Captain's Christmas Address 2024
Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2024 @ 5:47pm by Captain Maho Takahashi
To all crew,
Merry Christmas!
Well, here we are at our third Christmas, and on behalf of the command staff of the USS Myogi, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas. With all the challenges we've faced this year, it's a small miracle that we're even here to begin with.
2024 was admittedly not our year, and I can best describe it as our struggle to maintain relevance in a changing simming environment. We've had challenges both externally and from within our own fleet that threatened to kill us, and we even lost people along the way. But each time the future of the sim came into doubt, we persevered! That alone speaks volumes to the fortitude of this playerbase and this sim: Continuing on, even when the odds are well and truly stacked against us! We might be back to basics now, but I have faith that from this dark place, the future is bright. It has been, and shall continue to be, an absolute privilege to be not just your captain and game master, but also your friend.
For the next 48 hours, I will be going on a simming hiatus to celebrate Christmas with my family, and I would recommend you do the same. I may check in every now and again, so if you get the itch to write, Myogi will be here for you. Until then, enjoy your holidays, and may they be merry and bright! I'll see you all back here on the 26th. Thank you.
"Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgiveable." -Joe Biden
Once again, from myself and Commander Misono in Central Florida to wherever in the world you might be, Merry Christmas. Enjoy the season, and drink responsibly!
-Captain Maho Takahashi
Category: General News