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An (Emergency) Meeting of the Minds

Posted on Tue Jan 3rd, 2023 @ 10:36am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Commander Queed & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr

2,221 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After "Reacting to the Live Images"

Maho sat in the conference room watching the riot at Starfleet Headquarters unfolding live on FNN. She had just finalized holding a press conference in response to the riot, but the true horror of the situation was still sinking in for her. It was difficult for her to believe Miyahara could be responsible, because the Miyahara she knew would have never tolerated treason at this level.

Ichika and Keisuke were the first ones through the doors to the conference room.

"All senior staff members have been debriefed on the situation and will be arriving shortly, Captain." Ichika reported, already one step ahead of Maho as she attempted to organize a coherent timeline of events with what little information she presently had to go off of on her PADD.

"Thank you, Commander." Maho nodded.

Next through the door were the two gold shirts; Tristana and Johnston. Since Pratt was helping out over on the Nikko, Johnston was the engineer left in charge, and it seemed he and Tristana were chatting about something like this happening again in Terry's lifetime when they walked in. Of course, Maho was too afraid to ask as the two Lieutenants took their seats at the table.

Queed strode in and took the seat farthest from the Captain’s chair. He figured being the newest on the ship he had the least seniority. Some crews, in his experience, followed an unofficial etiquette where seniority mattered almost as much as rank. He offered a polite nod to those already present.

Exactly on time, Takumi had relieved Jane at the helm, permitting the chief helmswoman to report to the conference room. There was no such thing here as ‘regular spots’, so Jane sat next to Queed and offered her hand. “We haven’t met yet. Jane Sinclair, I fly the ship.”

“I am Queed, the new diplomatic liaison,” he replied shaking her offered hand, “I’m still getting the lay of the land as they say. It’s nice to meet you.”

"Ensign Talmage reporting for duty. Connor said respectfully as he walked into the conference room.

Pratt had entered with his engineering padd and his mug of coffee he was at a loss to the images that were being beamed in from Starfleet Command. This was something he never felt he would witness in his career. Yet, here it was happening. Taking a seat at the table he pulled himself up to it and then had to listen to the latest information from Captain Maho and Commander Misono.

"Pratt, Reporting for Duty Captain." He gave a one-off sharp salute of respect to his commanding officer.

Queed thought to himself, If that salute had been any sharper someone would have gotten hurt.

Ichika blinked in surprise at Brandon's unexpected arrival. "Weren't you supposed to be on the Nikko, Lieutenant?" she commented.

"My presence was no longer needed onboard, Captain." He mumbled under his breath. "Besides. I don't think Victoria should be left alone with the Myogi engines for too long." He gave a slight wink and then took a seat at the table with his mug of coffee. "Given certain circumstances, I would be pleased to remain on the Myogi. The Nikko was no longer a mess and was well operating under its CEO.

"So, is my presence here no longer necessary?" Terry asked.

"Stick around, Lieutenant." Maho responded.

Terry nodded silently.

The look on Alisha's face as she entered was troubled. It was a mixture of several reasons and she very quietly made her way around the table to next to Jane wordlessly. She placed her two PADDs on the table and made ae quick glance around as she sidled her seat a few inches closer to the Flight Officer.

Like many of those around her, Bree was somber as she entered and took a seat, her mind swirling with the images she had just witnessed. She wanted to help in some way, of course, and not just bear witness, and that was why she took comfort in this gathering. They were going to make a plan. What her role would ultimately be she didn't know, but she took solace being part of a team. Scott made sure to acknowledge people as she met their eyes. Bree was still getting to know everyone, but she was protective of them all.

Victor reached over and rested his hand briefly on Bree's in a physical acknowledgement of the support she silently offered. He wasn't much into faith, but every once in a while Wyndon rubbed off on him. He felt the need for some support, but he wasn't sure exactly how to go about that.

Ruby the red headed operations officer entered the room, located an empty seat and slid down into it quietly.

Once the senior staff were gathered, Maho rose from her chair to start the meeting. Her doing so was intended to silence any ambient conversation that might have been taking place in the conference room.

"I'm sure by now all of you have seen the images coming in from Sol." She said, motioning to the feed on the screen. "I'm sure you're all as shocked and saddened as I am, shocked that Federation citizens could rise up and attack a symbol of our democracy based on a lie. And I'm sure you're all looking to me for reassurance that everything is going to be okay..."

Maho scanned the faces of her senior staff as she talked. Her voice wavered slightly as she fought to remain together for the meeting.

"But I can't give you such reassurance." Maho continued. "All I can give you is that however you might be feeling about this; it probably pales in comparison to what I'm feeling right now. Because from my days at Starfleet Academy, I've known the man who all but ordered the attack; and I've come to view him as a sort of mentor figure. I'm sure there are people in this room who feel the same." She nodded towards Terry and Tristana. "And personally, I find it absolutely deplorable that a man who took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets could so willingly violate that oath, and call upon a mob to try and disrupt our democracy."

Maho then picked up a PADD from the table. The PADD contained the names of Maho's senior staff.

"Which is why, in our response, we must be united like never before, and come together as a crew to condemn the violence at Starfleet Headquarters, and turn the page together." Maho declared. "And let there be no room for misunderstanding: If there is a soul in this room, or even a soul on board this vessel, who shows even a shred of sympathy with the terrorists at Starfleet Headquarters, I will sign their transfer orders faster than they can say "Quantum Slipstream Drive." Such dissent has no place here on the Myogi, and would have never been tolerated under Miyahara, and it will certainly not be tolerated under me."

Maho knew that she would sound harsh delivering such conditions, but the inner Miyahara in her head was telling her that laying down the law was critical for her to not be perceived as weak.

The silence in the room was palpable, and after a moment it was Jane who broke it. “What are we going to do to fight them, ma’am?” She itched in her seat, needing to be doing something to put a stop to the madness planetside.

"That was going to be the next point;" Maho responded. "Starfleet's orders are for all responding ships to mobilize their security and marine compliments to beam planetside. As the Myogi at the moment has no marine compliment, mobilizing marines is not an option for us. However, Starfleet has requested that responding starships also mobilize any and all able-bodied crewmembers with either combat or riot control experience. I'm sure Starfleet would greatly appreciate all the help they can get, but know and let everyone in your departments know that you volunteer at your own risk, because once planetside, I cannot guarantee anybody's safety."

“I’d like to volunteer to be part of it, Captain,” Jane said without hesitation or prompt. Part of her worried, she wasn’t the toughest aboard the ship, but she was hard as nails in her own way, and she knew she could contribute. She had to contribute. She looked over to Alisha, meeting her eyes for a bit of a confidence boost. “I have combat experience.”

"As will I, Captain," Ichika seconded in a gesture of solitude. "My people were slaves of the Klingon Empire for over a century; we don't take threats to our basic freedoms kindly."

Bree hesitated. She wanted to do something, of course, but she was merely an adequate combatant, capable of defending herself and others as required. She was hardly experienced in combat or riot control. She hoped others would not think less of her for not volunteering or see it as confirmation of a stereotype. "May I be of assistance medically, or perhaps in working to bring peace by understanding and using the psychology of these people to our advantage?"

"I can't." Alisha blurted out as she glanced around. Under the table, one hand reached out and captured one of Jane's outside of the visual field of everyone. When Jane squeezed it in support, Alisha shuddered slightly, "I.. Can't go as myself at least. I'd need to do something to blend in, gather information to help."

"I can go, Captain something tells me this is the moment I've been waiting for since leaving the Academy. And yes I'm aware of the risks but I know what I'm going for. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" connor said

Victor sighed gently and shook his head "My skill lie outside of a battlefield, though I suspect that Dr. Rapisarta might just volunteer his services to the cause. "

"I will volunteer for the away team assignment. It is the least I can do in these circumstances." Brandon held a grimace to the images and situation at hand.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go, Captain:" Terry sighed. "Somebody's got to stay behind to keep the ship running."

Maho nodded.

"Anyone who wishes to remain behind will be in good hands." She said. "I've arranged to speak to the press, which will require my temporary leaving of the ship. However, I've spoken to Commodore Honda, and she's agreed to watch over the Myogi while I'm away. My only request for any remaining crew is that you don't give Commodore Honda too much of a hard time. She's already overworked as it is, and no doubt she's stressed about what's happening. So there's no need to give her a premature heart attack."

Maho scanned the faces of everyone in the room.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Queed spoke up, “Captain, if I may, I would like to accompany you to the press conference. I think I might best help in that area.”

"I suppose I could use someone to answer the stream of questions the press is no doubt going to have." Maho responded with a nod. "Any other questions?"

“Who will have operational command of the armed forces, Captain?” Jane asked. It might’ve been the Captain, but with her speaking to the press and trying to defuse the situation diplomatically, she might not be in a position to do so, and if that were the case, would it default to Commander Misono or Lieutenant Tristana. Best to confirm ahead of time.

"As this is Starfleet Headquarters, once planetside, our security compliment and all volunteers will fall under the jurisdiction of Starfleet Security." Maho explained. "I can assure you that the commanders of Starfleet Security are the best in the business, or they wouldn't be there. If you follow their lead, you should be fine."

"Will we have any way of immediately discerning potential allies from the belligerents?" Ichika was quick to point out. "Mind you, some of the insurrectionists are Starfleet officers themselves; they could quite feasibly perpetrate as one of the volunteers if they intended to do harm."

"I have heard some of the reports from the ground about insurrectionists flashing combadges to Starfleet Security, be it in our current style" Maho indicated her own combadge. "Or in older styles to reflect previous Starfleet service. My best advice is to use your better judgement. I'm sorry that I am unable to offer clearer advice. Are there any other questions?"

When Maho was met with silence, she nodded.

"Well, if there are no more questions, I believe we can call this meeting adjourned." She said.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Queed
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Terrence "Terry" Johnston
Engineering Officer

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Connor Talmage
Chief Science Officer


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