10 Years of USS Tokyo
Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 8:31am by Captain Maho Takahashi
10 Years!
That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen: 10 years ago, the USS Tokyo- our sister sim- was founded. Like us, the Tokyo also started out in Pegasus Fleet. In a way, it's a journey that both sims have gone on. The only difference is that we never went independent after leaving Pegasus Fleet, instead coming straight to Theta Fleet.
Considering that the average lifespan of a Star Trek sim is 4-5 years (a milestone that Myogi is fast approaching), hitting 10 years is a remarkable achievement in and of itself. But even more impressive is that this long-running sim has spawned not one, but TWO successful spinoff games. One of which you are playing on right now!
I've said it many times before, but the Myogi's roots are in the Tokyo sim. She started off as an NPC ship there, and things spiraled from there as the Myogi as a concept quickly outgrew the nest that was the Tokyo sim. And in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Tokyo sim, I figured I would share the origins of the Myogi. If you want a proper history lesson on the Tokyo, I'd suggest taking it from the source.
USS Myogi Sim Origins:
So, our story begins not in 2015, but in early 2020, when COVID-19 was still a localized outbreak in Asia. I had been working at a dead end retail job for over a year and a half, and in that time, I had been slowly getting into anime. Girls Und Panzer is the series that popped my anime cherry.
One day, I was searching the web for Girls Und Panzer images when I stumbled across an image of a character from the series wearing a Starfleet uniform. Intrigued, I followed the link to the website and discovered the hobby of simming purely by accident! On the website from the google image search, I saw 'Theta Fleet' mentioned a few times, and I believe 'thetafleet.net' was in the site's URL. So, I investigated further, and found out that the fleet which this game was attached to had many different games to offer.
The two games that I found myself consistently drawn to were the USS Missouri (which I did eventually join... Had my heart broken on, and eventually took up the mantle for, but... That's a story for another day) and the USS Tokyo. However, as the Missouri didn't have the open position that I was eyeballing on Tokyo, I decided to apply there instead, creating a character based on my latest anime obsession at the time (and to some extent, it still is) Initial D. And in the process, I met the man who had made the avatar that had sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with.
I had some good fun on Tokyo, even if I wound up making some rookie mistakes that pissed off a few of the players at the time. Some later forgave me for it, while others likely still resent me to this day over it. As it turns out, I had joined right at the tail end of the Tokyo's first season, and my character had been thrust into a chaotic world which he didn't trust. So, when the vague plans for season 2 were shared, I expressed interest in getting his previous assignment involved in the events to help make him see reason. Said previous assignment was named the USS Myogi, and as it was my idea, I decided to make her into a New Orleans class ship.
Of course, plans changed as material was written, and somehow my character found himself 'on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell.' (Yeah, I was also getting into Five Finger Death Punch at the time.) The circumstances eventually became so dire that the only way to save my character didn't organically make sense for him. Like it or not, if I wanted to continue, I would need to draw up a new character and scrap my old one.
Which left me with a bit of a dilemma: I had a fairly developed NPC ship ready to partake in future events, but said future events would not be possible with my current cast of characters. Then, a certain real life event which I have covered in previous news items happened, and I decided that there was enough material to work with that the Myogi could no longer be contained within the confines of the Tokyo sim, and it was time for the Myogi to become it's own sim.
But that's a story for our anniversary in March! ;p
In Conclusion:
If you've made it this far, congratulations!
To summarize: In March, I will have been on the Tokyo for five years, as both Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato, and Major Chiyo Shimada. Also in March, I will have run Myogi for four years. The impact that this sim has had on my simming career and my first ever sim cannot be understated: If I hadn't joined the Tokyo all those years ago, I might never have gotten the inspiration to start my own game. I have seen people come and go and come back. At times, the Myogi has frustrated me (pretty much this whole past year, it has), but at other times, it's delighted me. And I think we all need to stop for a moment to appreciate the sim where it all began.
So, for once, I would like to call for a brief cessation of hostilities between the Myogi and the Tokyo, and for you all to raise a glass in the Tokyo's honor! They've well and truly deserved it.
Here's to Ten Years of the USS Tokyo!

Captain Maho Takahashi
Category: General News