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Fri Aug 5th, 2022 @ 1:50pm

Ensign Leilani Mo'naa

Name Leilani Mo'naa

Position Nurse

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Risian
Age 23
Date of Birth 25/4/2372
Place of Birth Nuvia city, Risa
Sexuality pan-sexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 127 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Melted chocolate brown
Physical Description Typically attractive like most Risian women tend to be Leilani tends to draw eyes with her long, dark hair she often keeps down past her shoulders, light mocha complexion and melted chocolate brown eyes that always seem to be alight with warmth and buxom figure despite being about average height at about 5’6” or thereabouts. She takes great effort in maintaining her appearance through careful diet and exercise and it shows in the tone of her limbs and stomach.


Spouse None
Status single
Children None
Father Halei Mo'naa
Mother Lorelei Mo'naa
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview The popular Risian adage ‘All that is mine is yours’ would be a good descriptor for the Risian - she gives of her effort and concentration and attention fully to whomever she speaks to or whichever task has been set out before her. When she puts herself to a task (especially when it’s designing an outfit for someone else) you’ll find that she can’t easily be broken away from it until she’s done - and she makes sure that when she’s completed the task the end result is one of quality, always.

You'll find that she's a rather open and friendly individual off duty however, often shamelessly flirting with those she finds interesting - though that tends to extend to everyone, most of the time. Everyone has their own story to tell and things to offer; that much she learned that growing up on Risa. That being said just because she playfully hits on others doesn't mean that she necessarily wants to bed everyone else.
Strengths & Weaknesses +/-Hard, focused worker
+Loyal friend
+/-Works extremely hard to keep everyone happy and morale high, as far as her job will allow her
+/-Draws eyes easily
Ambitions - To become head nurse, and possibly someday switch career paths to become a doctor
- To represent her people well
Hobbies & Interests -Exercise
-Traditional Risian dance

Personal History

Personal History Lani saw her first light of Risa in a ward in the capital city of Nuvia, to her mother who made clothes for a living and her father, who at the time was a lieutenant serving aboard the USS Latvia, and as such wasn’t around to take care of her very much - though when he was around to see his wife and daughter he made sure to spend as much time as possible with them both.

Growing up in the Hedony’s capital meant that soon enough the young girl would be attend school in the city centre and be educated along with her peers; it would be from here that she learned to be open, warm and friendly among other things, as well as about the other races that inhabited the universe with them. Being equipped with knowledge from school about all the different people that visited her mother’s shop, Leilani would soon become something of a fixture in her mother’s shop, engaging the guests and peppering them with questions about themselves. There were the occasional patrons who weren’t quite as appreciative of being questioned, of course, but by and large the young girl, with her spirit and endless curiosity and lovely young smile was well received by her customers indeed. It should also be noted that many of these visitors were also Starfleet officers seeking a getaway from their hectic shipboard or stationboard lives, leading the young girl to be properly exposed to Starfleet quite early on.

She eventually did decide to join Starfleet, or at least try to, when she befriended the son of one of her mother's regular customers and friend, who just so happened to be a retired Starfleet medical officer working in the local hospital. She would sometimes help out at the hospital when her mother's work day was particularly hectic; it was during these times that this friend would tell her stories of his service with Starfleet and in sickbay, and of all the things he'd had to do. All things considered she thought that his work sounded fairly exciting - and that it was a field quite worth pursuing.

She would leave for Starfleet Academy on Earth aged nineteen, eventually graduating with her medical degree and training by a decent margin.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number LM-9696-8293
Command authorization code Leilani Four Lima Mike
Education & Qualifications -Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education received on Risa
-Starfleet Academy medical school
Awards & Commendations None so far
Medical History Leilani is careful to watch what she eats and exercise plenty, leading to her being in excellent physical health. Despite some of the less savory activities she sometimes gets up to she makes sure that she takes all the appropriate preventive measures.
Service Record None so far; the Myogi is her first ship.