Mission Update and New Mission
Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 12:03pm by Captain Maho Takahashi
Edited on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 12:12pm
To all crew;
The mission "Handling the Fallout" will be closing shortly. Any open posts will roll over into our new mission. Handling the Fallout has taken significantly longer than I was planning for (would you believe me if I told you it was only supposed to take a couple months?) we've had crew come and go and have faced challenges including the pandemic, but I am proud of each and every one of you for all the work you have put in, with a whopping 218 post opener mission! I couldn't be any happier, and am honored to be your captain!
But now, our real fun can finally begin; as we begin our next mission: Trade Troubles! Below is a mission debrief for you all:
Trade Troubles:
The Myogi's first post-Aisaka trial mission is rather routine to ease the ship back into service:
Commander Seiji Iwaki of the Nebula Class USS Nikko has for the longest time been harassing Federation-bound Klingon shipping, stopping and boarding Klingon ships to inspect their cargoes, even though most ships have no contraband to hide.
Iwaki's actions have angered the Klingon Empire, who are threatening war with the Federation. Looking to avoid war, Starfleet has dispatched the USS Myogi to take Commander Iwaki back to earth to stand trial for war mongering.
The Myogi's mission sounds simple. However, things are complicated when Commander Iwaki isn't willing to surrender himself: In fact, he believes he's actually doing the right thing by protecting free trade within the Federation.
Overall, well done to everyone for a fantastic mission! As I said up at the top, any open posts will roll over into Trade Troubles: If you are working on a post that is set during Handling the Fallout, make sure you label it as a backpost.
Let's keep this spirit up as we move into our new mission; remember: We are the ones to make sure history never forgets the name Myogi.
Godspeed, everyone! Take care and look out for one another; and may the wind be at our backs!
Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
Category: Sim Announcement