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Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 5:29am

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa

Name Ruby Kurosawa

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22
Date of Birth 21st September 2373
Place of Birth Sendai, Japan, EArth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Ruby has a fairly thin figure. She has dazzling green eyes and red hair which she usually keeps tied up in twin tails when on duty. She looks young having tones down Japanese Facial features due to her heritage being half English, Hald Japanese.

She wears the optional skirted/dress variant of the uniform which comes as a once piece skant. She prefers this to the standard duty uniform.


Spouse None
Status single
Children None
Father Kosako Kurosawa
Mother Hayleigh Kurosawa
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Lieutenant Dia Kurasawa (Older Sister)
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ruby is very shy and timid, which makes it hard for her to get along with other people. She had always wanted to do well and shine, however she needed to gain her own confidence. She is still rather shy and is very 'wet behind the ears' when it comes to Starfleet, however she is working on trying to be more confident. She gets excited easily and is often regared as a caring and nice young woman.

She does also have a palyful side to her, especially around friends. She has been known to playfully tease her friends for fun. Due to the strong bond she shares with her sister Dia, Ruby will immediately display her tough interior and defend her sister when needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Include:
+ Starship Operations
+ Quick Thinking
+ Athletic
+ Good at dancing and singing

Weaknesses Include:
- Can get overexcited
- Gets scared easily
- Still very much 'wet behind the ears'
- Can't stand spicy food!
Ambitions Ruby's main ambitions are to work her way up. She doesn't really fit the command, but she enjoys the Operational side of a Starship. She works hard for what she wants. She has considered one day having a family, but she doesn't see that in her immediate future. Right now she just wants to make a good impression.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies and Interests Include:
- Dancing
- Swimming
- Needlework and fashion
- Singing

Personal History

Personal History From an early age Ruby has shown a talent for organisation. She was known as a child to have a very organised toy box so she knew where things were at all times. She was also always singing and dancing whenever there was music around her.

She grew up looking up to her older Sister Dia who was more serious. Ruby was always wanting to play, and always wanting to have fun. In her middle school years, she discovered that she was very good at managing logistics in school affairs. She was on the planning commitee for the school festival and worked hard to ensure it was successful.

It was then that Ruby realised she was actually not that bad at something worthwhile. Although her parents pushed her to work on that, she wanted to sing and dance more. She joined the idol club in her first year of high school, much to the disappointment of her older sister who was the student council president at the time.

However, she enjoyed dancing and singing. She got into needlework and into the making of the costumes for the small group of girls. However where she really began to shine was behind the scenes where she helped manage the stage lighting, sound equipment and some of the props. it was this that would evantually lead her into her Starfleet Career.

When she graduated High School at age eighteen, she wasn't sure what to do. Her older sister had gone into Starfleet. Being not sure, she decided to give it a shot. She thought her timid and quiet nature would stp her application so she wasn't sure about it. However she was accepted.

She underwent basic orientation and asked which department she wanted to aim for. She wasn't sure at the time. The next year she spent at the Academy training to become an officer. She picked up a lot of knowledge and was amazed that she was keeping it in because it interested her.

In her second year, she was pulled aside and advised to go into Engineering or Operations. Ruby chose Operations as she liked the idea of running the day to day jobs on a ship. Plus is worked to her strengths. The next two years passed quickly and Ruby was then in her senior year.

Her senior year she found herself being placed on a cadet cruise on the USS Unicorn along with several other cadets. She was placed as the Chief of Operations for the cruise and loved serving on the bridge. She worked hard on her cadet cruise and the Unicorn returned back to the Academy in plenty of time for graduation.

Ruby graduated in the top 5% of her class, she had put the work in to excel at her strengths. Her sister was now a Lieutenant and she wanted to get up to her rank too. However she was still a few rungs lower on the ladder.

After graduation Ruby was awaiting orders with her rank of Ensign. She was told she would be taking an Operations Position on the next available Starship with the position open. After the USS Myogi needed a new Chief of Operations desperately, she was assigned the position. It was unusual for Ensigns straight out of the academy to get such a position, however her grades and skills were far sufficient for Starfleet Command to allow it.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number RS-289-2593 BCB
Command authorization code Kurosawa Omega Beta Red
Education & Qualifications Japanese Standard Education - Primary, Middle, High School Diploma
Starfleet Academy Class of 2395 - Operations Division
Service Record 2391 - 2395 - Starfleet Academy - Operations Division
2395 - ???? - USS Myogi - Chief of Operations [Note: Assigned under desperate circumstances. Cleared by Starfleet Command]