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September Plans!

Posted on Sat Sep 2nd, 2023 @ 1:18am by Captain Maho Takahashi

To all crew,

Greetings and happy September! Now that the 9th month of 2023 is officially upon us, I can reveal the plans that I have in store for the Myogi:

First on the docket, if you haven't had a chance to check out our rules page as of late, I have implemented a change to the PC policy that I have brought over from my other sim, the USS Missouri.

While it has been fun having the likes of Ensigns Talmage and Kurosawa serving as department heads, unfortunately, allowing Ensign department heads is quite limiting in what can be done in that particular department, as it forces other players and potential players to pursue enlisted positions if they want to write in the department, as no department member can outrank the head.

As such, moving forward, Ensign department heads will no longer be welcome on the Myogi. If you wish to play a department head, your character will have to hold a minimum rank of Lieutenant JG.

This change to the PC policy predates a coming reform to our posting policy, which I expect to implement starting next mission, but before we get to that:

I would like wrap The Fast & The Fleet by the end of the month. I think we can pull it off, but here's what needs to occur in order for it to happen:

-Any ongoing battle JPs need to be wrapped up. The only battles left to my knowledge are a couple late-starting ones, and I would like them wrapped up and posted by the middle of the month so that way,
-The battle between Maho and Shimakaze will start once the ongoing battle JPs are wrapped. This post will be open to all players to commentate on. However, in the interest of wrapping the mission by month's end, commentary windows are only going to be a few days long unless someone else tags in, at which point the post will keep moving.
-Once the battle between Maho and Shimakaze concludes, we shall begin a wrap up post beginning where the battle left off, with a debate over who won leading to Tohru declaring Maho and the Myogi NightKids the overall winners. At which point, we will transition to an after party in Club 47 in Spacedock which will be attended by the crews of the Myogi and the Haruna (with the notable exceptions of Amatsukaze, Hatsuzuki, and Teruzuki, because they're sore losers.). Shimakaze will once again attempt to argue that Maho and several members of the NightKids won by sheer luck, at which point Maho will counter-argue that it was luck that the SpeedStars got the wins they did, at which point Shimakaze will be laughed out of the party.

I know that sounds like a lot, but it really isn't all that much. Once we get The Fast & The Fleet wrapped, we'll move on to our next mission; Operation Tokyo Return.

When we do start our next mission, I will be implementing the aforementioned changes to our posting policy. You'll be getting a sneak peak of it during the final battle post in The Fast & The Fleet, and once we get going on Operation Tokyo Return, the changes will formally go into effect.

So, what are these changes, I hear you ask? Well, to summarize them in brief, I am hoping to make the Myogi into a fast-paced game. Our sister sim, the USS Tokyo, has enjoyed great success as such a game, and I'm looking to get in on some of that success. This means I will be tightening the leash on posting requirements and implementing a much stricter tagging window. That's not to say the restraints won't come off at a later date, but for right now, I need to put a system in place to sort the players who share my vision for a fast-paced Myogi from the ones who are only slowing us down. I really hope you all share my vision, and if you do, I hope to see it in your posting levels.


-Captain Maho Takahashi


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