
A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 6)

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 4:24am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 4:25am

1,187 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Five Forward
Timeline: After 'A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 5)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Maho sighed before setting the model aside.

"Well, I guess if she ever decides to join Starfleet, it'll make for an interesting Academy acceptance gift..." She said uneasily to Ichika.

"I'm starting to wonder if inviting her was a bad idea on my part..." Ichika lamented.

"Then we might as well have not invited Commander Churchill, either..." Maho responded.

And now, the conclusion:

Ami came forward with a moderate sized box and handed it to Maho, "Just a little something." Inside was a custom designed soft seat to assist babies in sitting up. Made in a traditional Japanese camouflage pattern, it resembled a Type-3 Chi-Nu tank from World War 2 fame in only the most general terms, but the 'tank gun' was more just a nub than anything, "It's got some interactive features that can be disabled, like the buttons that make the seat vibrate and gives engine sounds and a 'big boom' when they press the button to 'fire' the cannon." The engineer smiled brightly.

Maho smiled.

"It's adorable." She said. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

Next was Jane, who handed Maho a gift bag. Inside was a mobile, suspended from which were cars. But not just any cars. These were crafted models of the various vehicles that helped the NightKids win the racing competition against the Andorians. In the middle was their ship — their home — the Myogi. Hand painted and ready to be suspended over a crib. “The headlines, and the nacelles, come on when you push this button, and it plays lullaby versions of a few songs.

Maho pressed the indicated button, and a lullaby version of the House of the Rising Sun began to play. The tears that welled up in Maho's eyes were all that Jane needed to know that she was touched by the attention to detail- to the ship's past as the Rising Sun.

Maho had thought for sure the huge box that Elisabeth had walked in with was going to be Karen's gift, but surprisingly it was Elisabeth's: Once the wrapping came off the box, it all made sense: Unlike her girlfriend, Elisabeth had gotten something that would help the soon-to-be parents now as opposed to later, that being an infant car seat. Maho was concerned when she noticed that the box had been opened and resealed, but fortunately, Elisabeth had good reason for doing so, for included with the car seat were mini mobile toys that clipped onto the car seat's carrying handle, and the toys on the strings were little ocean liners, with the notable exception of one being a toy version of Karen's R32.

"Oh, look at these; these are so adorable..." Maho giggled as she saw the little toys sitting in the car seat. "I'll say this much, her nursery will be as eclectic and varied as this crew." She further commented as she played with the little mobile toys.

"I'm glad you like it." Elisabeth said. "Still wouldn't recommend putting it in the passenger seat of an RX-7, but you do you."

With her gift an otherwise success, Elisabeth made her way back over to Karen.

"See, now if only you had gone in with me on the bloody car seat and made it a joint gift, it would've been a home run." She said in a hushed tone.

Karen stuck her tongue out.

And finally, it was time for Maho to receive the gift from the shower organizer herself: Ichika placed the small wrapped parcel in front of her captain.

"So, tell me, Commander; what do the Inuto give their expectant mothers?" Maho asked as she slid the present closer to herself.

"That once again depends on the tribe," Ichika explained. "However, at least for us Kaniches, it's a tradition for the mother's close circle of friends to gift her with a "Kalimbe", or fertility doll."

After removing the wrapping paper, Maho lifted the lid off the box and pulled from it the aforementioned 'Kalimbe,' the doll bore a bob cut similar to Maho's own hairstyle, yet the doll was also bore traditional Kaniche Inuto attributes. The handmade clothing on the doll resembled a command red Starfleet uniform, with four yellow circles sewn in the correct place to represent a Captain's rank pips.

"The doll is traditionally handmade, with natural materials derived from the animals that we hunt back on our homeworld," Ichika elaborated. "the belt is festooned with trinkets that are representative of the mother, as well as symbolizing the attributes that she will one day pass on to her litter.

Two trinkets Maho immediately recognized resembled a yellow car, no doubt intended to be Keisuke's FD- a symbol of their relationship, and a key presumably to correspond with it. A third trinket resembled a duffel bag, not dissimilar to a Parrises Squares bag.

Two further trinkets confused Maho, as one was a torch colored in a similar copper hydroxycarbonate blue-green to the torch found on the replica Statue of Liberty in New York City, while the other bore resemblance to a judge's gavel. However, given Ichika's description, Maho presumed that these two trinkets reflected that Ichika saw Maho as a champion of Democracy and the rule of law.

And the final trinket resembled the license plate that Takumi had given her after they had defeated the SpeedStars, which Maho had hung the original in her ready room, replacing the covered portrait of Miyahara with it. Ichika hadn't been able to replicate the details of the NightKids' signatures, but she had been able to replicate the plate's number: 32-239."

"It's beautiful, Commander:" Maho said, tears brimming in her eyes. "Thank you... Thank you, so much...

"It is my sincerest pleasure, Captain," Ichika smiled as she leaned forward and pulled the mother-to-be into a hug. "And it has been one of my greatest honors to consider you as my friend."

At this point, Maho couldn't hold the tears back any longer, and shed a few onto Ichika's uniform.

Watching from her table, Elisabeth looked back over the notes she had taken of Maho's reactions while she opened the gifts. A note at the top of the first page read: 'What she said the night the baby was conceived.' With a smug grin, Elisabeth looked over to Karen and offered her the notes:

"Do you want to do this bit?" She offered.

"No need to ask me twice!" Karen grinned as she stood up and took the notes.

"Can I have yer attention, like?" she called out to the party-goers. "I got here a list of things the mam-to-be said on the night her bairn was conceived:"

A mission post by:

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Deputy Air Boss

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos
Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Yaeka Sakuragi
Civilian Child



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