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Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 5:26am

Commodore Tohru Honda

Name Tohru Honda

Position Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 44
Date of Birth July 4, 2352
Place of Birth Tokyo, Japan, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2
Weight 101.4 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Tohru is a fair-skinned slim Japanese woman of average height, yet she is surprisingly strong for one of her stature. She has waist length brown hair and an eyebrow length fringe that frames her round blue eyes. She has two long strands of hair that lay over her shoulders and often wears bows of varying color in her hair to help her manage it. Off duty, she has either has her hair untied, in pigtails, in a ponytail, or in braids.

Tohru wears a variant of the flag officer's uniform with all gold piping on the tunic paired with a skirt. When she is not in uniform, Tohru wears simple and practical clothing, typically light dresses and skirts, though she will occasionally wear a pair of blue jeans.


Spouse Captain Kyo Sohma
Status married
Children Hajime Sohma (19 years old)
Kazuma Sohma Jr. (14 years old)
Kyoko Sohma (10 years old)
Father Katsuya Honda (deceased)
Mother Kyoko Honda (deceased)
Other Family Edo Honda (Grandfather)
Hisako Honda (Nee Toyoda, Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tohru has an approachable, kind, and loveable aura, which draws people to her, making them feel understood and accepted. She is an extremely kind-hearted, gentle, optimistic, compassionate, and cheerful woman who sees the good in everyone she meets and is willing to help them no matter what. She doesn't hold any grudges towards those who have wronged her. Despite losing her parents and even being homeless for a while, she always has a smile on her face, remaining sweet, hardworking, independent and positive.

However, side effects of her personality include neglecting herself to the point of physical illness. Her self-esteem issues mean she will often keep her true feelings bottled up, instead doubling down on her positive personality to dissuade anyone from thinking something is wrong. Though it is rare, Tohru also has a tough side; if she disagrees with a decision made, she will defend her position to her last breath.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Compassionate
+Doesn't hold grudges

-Easy to manipulate
-Can and will neglect herself to the point of sickness
-Tends to keep her emotions bottled up
-Has abandonment issues
Ambitions Now that Tohru has made the rank of Commodore, her ambitions are to climb up the Admiralty ranks, though she understands that doing so will mean she will no longer be able to command a starship. As the new Commanding Officer of Task Force Jomo, she has already handed over command of the USS Zodiac (Task Force Jomo's new flagship) to her husband, Kyo, as the added duties that came with the promotion have proven to be too much for her.

Personal History

Personal History Tohru Honda was born July 4, 2352 to Katsuya and Kyoko Honda in Tokyo. Katsuya was a Federation diplomat while Kyoko was the former leader of a delinquent Bosozoku gang. When Tohru was 3 years old, her father passed away from Pneumonia while on a business trip. At her father's funeral, Tohru was accused of being the child of an affair because she inherited more of her mother's genetics than her father's, and given her mother's delinquent past, Kyoko was criticized and blamed for her husband's death. Unfortunately, the criticism was one of Tohru's earliest memories, and because of this, she has a difficult time remembering her father fondly.

As Tohru grew older, her mother slipped into a deep depression, and was on the verge of suicide until she was snapped out of it by some passing tourists. From that day on, Kyoko dedicated herself to raising Tohru as a single parent. When Tohru was a teenager, however, tragedy would strike once again when her mother was fatally injured in a hit and run accident. Despite the best efforts of paramedics, Kyoko was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.

Tohru was hit especially hard by her mother's loss, and as she was packing up her things to move out of the flat she had shared with her mother, Tohru made a vow to her mother to live life to the fullest.

In her senior year of high school, Tohru's grandfather, Edo, whom she had lived with since Kyoko's death revealed that Tohru's aunt and her family would be moving back to the family home. However, the run-down home was in need of a remodeling before Tohru's aunt could move in, and Edo would be staying with his daughter during the remodel. However, her aunt's house could only accommodate her grandparents, and Tohru would have to find herself a place to stay. Her ingenious solution was to buy a tent from a local outdoor store and live in it until the renovation was complete.

However, it was the suggestion of her childhood friend, Yuki Sohma, to apply for Starfleet Academy, as Starfleet could provide her with permanent lodging if accepted. Yuki had already been accepted to Starfleet Academy, and was preparing to start as soon as he graduated from high school in Japan. So, he wrote a letter of recommendation for Tohru to supplement her own application. Perhaps that was why her application was approved so quickly, and so, in 2370, aged 18, Tohru entered Starfleet Academy on the Engineering track with Yuki.

At the Academy, Tohru met Kyo Sohma, a hot-blooded cadet on the security track who seemed to loathe and despise Yuki, despite the fact that Kyo had been adopted into the rather expansive Sohma family after his biological father rejected him. One night, Tohru learned while Kyo was a few sheets to the wind that he had actually been friends with her late mother, despite having never actually spoken to Tohru until the Academy. Kyo also admitted in his drunken stupor that he had feelings for Tohru, and that he wanted to make her happy. When Tohru asked Kyo the next time she saw him if he truly meant what he had said when he was drunk, and to her surprise, he did admit it, but he seemed rather embarrassed to be doing so, which led to the two of them having a lengthy talk about how it was okay to express one's feelings for people they liked, which ended with the two of them agreeing to start seeing each other regularly.

In 2373, in Tohru's junior year, she was offered a chance to go on a cadet cruise aboard the USS Honeysuckle Rose. Kyo wished her the best of luck, and told her to say hello to his old Senpai, Ensign Tanaka Miyahara, whom had been assigned to the vessel after his graduation.

However, a few months into her cadet cruise, the Dominion War broke out, and it was decided to cancel the cadet cruise because of the cadets' safety. However, Tohru was allowed to remain on board because her impressive engineering knowledge meant she could easily pass off as an engineer and work on the vessel as a supplement to the engineering staff. Tohru often had meals with Ensign Miyahara, who was curious to know how his former Kohai was holding up, especially without the both of them around.

However, during a routine response to a distress call, the Honeysuckle Rose was disabled and boarded by Jem'Hadar. Tohru stuck close with Miyahara as his ever-diminishing group fought their way towards the escape pods.

Only three people successfully abandoned ship; Tohru, Miyahara, and the Honeysuckle Rose's captain. However, she had been mortally wounded during the struggle, and she died in Miyahara's arms. The rest were slaughtered by the Jem'Hadar. Why the Jem'Hadar spared the one escape pod remains a mystery to this day.

After Tohru and Miyahara were rescued, Tohru returned to Starfleet Academy, where Kyo was relieved to see her alive. So relieved, in fact, that that night, Kyo washed away the last of Tohru's innocence, and Tohru woke up in Kyo's bed with him the next morning a changed woman.

Tohru graduated in 2374, while the war was still in full swing. However, the Alliance had recently won a major victory with Operation Return. Tohru was assigned to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower as an engineering officer. Kyo was also assigned to the Eisenhower as a security officer.

The Eisenhower was an Akira class starship was assigned to the Tenth Fleet tasked with protecting Betazed. However, the Eisenhower and the rest of the Tenth Fleet left the Betazed system lightly defended while the fleet conducted a training exercise, thus allowing the Dominion to practically walk right into the Betazed system unopposed, plunging the war into its darkest hour.

The Tenth Fleet was severely criticized for the decision to conduct a training exercise, and there was a shakeup in command of the Tenth Fleet. Several Commanding Officers also stepped down out of shame, including the Eisenhower's captain. A new captain was brought in, who proposed a more extensive use of starfighters aboard her new command than had been done previously. It was this concept that would later pave way for the Armitage class carriers. In late 2374, the Tenth Fleet sought to salvage its image by assigning the Eisenhower and a few of her fleet mates to participate in the First Battle of Chin'toka, which was a success for the Federation Alliance.

However, in early 2375, Kyo took part in the Siege of AR 558, and though he survived, it was not without great cost, as his right arm required amputation. Tohru helped Kyo through the tough time he was having and helped him adjust to his cybernetic arm. At this point, Kyo finally worked up the courage to drop down on one knee and ask Tohru's hand in marriage.

Tohru said yes, commenting that she thought Kyo would never ask. Kyo had wanted to get married before his medical leave was up and they returned to duty. However, the Breen attacked Earth, and both Kyo and Tohru knew it was time for them to get back to work. When they reported back in after their leave of absence, they were shocked to find half pips waiting for them. Kyo had been awarded a promotion for his bravery during the siege of AR 558 while Tohru's half pip had been on back order from her efforts during the first battle of Chin'toka.

However, it wasn't long after Tohru and Kyo had returned to duty before the Dominion returned to take back the Chin'toka system in what would be known as the more disastrous second battle of Chin'toka. After regrouping for the counteroffensive, the Eisenhower sent its fighters with the assault fleet. None of them returned, and the Eisenhower and the survivors of the battle were forced to retreat in disgrace.

Following the battle, the Eisenhower returned to Utopia Planitia to take on new fighters and pilots in preparation of a massive Federation invasion of Cardassia. Tohru was offered an opportunity to become the Eisenhower's new flight deck chief, meaning she would be responsible for happenings on the Eisenhower's flight deck. The Eisenhower's captain explained she needed a good engineer to take charge of the flight deck, and felt Tohru was right for the job. Tohru accepted the offer, and officially became the Eisenhower's deck boss, a position she would hold for the next five years.

Later in 2375, the Dominion War came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Bajor. Tohru and Kyo celebrated the occasion by conceiving their first child, though they didn't intend to do so, they both had been so preoccupied with the later stages of the war that they had both forgotten their contraception injections, and in early 2376, their first child, a son they named Hajime, was born.

In 2380, Tohru was offered a promotion to full Lieutenant as well as a job aboard the USS Concorde, an Intrepid class starship, as that ship's Assistant Chief Engineer. Though the transfer would mean she would have to part with Kyo. However, Kyo assured her that everything would be okay, and the two made love one final time before Tohru left.

About a month after Tohru reported in, she began feeling ill, and she discovered that she was pregnant again. She told Kyo about it at her earliest opportunity. In early 2381, Tohru gave birth to her and Kyo's second son, whom they named after Kyo's adopted father, Kazuma.

When Kazuma was a year old, his mother was offered a promotion to Chief Engineer and Second Officer, as the Concorde's Chief Engineer had accepted a reassignment. Tohru accepted and served in the roles with distinction for the next 3 years.

In late 2384, the Concorde's captain placed a recommendation for Tohru to take a Kobayashi Maru exam. Tohru returned to Earth and was reunited with Kyo, who had also taken a leave of absence to give Hajime some time off a starship to breathe non-recycled air. This was also the first time that the 9 year old Hajime met his 4 year old brother face to face.

When Tohru completed her Kobayashi Maru exam, Starfleet's plans for her came to light, as she was slated to become the Executive Officer of the USS Zodiac, a brand new Sovereign class starship that was about to be launched. The assignment would entail a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, but Starfleet felt that Tohru was ready for the responsibility.

Tohru accepted the position and promotion, and since the family was together, Tohru sent Kazuma back to with his father and took Hajime with her to the Zodiac, but not before Kyo left her another surprise gift with a third pregnancy. Tohru gave birth to their third child, a girl whom she promptly named after her late mother, Kyoko, later in 2385.

Tohru served as the Zodiac's Executive Officer for four years. receiving a promotion to full Commander by 2387, In 2389, the Zodiac's captain was abducted and assimilated by the Borg, and in order to prevent a major Borg incursion into the Alpha Quadrant, Tohru was forced to kill her captain. When the Zodiac pulled in following the mission, Tohru was expecting for a new captain to be brought in. However, Starfleet informed her that they would not be bringing in a new captain, as she would be given full command of the Zodiac, and would be allowed to pick her successor as XO. Tohru, of course, sent a letter of recommendation for Kyo to take a Kobayashi Maru exam himself, and he would subsequently take over her responsibilities. In 2389, Tohru's family would be reunited once again.

In 2391, Tohru, now a Captain, reunited with Miyahara, who had become an Admiral by that point. Miyahara was glad to know that the frightened cadet who shared that escape pod with him all those years ago was doing well for herself, and married with three kids, no less. After Tohru and Miyahara completed a job together, Miyahara pulled some strings to have the Zodiac be assigned to Task Force Jomo, which Miyahara was the commanding officer of.

In 2394, Tohru was promoted to Commodore and Miyahara offered her the position of Task Force Jomo Executive Officer. Tohru was concerned that she wouldn't be able to deal with the extra work load. However, both Miyahara and Kyo encouraged her to take it on. And so, Tohru reluctantly agreed to become Task Force Jomo's Executive Officer.

Tohru had been Task Force Jomo Executive Officer for less than a year when Miyahara suddenly resigned after the trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka. As such, command of Task Force Jomo fell to Tohru by default. Tohru knew that she would not be able to cope with the added stress of being a Task Force Commanding Officer in addition to her duties as Commanding Officer of the Zodiac. And so, Tohru stepped down from command of the Zodiac, leaving the Sovereign class starship in good hands by promoting Kyo to the command chair. Though Tohru did request that the Zodiac take over from the USS Myogi as being the flagship of Task Force Jomo. A request that Starfleet granted, given Tohru's history with the Zodiac.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number HN-206-1998-DA
Command authorization code Honda-0-1-blue-1-9-alpha
Education & Qualifications Japanese Education (Certificate of Graduation - High School)
Starfleet Academy - Engineering
Academy field training cruise aboard USS Honeysuckle Rose (NOTE: Cadet Cruise was officially canceled. However, Cadet Honda was permitted to remain aboard because of her talents.)
Kobayashi Maru Exam
Awards & Commendations Dominion War Medal of Appreciation

Montgomery Scott Engineering Award

Commendation for leadership during Borg incursion, 2389. -Note from Vice Admiral Petra Ross: "The leadership that Commander Honda demonstrated as acting commander of the USS Zodiac following the assimilation of Captain Wu far surpassed Starfleet's expectations. Killing the officer you've come to trust for over four years is never easy. However, given the threat that the assimilated Wu posed to the Alpha Quadrant, Commander Honda made the right decision, though no doubt it wasn't easy." [Note: Comment was later reused when recommending Commander Honda for command of the Zodiac.]
Medical History Tohru's drive to help others means that she is capable of neglecting herself to the point of physical illness. On multiple occasions, it has been necessary to relieve her of duty so that she may get the rest she needs.

Tohru's tendency to keep her emotions bottled up is also a cause for concern in regards to her mental health. However, she seems to be managing it well, and to date has not been placed on a mental health hold.
Service Record 2374-2375: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ensign -Engineering Officer)
2375: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Lieutenant JG - Engineering Officer)
2375-2380: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Lieutenant JG - Flight Deck Crew Chief)
2380-2382: USS Concorde (Lieutenant - Assistant Chief Engineer)
2382-2385: USS Concorde (Lieutenant - Chief Engineer/Second Officer)
2385-2387: USS Zodiac (Lieutenant Commander - Executive Officer)
2387-2389: USS Zodiac (Commander - Executive Officer)
2389-2391: USS Zodiac (Commander - Commanding Officer)
2391-2394: USS Zodiac (Captain - Commanding Officer)
2394-2395: USS Zodiac (Commodore - Commanding Officer/Task Force Jomo Executive Officer)
2395-present: Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer (Commodore)