
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 10:20am

Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer

Name Sterling Mallory Archer

Position Mission Advisor

Second Position Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Date of Birth 2357
Place of Birth Lima, Ohio
Sexuality pan-sexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 174 Lbs.
Hair Color Dark
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Archer stands tall at 6'1" inches. He is into fitness and working out in the Myogi Gym. He has a missing index finger because a Caterian Cat, in 2389, bit it off. The Lieutenant JG regularly checks in with the Ships Doctor as he is a Hypochondriac.


Spouse None
Status single
Children Archer has no plans for children in his life.
Father Dominic Archer
Mother Francine Archer
Brother(s) William "Will" Archer. Born in 2360, aged 35. William keeps in constant contact with Archer as they are strong in Family bonds.
Sister(s) Angel "Ariel" Archer. Born in 2360, aged 35. Ariel was born just 5 minutes after her older brother William. Angel is a misfit in the Archer Family as she likes to cause trouble in the Social Life of Elites on Deneb 04.
Other Family Muriel. The Family Nanny. The Family still has a Nanny at home taking care of the Archer Family household. Nobody has been at the house together in 4 years. Muriel keeps in contact with Archer in regards to neighbors, gossip, and news back in Lima, Ohio, Earth, United Federation of Planets.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Archer is a myriad of identities. is calm and cool but can be offhanded when on the holodeck. Archer is unconventional. The Lieutenant will consider aspects of Mission Briefings and add his analysis in Planning and Implementation of Resources quite well due to his photographic memory.
Strengths & Weaknesses Archer excels in mission planning and implementation of Starfleet Standards and Protocol adherences. He is trained in Hospitality and Conference Setting Up. He gets the instructions from Starfleet on Mission and Status parameters and presents them to the Command Staff for Review in Briefing Stylized Folders.


- Smart
- Authentic
- Brave
- Persistent


- Likes to be chatty
- Likes to gossip
- Likes to downplay issues
- Favoritism

Ambitions - To be Captain of a Starliner and vacation hop.
- To Handle mission opportunities competently that arise.
- To be multi-lingual
Hobbies & Interests - Weaponry
- Guns N Ammo
- Flower Gardening
- Floral Arrangements
- Pizza Pockets
- Hot Chocolate
- Hockey
- Curling
- Tennis

Archer has interests in Federation Politics as it serves his position to be apprised of the latest happenings within the Federation Colonies to respond appropriately to mission advice.

Personal History

Personal History Archer's Personal History

Archer was born in the year 2357 to parents Dominic and Francine Archer.

Archer was schooled in Lima, Ohio at Sir Hummel High School.

**Further to be Added**

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number DI-034-3889-LLA
Command authorization code Axel-00-1-Beta-Beta-G4