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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 11:34pm

Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee

Name Moon Ji-hee

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28
Date of Birth January 8th
Place of Birth Chongjin, Unified Korea
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 105
Hair Color Black turning to rich violet-purple ombre
Eye Color Sea Foam Green
Physical Description Moon Ji-hee stands at 5'5 with a slender and lithe frame shaped by her dedication to yoga. Her chubby cheeks form a round face with a soft and youthful appearance. Freckles create a delicate mask under her cheeks and run across the bridge of her nose. Her Korean features are elegant and refined, giving her an air of quiet grace. Her expressive pale sea-green eyes seem to glow with a serene intensity.

Her hair falls just past her shoulders in soft waves. It begins with a deep black at the roots, transitioning into a rich lilac violet as it reaches the ends in a striking ombre effect. The subtle gradient adds a modern flair to her otherwise understated style.

Her figure is thin, yet strong. She prefers somewhat baggy uniforms that conceal her subtle curves.


Status single
Father Moon Dae-won (54) Diplomat
Mother Sun Sujin (52) Merchant Executive
Brother(s) Moon Kwang-Ho (20) Starfleet Marine Corps, Corporal
Sister(s) Moon Yoon-mi (24) Starfleet Academy, Senior
Moon Hye-jung (22) Pilot, Merchant Spacefarer aboard SS Mujigae
Other Family Extended Moon & Sun families

Personality & Traits

General Overview Moon Ji-hee is a quiet and reserved officer who carries herself with an air of humility. Her demure nature often makes her appear shy or soft-spoken, but beneath her bashful demeanor lies a playful and untamed spirit. She has a subtle charm that can draw others in. Her social interactions are sometimes marked by moments of awkwardness or hesitation. She enjoys the company of others but occasionally finds herself retreating into silence when overwhelmed.

Ji-hee has a fondness for letting loose in her own way. She enjoys drinking with friends, even though her face flushes bright red with every sip. Those who get close to her quickly learn that she has a quick wit and a sharp sense of humor that often catches others by surprise.

She was born in the coastal city of Chongjin. The place is a vital part of a unified Korea. It has grown from roots in what was historically an isolated part of the world into a major regional hub. Chongjin is celebrated for its vibrant culture and harmony with nature.

Ji-hee values connection even if it doesn’t always come easily to her. She thrives in small, intimate gatherings where she can relax and let her guard down. Her blend of reserved elegance and unexpected liveliness makes her a unique presence among her peers.

Strengths & Weaknesses Moon Ji-hee has a calm and steady demeanor that makes her a reliable presence in any situation. Her sharp attention to detail ensures that her work is precise and efficient. She approaches challenges with quiet determination, often finding creative solutions that others might overlook. Her dedication to self-improvement shines through her disciplined yoga practice. It also enhances her physical agility and mental focus. Ji-hee’s ability to listen and empathize with others allows her to build strong connections, even with those who find it hard to open up.

Ji-hee’s bashfulness can sometimes hinder her ability to assert herself in high-pressure situations. She struggles to express her thoughts openly, especially when faced with conflict or criticism. Her social awkwardness can make her seem distant or disinterested. This happens even when she deeply cares about the people around her. At times, she overthinks small details. This slows her decision-making and causes her to second-guess herself. She can find socializing exhausting, though worth the effort. She occasionally withdraws when she feels overwhelmed. Her desire to please others sometimes leads her to neglect her own needs.
Ambitions As the Chief of Operations, Ji-hee’s foremost ambition is to leave a lasting impact on the worlds she encounters. She sees her position as more than just a duty. It is a chance to bridge divides and connect distant civilizations. She hopes to represent Earth and its cultures with grace and authenticity. Ji-hee dreams of being a part of something larger than herself. She wants to leave every place she visits better than it was before.

Her passion for exploration goes beyond the technical. She envisions stepping onto foreign soil and sharing stories, music, and traditions. She wants to show how a single voice can carry the echoes of an entire planet. Ji-hee sees each mission as an opportunity to form bonds that span the stars. Although communicating with others doesn't always come easy, she hopes to leave behind a legacy of connection.

In her personal life, Ji-hee quietly hopes to find someone who understands her. Somebody who can see through her shyness to the warmth she carries within. Though she rarely speaks of it, her heart is open to the possibility of love. She longs for a partner who can walk beside her on this journey. She wants a person who shares her wonder for the universe and wants to explore it together.
Hobbies & Interests Ji-hee finds balance through her love of yoga and meditation. It keeps her centered and calm while helping her maintain her lithe frame. When she craves adventure, she enjoys camping beneath unfamiliar skies. She enjoys hiking through new planetary landscapes and diverse arboretums to connect with nature’s beauty. Gardening is another passion, giving her a chance to cultivate life and find peace in simplicity.

Her downtime is just as varied as her active pursuits. She loves holonovels filled with action and drama. Ji-hee loses herself in their stories and vivid characters. She also enjoys visiting bars for good drinks and lively company. Her bashful nature sometimes makes her more of an observer than a participant. On quieter nights, she prefers curling up with a book and letting its words take her to new places.

Personal History

Personal History Moon Ji-hee was born in Chongjin. Her parents were merchants who ran a bustling local market. The place was a hub of activity where goods from across East Asia were traded. Ji-hee spent much of her childhood watching the vibrant crowds that filled the markets. She was captivated by the diversity of people and the stories they carried.

Among the vendors was an older shopkeeper, a resourceful woman who sold and repaired technology. She noticed Ji-hee’s curiosity and took her under her wing. The woman taught Ji-hee to tinker with gadgets and systems. She nurtured her growing fascination with technology. Ji-hee became skilled at solving practical problems and learned to think creatively in her work.

Growing up in the market, Ji-hee was surrounded by voices and cultures from all over the region. This exposure made her adaptable and open-minded. She developed an appreciation for diverse perspectives. It fueled her desire to represent her culture and connect with others.

When Ji-hee joined Starfleet Academy, she faced her greatest challenge yet. The advanced coursework was overwhelming at first. This was especially true in subjects like theoretical mechanics and operations systems. She struggled with the demanding testing and fell behind. But Ji-hee was determined. She poured her energy into studying and sought help from instructors and peers. Over time, her dedication paid off. She began to excel in her courses, earning good grades through perseverance and grit.

Her time at the Academy forged her into a capable officer. It refined her skills and introduced her to friends and mentors who helped her grow. By the time she graduated, she was ready to serve, carrying with her the lessons she learned in both the marketplace and the classroom.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number WZ-842-01772-BBL
Command authorization code Moon-7-2-5-Theta-Chartreuse
Education & Qualifications 2374 - 2382: North Chongjin Primary School
2382 - 2386: Hamgyong Girl's Preparatory Academy
2386 - 2390: Starfleet Academy
2390 - 2391: Advanced Operations - Internship
March 2392: Damage Control Advanced Techniques (DCAT) - Operations Branch (4 weeks)
January 2394: Leadership & Command for Operations Officers (7 weeks)
Awards & Commendations 2392: Starfleet Commendation for excellent service aboard the USS Mendocino
2394: Starfleet Commendation for supporting the Reliant-C as Quartermaster with distinction
2394: Good Conduct Medal

Medical History -Broke left ankle and right wrist in shuttle accident (2391)
-Stung by an arachno-scorpid wasp, developed partial immunity to many venoms through corresponding anti-venom treatment (2393)
-Allergic reaction to fungus plant spores found on world's featuring copper-blood based lifeforms (2395)
Service Record 2386 - 2390: Starfleet Academy, Operations Systems & Repair
2390 - 2392: USS Mendocino, Operations Officer
2392 - 2393: USS Reliant-C, Operations Officer
2393 - 2394: USS Reliant-C, Quartermaster
2395 - 2396: USS Reliant-C, Assistant Chief Operations Officer