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Welcome back, Will

Posted on Thu Dec 16th, 2021 @ 4:57am by Captain Maho Takahashi

To all crew,

Two items today: First off, if you haven't noticed already, Ieuan has elected to leave the Myogi, as he has other commitments that are taking his time away from being able to play with us. He has been a good player and friend to the crew, and I wish him the best of luck with future endeavors, and he is certainly welcome back on the Myogi at any time.

Speaking of welcome back, this segues nicely into the next item on the docket:

For those of you who don't know the story, we are derived from the USS Tokyo; a sim which is run by a person named Will, who for better or worse, has been a guiding light in my simming journey, as well as helping me come to terms with the fact that I am an anime fan, and that it's completely okay to admit it.

Will was our original XO when the Myogi first launched back in late May. However, he stepped down two months later, in late July.

However, I am pleased to announce that, almost 5 months after he resigned as Commander Tomori, Will has decided to rejoin the Myogi, this time as Ensign Ruby Kurosawa. I am honored to have him rejoin us aboard the Myogi. I look forward to what Ensign Kurosawa brings to the table, so please give Will a warm welcome back!


Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer


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