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Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 11:36am

Tanaka Miyahara

Name Tanaka Miyahara

Position Supreme Leader - Confederacy of Independent Planets

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42
Date of Birth February 28, 2354
Place of Birth Hiroshima, Japan, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Citizen Miyahara is a well-dressed individual, keeping his black hair neat and tidy, his face clean-shaven, and his glasses clean. Miyahara is a tall man with an average build that doesn't say much about his strength.


Spouse none
Status single
Children none
Father Yuichi Miyahara
Mother Kiyoko Miyahara
Brother(s) Tadashi Miyahara
Sister(s) Tazuko Miyahara
Other Family Teruichi Miyahara (grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Citizen Miyahara HATES disorder. He prides himself in billing his work as devoted patriotism, and believes that anyone who disagrees with him acquiesces to disorder themselves.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Is a decorated Dominion War Veteran
+Trained in many martial arts
+Skillful negotiator, well-versed in both Starfleet and Federation values

-Is extremely ruthless
-Refuses to concede defeat
-Suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, though he will never admit it.
Ambitions Now that Miyahara has stepped down, his ambitions are unclear, as he has now failed in his original ambitions.
Hobbies & Interests -Japanese Domestic Ground Cars
-Carpentry and home improvement

Citizen Miyahara is one day interested in starting a family of his own, however that likely won't happen.

Personal History

Personal History From a young age, Tanaka Miyahara made it clear that he hated disorder.

Born in Japan to drunken meth head parents, Miyahara took it upon himself to set a better example for his brother and sister, often tidying up his family's hovel because his parents more often than not couldn't be bothered.

In middle school, Tanaka led his carpentry class to remodel his family's run down home into something actually liveable. His brother and sister were so proud of him, and believed that many great things lay in store for their brother in high school and beyond.

However, instead of opting for Japan's optional high school program, Tanaka lied about his age to get into Starfleet Academy. As he already looked and acted several years older than he actually was, his lie wasn't a hard sell, and he was accepted into Starfleet Academy with Command as his chosen elective.

Tanaka proved an exceptional commander and graduated from Starfleet Academy shortly before his 19th birthday. Upon graduation, Tanaka was assigned to the USS Honeysuckle Rose.

Mere months into Miyahara's Starfleet career, the Dominion War broke out, and the Honeysuckle Rose and its crew found themselves reluctant frontline fighters.

One day, as the Honeysuckle Rose was responding to a distress call, the ship was disabled and boarded by Dominion raiders. Miyahara was helpless to watch as the friends he had made were mercilessly slain as he fought his way to the escape pods.

The Honeysuckle Rose's commanding officer was mortally injured during the struggle. She died in Miyahara's arms after successfully abandoning ship. Miyahara kept her rank pips to remind himself of that day, and the vow he would make while her body was still warm:

It became evident to Miyahara that it was the confusion of rapidly converting the Honeysuckle Rose from a peacetime exploratory vessel to a warship, and the command staff's overall incompetence in handling the switchover, that led to the vessel's loss, and Miyahara made a vow to never let Starfleet personnel get massacred like that again on his watch, and would strive to treat all the time like wartime, so when the next war did roll around, he would be among the most prepared.

It was around this time that Miyahara began writing the doctrine of the orderly: A mysterious document outlining how he believed a starship should be run. A document he would only add to over the course of his Starfleet career.

After the loss of the Honeysuckle Rose, Miyahara was promoted to Lieutenant JG for bravery and reassigned to the USS Silver Stallion as a security officer. His strict personal regimen soon caught on with the other security officers, and soon, they were calling for the outing of the incompetent Chief Security Officer and replacing him with Miyahara.

Eventually, the commanding officer fired the Chief Security Officer, though some say she only did it because he was continually trying to court her, and she was getting sick of his advances. Regardless, Miyahara was the overwhelming choice for the replacement CSO, and he was officially made such along with a promotion to full Lieutenant.

Over the next year, Miyahara would reform the security department from a dysfunctional mess back into a competent security force. By this time, the Dominion War had drawn to an end, but Miyahara's work aboard the Silver Stallion was far from complete:

After being impressed with Miyahara's reforms in Security, the commanding officer wanted him to reform the other departments in a similar way, and so, for the next few years, Miyahara would spend his time as the heads of each department, starting with his becoming the Chief Engineering Officer with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 2375. During these years as a different department head, Miyahara would whip the disorganized messes that called themselves departments back into shape.

When Miyahara became the Chief Medical Officer, he was promoted to full Commander. Though he was initially confused as to why, he soon found out that it was because the CMO was also automatically the Third Officer. Miyahara simply couldn't comprehend that such a prestigious position in the Command department wasn't a stand alone role. Regardless, Miyahara played along while he reformed the Medical department, but when it came time for him to move on, Miyahara refused to relinquish control of the Third Officer's position, suggesting that it would be less taxing on the new CMO if they didn't have to worry about being the fourth in command as well.

The commanding officer found Miyahara's arguments logical, and so, the Third Officer and Chief Medical Officer became two completely different positions. Miyahara also persuaded the commanding officer to relieve the First and Second Officers of their department head burdens as well, and it wasn't long before those positions became separate as well. The First Officer, as fate would have it, personally enjoyed being a department head more than being the executive officer, so the Second Officer and Miyahara were promoted to First and Second Officers accordingly.

In 2380, Miyahara was recruited for a top secret Starfleet project which would require his leaving the Silver Stallion. Before he did, he taught the commanding officer how to assert her dominance, otherwise, all his hard work would quickly crumble.

After leaving the Silver Stallion, Miyahara was promoted to Captain and placed in charge of an extensive and experimental retrofit program involving three aging New Orleans class vessels, which, if successful, would be implemented across the rest of the New Orleans class to extend their service life.

The three vessels had been struck from the Starfleet registry and were destined for the scrapyard when they were requisitioned for the top secret project, and as such, Miyahara was tasked with recommissioning the vessels under different names and hull numbers.

Miyahara initially tried to name them after the 'Three Mountains of Jomo', Mount Akagi, Mount Haruna, and Mount Myogi, but found out the the Akagi name was already in service, and Miyahara settled on the name 'Akina' for the third ship.

In 2382, Miyahara took the first of these vessels, the Myogi, out for her trials. He and the ship's skeleton crew returned from the trials with a long list of refinements that could be made, some were small enough that they could be implemented on Myogi, but others would have to wait to be implemented on Haruna and Akina.

During the trials, Miyahara became attached to the Myogi, and wished to command the ship following its recommissioning. Starfleet agreed, as having the project's leader in command of the first ship would mean that any kinks that were missed during the trials could eventually be worked out. And so, when Myogi was officially reactivated later in 2382, Miyahara stepped down as project leader and became the Myogi's commanding officer.

Miyahara remained in command of the Myogi for the next 13 years while continuing to climb through the ranks, achieving the rank of full Admiral by 2390, which he held until 2395, when Captain Taiga Aisaka of the USS Tokyo and her defense team forced Miyahara's hand in resignation.

However, despite stepping down, Miyahara has continued to contest the results of the trial, claiming it to be "rigged" and his conviction "stolen from him" without valid proof of the widespread fraud he claims.

In 2396, Miyahara called upon a crowd of people from across the Federation to march on Starfleet Headquarters to protest the Federation Council's certification of Captain Aisaka's victory over him. This event became known as the attack on Starfleet Headquarters, and while he was watching the chaos unfold, a former ally of his, Captain Arles Felnoir, showed up to bring him in. After murdering Captain Felnoir, Miyahara beamed out, and for a time his whereabouts were unknown.

Later in 2396, several Federation member worlds voted to secede from the United Federation of Planets and form a breakaway government called the Confederacy of Independent Planets. It soon became clear that this separatist government would need a leader, and Tanaka Miyahara was the person of choice, being near-unanimously elected as the Confederacy's Commander in Chief. It would be as the head of the Confederacy that Miyahara would aim to exact his revenge on the Federation.

Starfleet Record

Commission Civilian
Starfleet Serial Number MY-226-9832 HRA
Command authorization code [INVALID]
Education & Qualifications 2360-2369: Compulsory Education
2360-2366: Elementary School (Compulsory Education)
2366-2369: Junior High School/Lower Secondary School (Compulsory Education)

Starfleet Academy:

2369-2373: Command
Awards & Commendations [Commendation for Bravery and Valor; 2373]

[Commendation for exceptional work, from Captain Kazeela, Commanding Officer, USS Silver Stallion. Note from Captain Kazeela, "When my security department clamored for Tanaka as a replacement CSO, I had my doubts: He was young and unproven, just barely out of the academy and having recently survived a horrific ordeal aboard the Honeysuckle Rose. However, with the benefit of hindsight, I was wrong to doubt him: With Miyahara's help, I now hardly recognize the Silver Stallion as the Garbage scow I inherited. I believe Miyahara is destined for great things, and that he would make great Admiralty material one day, and I wish him the best of luck for this project."]
Service Record 2373: USS Honeysuckle Rose (Ensign - Security Officer)
2373-2374: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant JG - Security Officer)
2374-2375: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant - Chief Security Officer)
2375-2376: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant Commander - Chief Engineering Officer)
2376-2377: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant Commander - Chief Science Officer)
2377-2378: USS Silver Stallion (Commander - Chief Medical Officer/Third Officer)
2378: USS Silver Stallion (Commander - Third Officer)
2378-2380: USS Silver Stallion - Second Officer)
2380-2382: New Orleans Class retrofit program, later dubbed 'Project Jomo' (Captain - Project Leader)
2382-2385: USS Myogi (Captain - Commanding Officer)
2385-2388: USS Myogi (Commodore - Commanding Officer)
2388: USS Myogi (Rear Admiral - Commanding Officer)
2388-2390: USS Myogi (Vice Admiral - Commanding Officer)
2390-2395: USS Myogi (Admiral - Commanding Officer)