Welcome aboard the USS Myogi!
In the early 2380s, Starfleet recognized the need to modernize the New Orleans class of starship, which dated back to the early days of Project Galaxy in the 2340s. The refit initiative was led by Captain Tanaka Miyahara, a distinguished veteran of the Dominion War whom at the time Starfleet trusted to be capable of leading them into the future.
The initiative was dubbed "Project Jomo," and was an extensive top-to-bottom modernization of the New Orleans class. When brought up to Project Jomo spec, a New Orleans class starship would be able to keep up with contemporary starship designs. The first two ships of Project Jomo, the USS Myogi and USS Haruna, were launched in 2382 and have been in service since.
The USS Myogi is the lead ship of Project Jomo, and is currently commanded by Captain Maho Takahashi. The USS Myogi is not your "typical" Starfleet ship: Instead of 'exploring strange, new worlds' and 'seeking out new life and new civilizations'; the Myogi has a job rarely seen in Starfleet: Upholding law and order within Starfleet, to ensure commanding officers hold up to Starfleet's high standards, and if they falter, to hold them accountable for their actions.
Welcome aboard the USS Myogi; a ship that has gone through hell and back, but like the mountain she was named after, remains defiant against all odds.
The USS Myogi is currently serving in Theta Fleet, attached to Area 51, and is commanded by Captain Maho Takahashi: We are a play by Nova Star Trek Roleplaying Game and are rated 222 or "18+" due to content:
The USS Myogi congratulates the USS Tokyo for Ten Years of Writing!

Language 2: Swearing is generally permitted. However, the language cannot be used to abuse. When in doubt, use [Expletive] or (Expletive) (similar acceptable terms include Censored or Redacted)
Sex 2: Writing about genitalia and sex acts is generally permitted, but no explicit pornography. Cut to black and/or skip ahead.
Violence 2: Violence is generally permitted.

Season 1:

Season 2:

Latest News Items
» 10 Years of USS Tokyo
Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 8:31am by Captain Maho Takahashi in General News
10 Years!
That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen: 10 years ago, the USS Tokyo- our sister sim- was founded. Like us, the Tokyo also started out in Pegasus Fleet. In a way, it's a journey that both sims have gone on. The only difference is that we never went independent after leaving Pegasus Fleet, instead coming straight to Theta Fleet.
Considering that the average lifespan of a Star Trek sim is 4-5 years (a milestone that Myogi is fast approaching), hitting 10 years is a remarkable achievement in and of itself. But even more impressive is that this long-running sim has…
» Captain's Christmas Address 2024
Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2024 @ 5:47pm by Captain Maho Takahashi in General News
To all crew,
Merry Christmas!
Well, here we are at our third Christmas, and on behalf of the command staff of the USS Myogi, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas. With all the challenges we've faced this year, it's a small miracle that we're even here to begin with.
2024 was admittedly not our year, and I can best describe it as our struggle to maintain relevance in a changing simming environment. We've had challenges both externally and from within our own fleet that threatened to kill us, and we even lost people…
» The Twilight Zone
Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 4:24am by Captain Maho Takahashi in General News
To all crew,
As we send The Love Boat off to the breakers, it has come to my attention that some of you have taken a mile in regards to the relaxed posting requirements that came with The Love Boat's short-lived revival. As game master, it is my responsibility to nip this behavior in the bud before it causes serious problems for our sim-!
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension:
A dimension of sound
A dimension of sight
A dimension of mind
You're moving into a land of both shadow and…
» New Mission - Captains and Contraband
Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 12:50am by Captain Maho Takahashi in General News
To All Crew,
Junichi Koyama has now concluded. Well done to everyone for making that mission so much bigger than what I was originally planning for! But alas, the time for a new mission is upon us, and hopefully the waters will calm down a little for us as we put Junichi Koyama behind us. At least, in an out of character sense.
But, before we get into the mission debrief, I would like to welcome Will, Lieutenant Commander Ebisuzawa ( @willvoy ) as an official member of the game staff. Will has been in a role of back end…
» Everything Old Is New Again
Posted on Tue May 28th, 2024 @ 6:20am by Captain Maho Takahashi in Sim Announcement
To All Crew:
First of all, I'd like to welcome back a former player to our sim: Please give Absinthe, our original Chief Medical Officer, a warm welcome back as they rejoin us, this time as Crewman Recruit Lyric Lake. The Myogi has changed a lot since Absinthe was last aboard, and I look forward to seeing what Lyric might bring to the table!
Absinthe is not the only thing returning to the Myogi, however. Anybody else hear that theme music?
Love, exciting and new. Come aboard. We're expecting you...
That's right, folks: After two years off the air, The…
Latest Mission Posts
» In Defense Of Rheuys (Part 2)
Mission: Captains and Contraband
Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 7:39pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Erica Hartmann & Captain Koko Kaga & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Captain Mikoto Misaka & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:
"You and me both..." Commander Anzai sighed. "Right, then; so if we know that they're targeting the women, then the Kaiser will no doubt be their main quarry; we should probably incentivize converging on her location and seeing to it that she's secured."
She glanced over at Keisuke. "Commander, would you concur with that assessment?"
"Make it so, Commander:" Keisuke nodded. "Take whoever you need."
"Well, if there are no objections..." Commander Anzai began, shifting her attention to the away team. "Let's move out!"
"I suppose that means everyone, then." Keisuke grumbled, as he moved…
» In Defense of Rheuys (Part 1)
Mission: Captains and Contraband
Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 11:34pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Erica Hartmann & Captain Koko Kaga & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Captain Mikoto Misaka & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:
Before Mikoto could answer, however, Maho could make out the muffled, yet distinct sounds of the red alert klaxons blaring in the corridor outside. And then, as if right on cue; Mikoto's combadge went off:
=A="Bridge to Captain Misaka:"=A= Came the gravelly voice of the Caitian XO.
Misaka stood up straight. "Misaka here," she answered already walking towards the door.
=A="Hate to disturb you, but we've got company!"=A= The Caitian XO reported. =A="Several Elachi ships have just appeared!"=A=
As Pallis spoke, Stokh placed a hand over her ear and tilted her head, listening in…
» Into The Thick of Things (Part 2)
Mission: Captains and Contraband
Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 7:38pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:
"It's also not like it's going to take up a lot of time", Ji-hee said more assertively. She knew how to manage a department. Resources were also not an issue in the modern world of Starfleet. "We plan to slowly upgrade the shuttle over the next few months. You'll read all about each advanced system as soon as I can get them to you. I'll be meeting with Miss Sinclair. She'll know how to best advise you on utilizing that craft, Sir."
Ji-hee's lips slowly turned upwards into a smile. Her foamy green eyes looked…
» Into The Thick of Things (Part 1)
Mission: Captains and Contraband
Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 7:37pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee
Maho was in her ready room. Over the recess, a new Operations Chief had been brought in, and Maho was expecting her to report in soon. She had gone over the Lieutenant's personnel file to get some basic information on her, but wanted to hear more from her firsthand.
Lieutenant Moon had scheduled a meeting with the Captain during the morning's open ready room hours. . She planned to meet with Maho as soon as possible.
There were still a few things she had to do. Ji-hee woke up hours earlier at 0555 hours. She set a piercing alarm to…
» Matters of National Security
Mission: Captains and Contraband
Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 10:12pm by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Sinisiub Pallis & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Chiyomi Anzai
When the away team from the Myogi beamed down into the lobby of the Rheuysian Reichstag building, they found that another group had beaten them there: This group consisted of civilians wearing dark suits surrounding an aging man in Vulcan robes, though the man was Romulan in physiology. He had been chatting with Braush and Stokh when the sound of the transporters caught his attention, looking up to see the arrivals in Starfleet uniforms.
"Excuse me for one second:" The man raised a hand to cut off Braush before making his way over to the group from Starfleet.
"Commander Takahashi."…
Latest Personal Logs
» Stasis Interrupted
Posted on Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 5:22pm by Lieutenant Kael Ryo
Chief Medical Officer's Log
The Miyogi is still in orbit of the Rheuys System. The sickbay is quiet. Too quiet.
Ensign Williams is finally stable and sleeping. Her being a Pelian it proved difficult to reach an effective treatment. She must not be moved until we see progress.
Crewman Rabal would be probably better off recovering in his own quarters. A broken wrist is not that serious but at the personal request of his physician he remains here for the time being. His exact words were ''it will happen again if we leave him out of sight''.
Lieutenant Maloney probably…
» I'm No Hero
Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2024 @ 4:59am by Captain Maho Takahashi
Captain's personal log:
A lot has happened in light of the Gamma Zednor fiasco, and I am making this log solely for the purpose of record keeping:
First of all, my leadership abilities as commanding officer of the Myogi were brought into question, and I was brought before the Judge Advocate General to clear my name. I'm sure Captain Aisaka, wherever she is, would have laughed her head off to see me on trial, and might have complained even louder than Miyahara did that my trial was rigged in my favor.
During my trial, I am told that the adoption…
» Thoughts on the Election:
Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 9:17pm by Captain Maho Takahashi
Captain's personal log,
Following the vote of no confidence in our previous leadership in the aftermath of attack on Starfleet Headquarters, an election has been held and the people have spoken: Sinisiub Pallis; the Federation Councilman from Vulcan, shall be taking office as the Federation's next president. Pallis rides into office on campaign promises to take a tougher stance on this separatist crisis. While I'm glad to see that the politicians are finally taking this threat to our security seriously, my concerns lie in Pallis himself:
Pallis hasn't been shy in admitting that he's a Romulan raised on Vulcan. While…
» Reflections On A Date
Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 3:31am by Lieutenant Ami Rori
SET: The morning after ‘Ex Post After Shift’, 3am
Ami had left early that next morning after having woken up snuggled in and using Connor Talmage as a pillow, which had been as much a surprise as anything, given her unfamiliarity with him and the awkwardness in which they had started out the evening before after the… Situation in the lounge. But he had been a gentleman, apparently, not wanting to disturb her as she slept and so his own would probably be wretched. She took the time to leave him a handwritten note, tented on the low table in…
» Captain's Personal Log - Supplemental
Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 2:05pm by Captain Maho Takahashi
Captain's personal log - Supplemental:
It's been almost a week since Captain Aisaka was acquitted, and I have been closely monitoring the so-called "Stop the Steal" movement that has sprung up since I was given command of the Myogi.
I must admit, the trends are rather concerning; especially when considering that these are ordinary Federation citizens engaged in plotting some kind of retaliatory attack against Starfleet. I hope that nothing will come of this movement; but knowing the man leading it; I don't see that as a possibility...
One of Senpai's strengths was his way with words, and the passion…