
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 7:49pm

Lieutenant JG Shirro Kamada

Name Shirro Kamada

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human
Age 27
Date of Birth July 9th 2369
Place of Birth Akiro prime
Sexuality bi-sexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color green


Status single

Personality & Traits

General Overview Family oriented and extremely protective, serious and often uses humor to hide her past
Strengths & Weaknesses she will protect the ones closest to her at all costs, even at the expense of her own life. However she doesn't believe in violence and will use it as a last resort
Ambitions her only ambition is to belong to something to a make a difference to the world that abandoned her
Hobbies & Interests she enjoys taking up martial arts, History of the federation and bikes

Personal History

Personal History Technology advanced however. In 2380 the planet was visited by starfleet and added to the list of protected planets. However no one from there joined until a few later in 2388.

Shiro never knew her father having been abandoned as a young girl. She was taken in by a biker gang called the revolutionist's. They believed in abolishing all government including starfleet.

She was raised to be a trained mele fighter when she was 12. She was also taught how to shoot even tho her skills were bad. She went along with it but deep down inside she knew what she was doing was wrong. Problem was she had nowhere to go no escape.

In 2380 after starfleet came she begged the crew to take her with them. To which they declined. She secretly began applying to starfleet academy and was selected in 2388 at the age of 19.

When she left she was shunned from herr planet and never allowed to return. However that never mattered when she met Connor Talmage in the academy.

They became best friends' basically brother and sister.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number SR-12-2220-459
Command authorization code Alpha-9-5-0
Education & Qualifications starfleet academy

Medical History PTSD from her childhood tho she hides it well
Service Record Uss Utah Ensign, Science officer (later promoted to lieutenant then lieutenant jg)