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Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 6:00pm

Takeshi Nakazato

Name Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'

Position Guest Star

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32
Date of Birth November 6, 2364
Place of Birth Gunma, Japan, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Takeshi is a tall man with a slightly muscular torso build. He keeps his black hair neat and tidy aside from a few wild strands which he lets hang freely over his forehead. He is stronger than he looks, capable of lifting heavy objects and running marathons without breaking a sweat.


Spouse Sayuki Nakazato
Status married
Children Mako Nakazato, Age 6
Zack Nakazato Jr., Age 4
Father Rin Nakazato
Mother Yoshiko Nakazato
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Takeshi could be described as almost Vulcan-like. All the more surprising that he's not a Vulcan hybrid. He is often calm and collected, able to determine logical solutions to problems. But, like Vulcans, he is prone to sudden outbursts of emotion, which he lets get in the way of his mind, and his command suffers. But unlike Vulcans, he does not resort to physical violence during his outbursts, instead, keeping it purely verbal.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

+ A skilled tactician, known for his problem-solving abilities.
+ A capable pilot, able to fly a shuttlecraft like an attack fighter, and if given the chance, could probably helm a starship in a similar manner. This carries over from his days of racing antique ground cars on Earth, though his piloting skills will likely go unrealized in the field of command.
+ Well-versed in the cultures of other Alpha Quadrant powers and their proper etiquette, making him an invaluable diplomatic tool.
+ Skilled in hand-to-hand, melee weapon, and phaser combat.


- When shown that he might be in the wrong, he will stubbornly refuse to admit it until catastrophe happens.
- Prone to emotional outbursts.
- Has an irrational fear of being seduced, and as such, has difficulty opening up to women.
- Can be ruthless during fights. This could also be considered a strength, depending on how you look at it.
Ambitions Now that Takeshi has been dishonorably discharged from Starfleet. Takeshi's ambitions are to make the most of what's left of his life and try to be a good husband and father.
Hobbies & Interests - Historic Earth ground cars from the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Specifically ground cars made in his home country of Japan at that time. He also enjoys racing said ground cars, specifically in the grip style.
- The cultures of other Alpha Quadrant powers
- The arts of hand-to-hand, melee weapon, and phaser combat
- Classical dance music from the late 20th century, known at the time as "Eurobeat"
- Pre- World War III Manga and Anime, from before the 'Great Manga Crackdown' of the mid 2020's, when the Japanese and later United Earth Governments would severely restrict what Manga could be about.

Personal History

Personal History Takeshi was born and raised in Gunma, Japan. Though he would graduate from both high school and university at the top of his class, he didn't really have any direction in life. Instead, he preferred to tinker with old school ground cars, buying and fixing up an almost 400 year old 1994 Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32, which was far easier to work on than any modern hover car.

In 2384, he began to race his GT-R on an old mountain pass on Mount Myogi, long forgotten by the modern Earth society. His reputation as the fastest the pass had seen in centuries began drawing fellow ground car enthusiasts to the pass, which would eventually see the formation of the Myogi NightKids, with Takeshi at the organization's head.

It would be during his tenure leading the NightKids from 2384 to 2387 that Takeshi's Starfleet career would begin, unbeknownst to him, as leading the NightKids would give him a head start in the field of command.

In 2387, Takeshi met a beautiful woman named Sayuki, and it was only after he decided he wanted to make her a Nakazato that he also decided he would turn his life around. He dissolved the NightKids, and the following year, he joined Starfleet, entering Starfleet Academy with command as his chosen field.

During his tenure at Starfleet Academy, Takeshi proved himself an intelligent and capable commander, but nothing exceptional.

Takeshi would also take several courses in the field of piloting that did not apply to his major, but he had an action itch that the courses in Command just couldn't scratch.

When he wasn't in class, Takeshi could be found reading up on the cultures of the other Alpha Quadrant Powers, as being part of Starfleet now gave him access to Memory Alpha, and he could learn more about the greater galaxy that he was getting himself into.

This research also carried a second purpose: Preparation for his Kobayashi Maru exam. By being well-versed in the cultures of the other Alpha Quadrant powers, Takeshi could figure out how best to exploit whichever culture the program decided to throw at him. But despite his efforts, the Kobayashi Maru test was otherwise uneventful.

After graduating from the Academy in 2391, Takeshi was assigned to the USS Myogi as a mission advisor. Takeshi's tactical genius quickly made him an invaluable resource to the Myogi, and what was intended as a temporary assignment became a permanent position.

Despite having only been out of the academy for a year, Takeshi landed himself a new job aboard the Myogi as Starfighter Air Boss. And with the new job came a promotion to Lieutenant Jr. Grade.

In 2393, the Myogi's Third Officer was killed in action, and Takeshi saw this as his opportunity to apply for the recently vacated position. His application was almost instantly approved, since he had already been serving aboard Myogi, and they wouldn't need to transfer someone from another ship.

With his ascension to Third Officer came his promotion to full Lieutenant, and he would be commended for bravery during a skirmish several months later and rise to Commander.

But, as fate would have it, Takeshi wouldn't have very long to enjoy the extra weight on his collar, as he would be demoted back to Lieutenant following a catastrophic shuttlecraft disaster, in which multiple Starfleet Personnel and civilians were killed. The demotion would come after the investigation linked Takeshi to be one of the leading causes of the disaster.

In 2394, the Myogi would respond to a distress call from the USS Tokyo, but they were advised that the Tokyo's crew were experiencing... Hallucinations, and to exercise caution.

Takeshi was shocked at this revelation, and began pouring through information on the Cardassians, suspecting them to be behind what was happening to the Tokyo's crew, but he was unable to determine for sure if that was the case. Regardless, he decided to volunteer to fly a relief mission to the Tokyo.

He was the only one that volunteered, and was told by the Myogi's captain, then-Admiral Tanaka Miyahara, that his relief mission would be a permanent transfer, as he didn't want whatever was infecting the Tokyo to spread to his ship, and suggested that Takeshi apply for the vacant position of second officer, as it would be the only reasonable position for his talents.

However, as fate would have it, Takeshi would lose the Second Officer position shortly after his transfer when his authority was challenged by a pilot, and he took what he felt was a reasonable course of action. However, the Tokyo's captain, Taiga Aisaka, disagreed with him, and revoked the second officer's commission from him.

Later in 2395, the Tokyo was involved in the Battle of Alvatar, where Takeshi was knocked unconscious. When he came to, he discovered that the Romulans were framing the Federation, specifically Taiga, for the destruction of Alvatar, and leading the Starfleet side of the prosecution was none other than Admiral Miyahara. Still struggling to fit in aboard the Tokyo, Takeshi made the rash decision to stand with Admiral Miyahara against the crew of the Tokyo, for which he was arrested for treason. Though Miyahara had a hand in ensuring he would see and speak at the trial so that his voice 'wouldn't be silenced.'

Ultimately, however, Taiga was acquitted, and Miyahara was forced to step down amid scandal. At Taiga's urging, Takeshi accepted a plea deal in which he would be dishonorably discharged from Starfleet instead of being tried and sentenced to serve in a penal colony for committing perjury.

Takeshi felt that this would mean the end of his Starfleet career. However, in early 2396, an old friend from his old assignment, Captain Maho Takahashi, whom had been given command of the Myogi in the aftermath of the trial, pulled some strings to temporarily bring him back aboard to assist the Myogi's crew in taking on their counterparts from the USS Haruna in a setting all-too-familiar to him: A no-holds-barred touge race!

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number NK-332-9796-ZTO
Command authorization code [INVALID]
Education & Qualifications Personal Education:

2370-2379: Compulsory Education
2370-2376: Elementary School (Compulsory Education)
2376-2379: Junior High School/Lower Secondary School (Compulsory Education)
2379-2382: Senior High School/Upper Secondary School
2382-2384: University; Undergraduate; Associate's

Important Documents:

Certificate of Graduation (High School)
Associate's in Applied Sciences: Technology University Degree

Starfleet career:

2388-2391: Starfleet Academy (Command, Also took several piloting courses)
Awards & Commendations [Recommendation for promotion to Commander, from Admiral Tanaka Miyahara, Commanding Officer, USS Myogi. Note from Admiral Miyahara, "I understand it is rather unusual to recommend an officer for a promotion directly to Commander from Lieutenant, skipping over the rank of Lieutenant Commander altogether, especially for an officer so soon out of the Academy like Lieutenant Nakazato. However, I wholeheartedly believe that Lieutenant Nakazato deserves such a promotion. With the passion he has poured into the role of Third Officer since Lieutenant Asakura's death, it will be officers like Lieutenant Nakazato who will Make Starfleet Great Again, and as such, it is my belief that talents like his must be respected and nurtured."]
Service Record 2391-2392: USS Myogi (Ensign - Mission Advisor)
2392-2393: USS Myogi (Lieutenant JG - Starfighter Air Boss)
2393: USS Myogi (Lieutenant - Third Officer)
2393: USS Myogi (Commander - Third Officer)
2393-2394: USS Myogi (Lieutenant - Third Officer)
2394: USS Tokyo (Lieutenant - Second Officer/Starfighter Air Boss)
2394-2395: USS Tokyo (Lieutenant - Starfighter Air Boss)
2395: Dishonorably discharged from Starfleet