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To Catch A Governor (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:18am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohira Kabuto
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:18am

1,258 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Timeline: After 'To Catch A Governor (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Due to the situation with Yaeka, Kurumi was back on 'light duties'. She was sitting in the observation lounge, within hands reach of the bridge if she was needed. She stared down at the planet below out of the viewports. Her gaze changed over to look at Yaeka.

Yaeka was sat at the table a crayon in her hand and several pieces of paper scattered on the table in front of her. She was humming to herself as she drew and coloured. A half empty glass of fruit juice, complete with a straw sat to one side.

Kurumi couldn't help but feel warm inside as she saw that Yaeka was smiling a little. She tapped on her PADD she was holding, it was linked to the ship's computer. From here she could monitor the away team, although she would have liked to be on it, she had other priorities at the moment. She was also reading through the official adoption process in order to gain full custody of Yaeka.

She looked briefly at the door. Captain Takahashi had offered to drop in regularly to provide any updates and see how Yaeka was starting to adapt to her time on the Myogi.

And now, the continuation:

The doors to the observation lounge swooshed open, and Captain Takahashi stepped through. At nearly eighteen weeks pregnant, Maho's belly was now prominently showing through her uniform.

"Commander Misono and the others have just beamed down." She reported. "This should all be over soon."

Kurumi looked up at the Captain. "Thats good news. How long do you think it'll be until he's arrested?" She asked curiously.

"Our ally on the ground..." Maho looked over at Yaeka. "Her uncle, says Hartley is on the move, and our plan is to intercept him when he arrives at the venue to hold his pro-secession rally... If all goes according to schedule, and our ally cooperates, we should have him in custody within the hour. Commander Anzai has requested that you be on hand to assist her in apprehending him... If you're feeling up to it, of course."

"Can I you know..." she asked as she punched her palm with a fist.

Maho sighed. As much as she wanted to authorize her Security Chief to beat Hartley to a pulp, he still needed to be held accountable for his actions. And there was no way that could happen if he was in someway unable to appear in court.

"He must be in a condition to stand trial for what he has done." Maho specified. "That means no broken bones or internal bleeding... Three swings tops, after that, Commander Anzai will be authorized to restrain you as well."

"I can't guarantee three will be enough..." Kurumi muttered.

[Gamma Zednor, Planet's surface]

Ambrose Hartley's motorcade made its way along the planned route towards the Zednor Bowl Performing Arts Center, where Hartley was scheduled to give his speech in favor of secession. The rally had already been underway when the motorcade had left the Governor's Mansion, and Hartley had kept up with the coverage of the rally as the guest speakers spoke in favor of joining the Confederacy of Independent Planets.

At last, Gamma Zednor would be free to command its own destiny: One without the oversight of an obviously corrupt Federation declaring Hartley's legislation aimed at protecting the children of Gamma Zednor from dangerous pedophiles as xenophobic. The Federation was obviously protective of criminals- the kangaroo trial of Captain Aisaka and prosecution of the true patriots that stormed Starfleet Headquarters had already proven that.

But there was one man whose freedom the Federation wanted so badly to take away because he refused to let them take away the freedoms of the working man- Tanaka Miyahara. It had only been two weeks since he gave his fiery speech denouncing the Federation for the great ball of corruption it was, and in turn offering an alternative paradise- one where Hartley would be free to label whomever he wanted as an enemy of the state. -And the results were undeniable: At least a dozen Federation member worlds had announced their secession and ratified the Articles of Confederacy. Just this week, the Confederacy was slated to gain an additional four member worlds, and that was before Hartley had submitted Gamma Zednor's application for membership.

As Hartley's motorcade neared the Zednor Bowl, his crowning moment as governor was nearly upon him. From the moment he took the oath of office, he swore to protect Gamma Zednor's right to choose its own destiny, and right now, Gamma Zednor had no future with the United Federation of Planets, but instead, it had a bright and prospective future as a member of the Confederacy of Independent Planets. Hartley's only regret was that Deputy Governor Pryce was not able to attend...

Situated on opposite corners of the parking lot were two unsuspecting Toyota HiAce vans- waved through by security on the pretense that they were utility workers here to repair the power systems- but in reality, they were carefully monitoring the Governor's movements, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

"Are we live?" Ichika asked as she donned a two-way radio.

"We are." Came Tristana's response over the two-way radio. "GPS Signal on Hartley's limousine indicates they're about a half mile out."

Ichika nodded and activated the headset. =Come in, Miyazawa; are you in position?=

“Yes, ma’am,” the young sniper reported.

Ami activated the two drones she'd obtained from the journalists and modified to remotely control from a distance. She'd slapped a utility company's logo on them to pass them off as survey drones for their work. Now she flew them out, one headed putatively for what they were supposed to be working on, the other towards another vantage point where they could actually see the Governor's motorcade and then move in for a better view, "I've got a visual on the limo," She announced a minute later, "Patching through to all teams."

The screen on Ichika's PADD flickered before switching to live feed of the Governor's motorcade.

=Got it,= Ichika confirmed before turning her attention to Tristana. "How many guards are we looking at, Lieutenant?"

"Thermal scans are picking up two in the front seat of the limousine." Tristana reported. "In addition, we have about 10 more in the vehicles in front of it. Likely more in the trailing vehicles. To be expected of such a high priority politician..."

[USS Myogi]

The doors of the bridge swished open from the Observation Lounge. Out walked Kurumi who was closely followed by Yaeka. She didn't say anything as she made her way to the security station.
"Sit here Yaeka," she said pulling one of the bridge free standing chairs from one of the empty consoles towards her. She looked over at Maho.

"Don't worry Captain. This won't become a regular thing." She assured her as she took over the controls at security. It was evident that the Myogi needed its best security officer at the controls. Yaeka simply sat in the adjacent chair watching wmevery move that Kurumi did.

The bridge staff who had not yet been brought up to speed on Maho's change in policy glanced over at their Commanding Officer with a look of confusion.

Maho nodded before pressing on the smooth LCARS interface on her chair to open a communications line.

"Commander Misono- the satellite telemetry is live: What's your status?" She asked.

To be continued...


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