New Mission - Captains and Contraband
Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 12:50am by Captain Maho Takahashi
Edited on Tue Jan 7th, 2025 @ 6:09pm
To All Crew,
Junichi Koyama has now concluded. Well done to everyone for making that mission so much bigger than what I was originally planning for! But alas, the time for a new mission is upon us, and hopefully the waters will calm down a little for us as we put Junichi Koyama behind us. At least, in an out of character sense.
But, before we get into the mission debrief, I would like to welcome Will, Lieutenant Commander Ebisuzawa ( @willvoy ) as an official member of the game staff. Will has been in a role of back end support since his return in late 2021. However, with the Myogi ramping up to do a joint season with our sister sim, the USS Tokyo, for which Will is the game master, and I am the secondary assistant game master, I feel that now is the time to formally bring him on board as our secondary assistant game master to help Commander Misono and myself with the running of the game moving forward. I think you all will be in for quite the treat with what we've got planned, but I'm getting ahead of myself here! ;)
Once again, welcome back to the game staff, Will!
Alright, I've kept you all waiting long enough: Here's you debrief for our new mission:
The Myogi is dispatched to Sector 813 amid allegations that the Federal Rheuysian Republic; an important Federation defense contractor, has been producing and selling arms to the Confederacy of Independent Planets. The Myogi and Kaga are sent to Rheuys to convince the Kaiser to end her contracts with the Confederacy.
However, as the negotiations reach a crucial point, the Federation's new president arrives, wishing to resolve this dispute personally. While a welcome change from the more traditional politicians; a more hands-on president might be more trouble than the two Starfleet crews had bargained for:
No relation to the Tokyo mission of the same name, this mission will see us checking up on the Rheuysians- a custom species created by myself for another sim. I'm quite looking forward to expanding the late 24th century chapter of Rheuysian history!
We will also be skipping ahead 11 weeks from the endgame post of this mission: Maho will be going from 20 weeks to 31 weeks in her pregnancy.
Before we get into the crew awards for Junichi Koyama, I would like to address a potential point of confusion in regards to the reintroduction of our old side mission, The Love Boat. When I said that our post-October 2023 posting requirements would be relaxed, I meant that it would apply Only to The Love Boat. For our main missions, the posting requirements introduced last October will still be strictly enforced. As we head into the final month of The Love Boat's return, it is imperative that I nip any misconception that posting requirements have been relaxed across the board in the bud. Because once The Love Boat closes again on Labor Day, it will be back to business as usual.
Participation Points
I promised change to our Participation Points policy, so this is the last time Participation Points will be tallied as introduced. Junichi Koyama was a more complex mission than Operation Tokyo Return before it, so the bar for a passing grade has been raised to 15 participation points. If you have met this, you will not see any change to your position on the manifest.
So, what changes are coming to our Participation Points policy?
Well, first of all, beginning next month, I will be emailing everyone via the website their Participation Points balances as they stand by the end of that month. This will allow players to see in real time how well they're doing compared to everyone else. It is my hopes that if a player sees that they're lagging behind in the points department, they will seek to get more involved with the game to catch up. Passing and failing grades will still be determined by the game staff, but you will now be able to see if you have met this when the requirement for a passing grade is revealed.
And second, in order to make scoring participation points more fun and less like a chore in order to stay on the game, I am rolling out a brand new crew award to recognize the player or players that accrue the most participation points in any given month: As our sim's highest award is named in honor of our captain, Maho Takahashi, I felt it was only fitting that this new award be named in honor of her husband, Keisuke:

Introducing... The Keisuke Takahashi Fastest Typing in Kanto Award!
Players who accrue the most participation points over a given month will be eligible to win this new monthly award, and the winner or winners will be announced in the monthly points update.
Anyhow, that's enough blabbering on about the amendments to our Participation Points policy. Should you wish to read the revisions for yourself, please feel free to check out our rules page, and if you would like to learn more about the Keisuke Takahashi Fastest Typing in Kanto Award, you can always check out our crew awards page, and be sure to check back next month when the inaugural winner is added!
Now, moving on to the "non-monthly" crew awards, beginning with our sim's highest honor:

Maho Takahashi Ribbon of Excellence recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant Ami Rori
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Congratulations to our inaugural recipients of the rebranded Maho Takahashi Ribbon of Excellence!

Essential NPC Award recipients:
-Commander Chiyomi Anzai
-Lieutenant Commander Tristana
-Lieutenant Alisha Reno
-Lieutenant Mia Amaro
-Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara
-Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
-Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
-Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohara Kabuto
-Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa
-Yaeka Sakuragi
Congratulations to our NPCs who became important parts of this mission!

Reintegration Award Recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Commander Victor Delling
-Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
-Lieutenant Ami Rori
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated in this mission, trying as it was!
And lastly, during this mission, our third launch anniversary came and went. Unfortunately, I missed it when it happened and only remembered that it did two months later. But regardless, I must take a moment to salute the launch crew who were still with us on that day:

Launch Crew Commendation Recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant JG Shirro Kamada
While Lieutenant Kamada is no longer with us, they were still active on the game on May 22, 2024- our third launch anniversary. Other than that, congratulations Commanders Misono and Ebisuzawa for being our last launch crew standing!
And a big hearty congratulations to all of our award recipients! I shall be handing out the awards tonight.
That's all for now, carry on!
-Captain Maho Takahashi
Category: General News