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Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 9:33pm

Lieutenant EMH MK. V

Name EMH MK. V 'Shizuka'

Position Emergency Medical Hologram

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hologram
Place of Birth USS Myogi computer matrix
Sexuality asexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 128 lbs
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color brown
Physical Description For the Mark V, the EMH's traditionally male structure has been done away with in favor of a more "calming" female framework. Though many comments have been made concerning the attractiveness of the Mark V, the Myogi's EMH has decided, after too many unwanted advances, to eliminate subroutines from its programming in which it is capable or reciprocating any romantic feelings expressed towards it.


Status single

Personality & Traits

General Overview Though the Myogi's EMH is programmed to be a capable medical professional, the EMH has developed several subroutines to give it a somewhat ditsy beside manner.

After too many unwanted advances, the EMH has eliminated subroutines in which it is capable of reciprocating romantic feelings towards it. Thus, attempting to flirt with it will activate a singular subroutine in which the EMH will tell you it is not interested in you one way or another.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Capable medical professional
+Utilitarian, able to assume duties of CMO if needed

-Unable to feel romance
-Maintains professional relationships with patients and is incapable of starting personal relationships.
-Ditzy bedside manner
-Terrible for counseling
Ambitions To not be marked as obsolete and be replaced
Hobbies & Interests The EMH has eliminated hobby & interest subroutines from its program in order to prevent a romantic image being produced of it.

Personal History

Personal History After the success of the EMH Mark IV, Captain Tanaka Miyahara commissioned a brand new model of Emergency Medical Hologram to debut alongside Project Jomo. One which would address the Mark IV's shortcomings and push the boundaries of innovation as Project Jomo was.

One of the major features Miyahara wanted was to make a mobile emitter standard equipment for the Mark V and future EMH models, and pushed greatly for its inclusion. However, his repeated requests to study and duplicate the only known mobile emitter in existence- the one belonging to the USS Voyager's Mark I EMH, known as 'The Doctor'- were denied, on the basis of preserving the timeline, even though Miyahara used the argument of the bootstrap paradox, and that if the temporal agents were so concerned about timeline preservation, they wouldn't have allowed the future technology to remain in the past.

One of the ways Miyahara got around the lack of a mobile emitter was to have an intricate network of emitters installed throughout the ship, even in unusual locations, such as Jefferies tubes, spaced apart in a manner so as to make it seamless for the EMH to transition between emitters without having to travel through the ship's computer, thus giving the EMH increased freedom of movement.

In development, the EMH's traditionally male structure was discarded in favor of an experimental female frame, which was believed would deliver a more calming experience to the patient. The Mark V's matrix was also given some of the most sophisticated security protocols of the time, guarded by an algorithm designed to rewrite itself and adapt to advances in digital security as a means of keeping ahead of even the most savvy hackers to prevent any and all unauthorized access to the EMH's holomatrix, ensuring that any outside alterations to the EMH's matrix would be done with the consent of the program itself.

When the USS Myogi was commissioned in 2382, the EMH Mark V debuted alongside it, and the EMH was praised as a technological marvel that "far surpassed the limitations of the Mark IV." However, once the newness wore off, the Myogi's EMH encountered an inherent design flaw with its female frame, as many crewmembers attempted to flirt with it, some more aggressively than others. These compounded incidents conflicted with the EMH's installed medical knowledge, which stressed professional relationships first. As such, the EMH decided to eliminate any and all subroutines from its matrix in which it was capable of being a romantic entity to bring itself in line with its installed principles. This made the Myogi's EMH infamously "cold" and virtually unapproachable from any other angle except as a medical professional: Qualities Miyahara appreciated in an EMH.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number EMH MK5 - MYG
Command authorization code EMH 2-3-8-2 Teal
Education & Qualifications The EMH's program contains the most complete database of medical knowledge available
Service Record 2382-Present: USS Myogi - Emergency Medical Hologram