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New Mission and Crew Awards

Posted on Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 11:09am by Captain Maho Takahashi
Edited on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 9:05am

To all crew,

Insurrection will be wrapping shortly after this news item goes live. You know the drill by now, any open posts will roll over into our new mission:

And now, it is my pleasure to present a debrief for our next mission; an ode to both my favorite Trek Episode, and my second favorite anime; The Fast & The Fleet:

The Fast & The Fleet:


After the attack on Starfleet Headquarters, it is assumed that the USS Myogi will be given orders to stand down, and her crew will be granted some much-needed shore leave. However, to everyone's surprise, the Myogi receives orders to transport two "important guests" to Beta Antares Fleet Yards, due to rampant security risks in the wake of the attack making shuttle transport not possible. However, the identities of the "important guests" are withheld from Captain Takahashi for fear of having her back out of the assignment.

Takahashi decides to recruit the assistance of the Myogi's 2 sister ships, also in the Sol system due to the attack, to ensure the mission goes smoothly. The USS Akina, having recently undergone a change in command following the death of Captain Arles Felnoir, is an easy sell, but the USS Haruna is a different story, as the Haruna's captain, Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero, agrees to help only if Maho and her senior staff can beat her in a "contest of teamwork, courage, and sacrifice" in a setting familiar to Maho- a no-holds-barred touge race!

Maho accepts Shimakaze's challenge, initially viewing it as an opportunity to boost her crew's morale following the attack. However, it soon becomes apparent that Maho refuses to lose to the arrogant Andorian, and begins to take the challenge a little too seriously.

And, as has become tradition at the end of a mission, a new round of crew awards must be handed out. Starting from the top with the Tanaka Miyahara Ribbon of Excellence:


Tanaka Miyahara Ribbon of Excellence Recipients:

-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Commander Queed
-Lieutenant Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
-Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
-Senior Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger

Congratulations to our recipients for going above and beyond expectations over the course of the mission!


Essential NPC Award recipients:

-Captain Taiga Aisaka
-Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
-Commander Rize Tedeza
-Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta
-Lieutenant Tristana
-Lieutenant JG Mia Amaro
-Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
-Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
-Petty Officer 1st Class Kozakura Kikuchi
-Petty Officer 3rd Class Mai Ichihara
-Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohara Kabuto
-Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa

Insurrection saw extensive NPC usage. Well done to all who played NPCs this mission and congratulations to our award-winning NPCs for standout performances over the course of this mission!

Originally, there wasn't supposed to be a mission-specific award for Insurrection. The award was intended to be a promotion in rank:

r-o2.png ---------------> r-o3.png

However, I have decided to roll out a mission-specific award for Insurrection for players who are unable or unwilling to receive a promotion; and that award is the Federation Council Gold Medal!


Federation Council Gold Medal Recipients:

-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

Congratulations to our Federation Council Gold Medal Recipients, and congratulations to all other crewmembers who shall be receiving a promotion in rank as intended!

And lastly, our 2nd Launch Anniversary came and went, now on the day known as the Sisko Day, so our Launch Crew Commendation was once again handed out to our remaining launch crew!


Congratulations to Commander Misono, Lieutenants Pratt and Ebisuzawa, and Ensign Talmage for over two years of service to the Myogi!

All-in-all, well done for making Insurrection an exciting mission, and I hope you all enjoy The Fast & The Fleet! Like I said at the top of this news item, all open mission posts will roll over into The Fast & The Fleet. If there are any posts that are supposed to be set during Insurrection, be sure to label them as backposts.


Captain Maho Takahashi


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