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Merry Christmas 2022

Posted on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 11:05pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

Maho XMas22 (no BG).pngTo all crew,

I'm going to keep this year's Christmas address short and sweet; as the main point is just to wish you all a very Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate the holiday. However, this also serves as a good time to reflect upon the year we've had:

2022 has been an amazing year for the Myogi, as we've gotten some great writing in, started and finished a mission in less than a year, brought some new members under our wings, and have grown closer to our sister sim, the USS Tokyo (thanks in part to that sim's soft reboot) with a whopping SIX mutual players between the two sims! But above all else, we've come closer together as a crew and a family. Even when I was sick with COVID, you guys didn't falter, and I am proud of each and every one of you.

My Christmas orders are simple: Take the next few days to be with family, friends, and those who mean the most to you. Fill up on Christmas cookies, watch a favorite Christmas movie, or just relax with the people closest to you in comfort and peace. You all have certainly more than earned it!

I don't want to see anybody tagging in until at least the 27th or 28th, once the festive season is over. I urge you to take this time and spend it with your loved ones. The sim can wait for a few days. :)

From me in the frozen wasteland that is Chicagoland to wherever in the world you might be; Merry Christmas. Stay safe and stay warm, and like they say in church; Peace on Earth and Good will to all!


Maho Nishizumi Takahashi


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