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Be Prepared (Part 2)

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 1:45pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer
Edited on on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 1:45pm

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After 'Be Prepared (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

Maho and Keisuke exited the turbolift and made their way onto the bridge.

"Report!" Maho ordered as she assumed the captain's seat.

"Three Vor'cha class attack cruisers have just decloaked on our six." Takumi responded. He had been the one flying for the graveyard shift when the surprise attack happened.

And now, the continuation:

"On screen." Maho ordered.

The view on the main viewscreen changed to the aft view, showing the 3 Vor'cha class cruisers tailing them.

"Three cruisers against one Federation starship? That's overkill!" Keisuke commented.

"Fire off one warning torpedo;" Maho ordered. "Let's show these Klingon bastards we've got teeth."

"Aye, sir;" Tristana responded from her bridge station. "Preparing torpedo for launch."

"Fujiwara, prepare to drop us out of warp." Maho ordered. "We'll have a better chance at facing these guys at impulse."

"Aye, sir." Takumi responded.

Alisha had arrived on the bridge in time to hear Takumi announce the declaiming Klingon starships and blanched white. Three Vor’chas against a single New Orleans? One Vor’cha would be hard enough for the Myogi to handle, outsizing the Federation starship by around 30 percent, three of them? “It’s suicide to engage them.” She spoke as she made it to her station on the bridge, making her presence and knowledge known, “Recommend posture, without targeted attack.” She began pulling up data on the cruisers, seeking any information that may be useful in a potential fight.

"Understood." Maho responded. "Is there any chance we can outrun them?"

"Negative, Captain," Ichika reported. "The Vor'cha is capable of warp 9.5; they can easily match our speed at maximum warp."

As Scott arrived on the bridge, she feared she had arrived just in time to get a front seat to impending chaos. She was just as confused as everyone else. Why such extreme measures against a single Federation ship? Was this some sort of attempt to get street cred? Bree needed more information if she was going to provide any sort of command guidance, and in the back of her mind, she prepared herself for the fact she just might be a better use in Sickbay even as she reasoned there had to be a way to get to the bottom of what was happening.

“Not necessarily our maneuverability though,” Jane said as she relieved Takumi at the helm station. “I’ve learned a few tricks over the years, Captain.” The last time she had flown against Klingons was years ago, during Gatecrasher, but it flooded back to her very quickly.

"Do whatever you have to do in order to lose them," Ichika ordered, quickly assuming her seat. "Everyone else, hold onto something!"

Alisha spread her feet for stability and hung onto her console for dear life, "Dorsal flank weapons on the Vor'cha are their weakest aspect. Recommend thataway."

“Copy,” Jane reported. “A bit more challenging with three but it helps.” The crew were pulled every which way as the inertial dampers struggled to keep up.

Takumi braced himself against the helm station. One hand on the back of the chair, and the other on the side of the console so as not to impede his boss' hands. Takumi's walking stick went sliding across the bridge as Jane Flew.

Elisabeth made her way onto the bridge from the turbolift and assumed her bridge station. Times such as these called for a Diplomatic officer on the bridge.

"Has anyone tried hailing them?" Elisabeth suggested. "Or have we already dismissed the possibility that they might be willing to talk?"

"Considering they've already fired at us?" Ichika responded. "I wouldn't hold my breath."

"The Commander has a point." Alisha blurted out as she analyzed the three warships' movements. Which one was their group commander's? She tagged one of the three with a marker for the big screen, "I believe if we can get into an advantageous position on that ship without firing, we may be able to talk our way out of this. Left rear flank, show we can get into their weak side 'blind' spot, a warrior's favorite position."

Archer's eyes burned into his head, seeing the trigger happy Lieutenant. The Federation wanted no skirmish with minimal Klingon involvement. An Escort would suffice, as was agreed in private channels.

"Captain," Archer spoke up from his aft bridge situation monitor. "The Klingons are angry. They are letting us know they are here for our help? This is not to be taken as a salvo for War. Please." Archibald was reminded. Department strategists believe that this would be the Klingon's greeting, a likely heads up. "Agreed. Communication is essential."

Archer stood and crossed his arms from behind. "If the Klingon's help us. The situation will be resolved sooner than later."

“They’re firing at us now, Mr. Archer,” Jane called to the mission advisor. “And no matter what I do some shots are still landing.”

The helmswoman had an idea. “Captain, I remember a trick from tactical lessons. Something the USS Defiant did at the start of the ‘72 war. They used the tractor beam and fancy maneuvering to deflect the fire of a Vor’cha.”

To be continued...


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