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A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 5)

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 4:19am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 4:20am

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Five Forward
Timeline: After 'A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 4)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"And... Time." Elisabeth said. "Now, that is how you change a diaper."

Elisabeth had changed the diaper in five minutes flat. So far, the slowest time of the night, but at least she had done it properly.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be needing another drink after that." Elisabeth commented, walking off to make good on her word.

And now, the continuation:

"Alright, who wants to go next?" Maho asked.

She hadn't fared well in the ice challenge, having a body temperature that was lower than a human made dealing with frozen things quite unpleasant. This however, with a background in pediatrics was a challenge that Vivienne thought she could easily rise to. "I believe it is my turn."

"Come on up, Lieutenant." Maho gestured.

Vivienne blushed slightly her, family mark on her forehead getting darker. Slowly she approached the table to take her turn.

"Ok you lot, stand aside." Kurumi piped up as she stepped forward. "Firstly, you're taking ages!" She said as she. She slipped on the blindfold and hit the timer.

The diaper came off smoothly and landed easily in the bin. Followed by quick bur gentle wipes with the baby wipes. Kurumi then lifted the baby up by their knee's, slid the back of the diaper under, tucked it over their private areas. One stroke and the left side was fastened, then the right side was fastened.

"Done!" She said stopping the clock at fifty seven seconds. She then realised as she began to blush. "I've had... plenty of practice..."

"That was rude." Vivienne said flatly "But I'll accept both the challenge and the spirit in which it was delivered " The doctor gave a withering glare to Kurumi, and also fastened the blindfold over her eyes.

Starting the timer she popped the tabs of the diaper and used the clean front to rid the doll of most of the 'stool'. Two wipes left the doll clean and the young woman rolled the wipes and the dirty diaper together into the bin. Lifting baby by the ankles, she tucked a fresh diaper, rolled it through the dolls legs and fastened the tabs.

"Done. " Vivienne stopped her clock at the same 57 seconds that the other had done. Snorting at the number as she took off the blindfold ,she shook her white hair out of her eyes.

"Um... you two do realize that you were supposed to set a base time first before doing it blindfolded, right?" Ichika pointed out.

"No biggie! They can just do that after the fact!" Karen suggested.

Ichika shook her head. "I don't think that's how it works, Lieutenant."

Maho sighed and pinched her nose.

"Did I not explain the rules clearly enough for you two?" She asked.

"I was really listening..." Kurumi said with a shrug.

Ami had carefully tucked her previous winnings away in a safe place on her body as she watched in awe. She'd practiced her own motions in her head to be ready for when it was her turn to try, but now just shook her head, "And I think I'm going to bow out of this one... There's no way I'd be able to match either of the two of them in this one."

"That shouldn't be a problem, Lieutenant:" Maho said. "Because unless Lieutenant Erebos and Commander Ebisuzawa would like to go again following the rules this time, both officers' times will be disqualified."

"It wouldn't be fair if I go again," Kurumi winked. "Got to give you others a chance afterall." She shrugged before wandering away cockily.

"Does that mean I''m advancing to the next round?" Karen grinned.

"No," Ichika responded sharply.

Karen pouted.

"As I was merely responding to the challenge I was issued, in the spirit in which it was issued..." Vivienne said in a cool voice, levelling a glare at Kurumi who had pushed her aside to go first. "I would be willing to go again."

"Very well." Maho stepped forward and removed the blindfolds from the play area. "When you're ready." She said as she sat down at Ichika's table.

Once the base times had been set, the changing game went on for a long time, so long, in fact, that people began to get hungry and thus food needed to be served, and then the baby food tasting game took place while the changing game continued. But, at last, in a surprise twist, it was Alisha who surpassed her base time. She was only a fraction of a second faster, but a win was a win, and Lieutenant Reno was the one to walk away with the luxury replicator rations.

As she accepted her prize, Alisha glanced back at the table where she'd expertly changed the doll with a sheepish smile, "One of my first true Intelligence assignments after the Academy was when I was undercover as a nanny for an investigation into Rear Admiral Garza. His wife had just had triplets, so I got very, very good at changing diapers, because when one needed it, the other two were right behind them."

With everyone's bellies full on both adult and baby food, it was time to move on to the main event: The gift opening.

"Alright; who wants me to open their present first?" Maho asked.

"Ooh! Pick me!" Karen exclaimed. "Pickmepickmepickmepickmepickmepickme-!"

"Don't worry, Captain:" Elisabeth said. "I convinced her to change it from a bag of glitter dicks..." She winked.

"What the fu-" Ichika muttered before Maho quickly raised a hand to silence her.

"Alright, hand it over." Maho said.

With a big, toothy grin, Karen stood up and made her way over to the gift table, where she retrieved her gift and pressed it into Maho's hands.

Reeling back slightly from the force with which the gift was pressed into her hands, Maho began to open Karen's gift. Quite perplexingly, the gift was a model of Karen's Nissan Skyline GT-R, of similar scale to the model of Keisuke's FD.

"A... Toy for my daughter?" Maho asked, rather confused.

Karen's cheeks flared with indignation. "Divn't gan thinkin’ that’s a bairn’s toy! Do you know how much that shit cost me, man?!"

Ichika loudly cleared her throat.

"I, uh..." Karen glanced over at Ichika, and upon observing the disapproving look her executive officer was giving her, she quickly changed her tune. "Nothing but the best for you, Captain! Just make sure she's at least 18 before you let her play with it; it's a toy that gets better with age," she winked before hastily making her way back over to Elisabeth.

Maho sighed before setting the model aside.

"Well, I guess if she ever decides to join Starfleet, it'll make for an interesting Academy acceptance gift..." She said uneasily to Ichika.

"I'm starting to wonder if inviting her was a bad idea on my part..." Ichika lamented.

"Then we might as well have not invited Commander Churchill, either..." Maho responded.

To be continued...


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