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Be Prepared (Part 3)

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 1:54pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After 'Be Prepared (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Captain," Archer spoke up from his aft bridge situation monitor. "The Klingons are angry. They are letting us know they are here for our help? This is not to be taken as a salvo for War. Please." Archibald was reminded. Department strategists believe that this would be the Klingon's greeting, a likely heads up. "Agreed. Communication is essential."

Archer stood and crossed his arms from behind. "If the Klingon's help us. The situation will be resolved sooner than later."

“They’re firing at us now, Mr. Archer,” Jane called to the mission advisor. “And no matter what I do some shots are still landing.”

The helmswoman had an idea. “Captain, I remember a trick from tactical lessons. Something the USS Defiant did at the start of the ‘72 war. They used the tractor beam and fancy maneuvering to deflect the fire of a Vor’cha.”

And now, the continuation:

"Hold that thought, Lieutenant:" Maho responded. "If Lieutenant Archer's suggestion holds weight, there might still be a chance to talk our way out of this. Ops, keep trying to hail them!"

Ruby had been on the bridge anyways doing her weekly night shift. "Opening hailing frequencies" she replied her fingers dancing over the smooth console.

"Klingon vessels; this is Captain Maho Takahashi of the Federation Starship Myogi:" Maho spoke on the hailing frequency. "Your actions stand in violation of the Second Khitomer Accords. If you do not stand down, any further aggression will be perceived as an act of war."

Maho had to admit, this crew really was taking the theatrics in stride. Maho hadn't been this excited in a long time. However, as she was now captain, there were still certain criteria that needed to be met:

"Commander; who has yet to report in to their Red Alert Stations?" She asked, turning to Ichika

"Science has yet to report in," Ichika reported. "Should I send a team down to check and see how they're doing?"

"If we can afford to send a team down, then do so." Maho responded, tapping her combadge. "Takahashi to Talmage; rise and shine. The whole ship's at red alert aside from you:"

Main Engineering

Brandon held the outer sides along the pool table set up for Engineering. There were minor power disruptions from the hit. Repeating the news, he tapped his com badge.

=/\= Chief here. The hit played havoc on our EPS down here… Otherwise, Systems are nominal captain. Engineering out =/\= Pratt immediately updated Takahashi.

"Acknowledged, thank you Engineering." Maho responded.

Talmage Quarters

Connor rumbled out of bed grabbed a uniform from his uniform and quickly pulled it on. "What in the name of James Kirk is going on here" he asked.

"Red alert, Ensign;" came Maho's voice through Connor's combadge. "We were expecting your report five minutes ago!"


"This has gone on long enough; I say we end this charade:" Maho said. "Computer, end drill; authorization code Takahashi 2-4-6-Omicron-1 beige."

Within seconds of Maho giving the order, the three Klingon ships pursuing the Myogi vanished, and all systems resumed displaying the Myogi's normal status and original course. The main viewscreen returned to showing the stars zooming past.

After the drill had been terminated, Maho tapped her combadge:

"Attention, all hands; this is the captain:" She announced on the open com channel. "This has been a randomly generated drill. However, all conditions have been met. All ships personnel, stand down from Red Alert stations and return to condition green. I repeat; all ships personnel, stand down from Red Alert stations."

After giving the shipwide announcement, Maho sat back in the command chair for a second before turning to Ichika:

"Well done, Number One:" Maho complimented. "It's always good to remind the crew that Red Alert can happen at any time, even when most of the crew is asleep."

"Thank you, Captain," Ichika nodded.

"I expect a stack of evaluation reports on my desk by 0730 at the latest." Maho explained, getting up from the command chair. "You have the bridge once again, Number One."

Alisha stood straight again at her station a few seconds after the ship stopped rumbling with the drill and it took all she had not to glare at the CO and XO. It was one thing for drills to happen, it was another for one when they were going into a place that this sort of thing could actually happen and not just in theory. Of course, now that the adrenaline was leaving her bloodstream, the lack of sleep was beginning to have an effect.

As Maho and Keisuke left the bridge, Elisabeth let out a yawn as she stretched and left her station, heading to catch the next turbolift. She had already been sleeping lightly due to a nagging sensation concerning an inaccuracy with the Andrea Doria program she had been working on, and now that she was awake, she figured she could address the error and work on the Andrea Doria a little more to tire her out again.

Takumi stood with a hand on the back of the helm chair. His walking stick lay on the floor across the bridge, and going to grab it was out of the question, because he would fall over before he reached it.

"Well, boss;" He said. "I think it's safe for me to resume my watch on the helm."

“I think you’re right,” Jane said as she pushed herself to a standing position. “I best get to my office to file the departmental report before 0730.” She stretched her back and gestured to the seat for Takumi.

"Say, would you do me a favor and bring my walking stick over here?" Takumi asked as he slid back into the helm seat, gesturing over to where his walking stick had slid off to. "I think it's lying on the floor over that away. Can't miss a big tube lying on the floor."

“Of course,” Jane replied. She crouched down and collected the cane, and then set it where he normally kept it while he was on station. “Is this good?”

"Perfect;" Takumi said. "Thanks, boss."

Jane nodded to her relief and headed for the turbolift, sneaking past Alisha as she did so. “I won’t be back to bed tonight, luv. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

"Yeah, I won't be going back to bed myself." Alisha headed the same general way, "I'll tuck you into bed in what? Nineteen hours or so?" She leaned over for a quick peck on the cheek, "Then sleep."


As soon as Brandon entered Engineering, he led the Beta shift operating at 3 AM. The Chief looked at his silver wristwatch as the time was now 0307 hours since he harassed out of bed! Brandon checked in on the central systems, and everything was optimal.

‘A drill.’ Pratt thought to himself. A moment’s after; the red alert was stood down. He paused, taking a breather, and then wiped at his tired eyes. “What a morning!”

“Speak for yourself.” Ensign Calder grunted.

“Well. You’re almost done. I’m here now. Status report.” Ordered Pratt.

“All systems nominal. The last evening was, uneventful. Till now.” Ensign Caldwell shrugged.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
Mission Advisor

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
Lounge Manager

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Takumi Fujiwara
Flight Control Officer

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Connor Talmage
Chief Science Officer


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