalition that had mobilized to intercept the advancing Dominion Armada. However, in spite of the coalition’s best efforts to impede the Dominion’s advance, the tables were stacked against them from the start, and the Osaka was unfortunate enough to find itself on the receiving end of a Jem’Hadar battery. With the ship sustaining heavy damages in the ensuing barrage and the Warp Core minutes away from going critical, Rize barely had enough time to instigate evacuation procedures before she and several others were beamed to safety aboard the USS Cerberus (NCC-TBD). She was one of only 200 survivors, out of a crew compliment of nearly 700.

Following a six-month stint in a rehabilitative facility to help her cope with survivor’s guilt, Rize voluntarily requested a domestic reassignment while she reassessed her career options; Starfleet Administration obliged in her request, and managed to secure her a teaching position at Starfleet Academy’s Tokyo Campus.

In 2396, now-Fleet Captain China once again approached Rize, this time with a command position aboard the USS Europa (NCC-71852)-- a Galaxy-Class Explorer that had was awaiting crew following its recent acquisition from the Third Fleet. Rize was initially reluctant to accept the position, as she was still somewhat disheartened by what she believed to be her failure to save the lives of her fellow crew members two years prior, and didn't believe she could handle the responsibility of commanding a Galaxy. Fleet Captain China didn't appear all that disappointed with Rize's objections, as there was still plenty of other candidates she had yet to consider. However, just as she prepared to leave, Rize suddenly had a change of heart and decided to accept Fleet Captain China's terms.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number TD-410-2014-ZA
Command authorization code Tedeza-5-5-6-9-Wild-Geese
Education & Qualifications o 2366-2377: Compulsory Education
o 2378-2382: Starfleet Academy [Command (primary), Security (secondary)]
Awards & Commendations TBD
Medical History TBD
Service Record o 2382: Graduated Starfleet Academy with a Major in Command
o 2382-2384: USS Osaka (Ensign- Security Officer)
o 2384-2387: USS Osaka (Lieutenant, Junior Grade- Security Officer)
o 2387: USS Osaka (Lieutenant – Assistant Chief of Security)
o 2387-2390: USS Osaka (Lieutenant – Chief of Security)
o 2390-2394: USS Osaka (Lieutenant Commander – Chief of Security, Second Officer)
o 2392: Passed up promotion and transfer to USS Ayanami (NCC-61027)
o 2394: Leave of absence
o 2394-2396: Starfleet Academy, Tokyo Campus (Lieutenant Commander, Security Instructor)
o 2396-????: USS Europa (Commander- Commanding Officer)