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Conditions of Employment.

Posted on Wed Apr 20th, 2022 @ 12:13pm by Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos
Edited on on Mon Apr 25th, 2022 @ 9:42am

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Chief Medical Officers Quarters

Being buried in a sea of paperwork was not Victors idea of fun. In fact the backlogged paperwork is from the previous chief irritated him to no end. There wasn't any accountability, nor any pride in ones work. Paperwork was a part of the job, and necessary. If one was to continue to be able to tell ones ass from ones elbow, that paperwork would help. It was almost as if the doctor clocked out before they'd left. F'Rell had practically vanished out of thin air. He'd not found any reasoning for it, nor had she left any information for her successor.

"Computer, what is the current time on Mauriposa?"

"It is currently 1045 on the colony, and normal operations are commencing."

"Open a channel to Doctor Vivienne Erebos, marked personal."

The screen before him obediently flashed to the black field of stars that indicated a Federation Communications channel was being opened. It flickered between the sigil of the Myogi and the swirl of butterfly wings that marked the colony as its own seperate entity in Federation Space. Soon enough, the face of one Vivienne Erebos appeared on the screen. She was breath catchingly lovely, and a younger Victor had been quite taken with her. Now, she was a dear friend to him.



"I missed you enough that I will ignore my childhood nickname from your lips, old friend.". Her smile brightened a face that was too thin and tired. He hadn't missed the fact that she tended towards overwork, as many in their field did.

"I'm not sorry." He teased

"I didn't expect you would be. You don't often call me, is there something wrong?"

"Not wrong persay. I just took a new assignment, and I was wondering if you were tired of the farm life. I know you can't get enough of helping the locals with their livestock.".

Vivienne wrinkled her nose in distaste for some of the things she had done as the 'country doctor' position here at Mariposa.

"How bad is it?"

"Bad." He heaved a sigh and licked his lips to explain to his old friend just how dire the situation was. "The old CMO was a V'Nai, which honestly I've never heard of before now. She just disappeared practically out of nowhere and left everyone reeling. She didn't chart things in any way that I've been able to figure out, and it seems like more people just transferred off or simply didn't accept positions at all, rather than deal with her idiosyncrasies. No-one really wants to talk about it."

A laugh returned to his ears and he looked up from his view of his new desk and could see her laughing at him. He couldn't help but smile at that.

"It would be funny except it really isn't. They had a Mark V EMH as their Chief Medical Officer. Not that it's not a great resource in a pinch, but that's not it's purpose you know?"

"How does that involve me any?"

"Oh come on Vi. Don't make me beg here."

"And what pray, if I want you to beg?" Her voice took on a hint of wry satisfaction as she tapped her fingers on the desk. In truth she had been seriously considering requesting a fleet assignment. Mariposa colony was lovely, the people were good natured and half of them worked well with technology. She could mimic an Irish brogue with the best of them, but she secretly missed 'civilization'.

His laugh sounded in the silence between the comm channels and he raked his fingers through his hair "Fine. You want me to say that I'm in over my head? Fine. I and my almost non-existent medical department need your help. I need you to run this place. Please."

The white haired woman looked at him with sympathy in her eyes and then heaved a huge sigh. "Alright. Just do me a favor and try to get the old team back together. I'm not the only one looking for a change- though I will say that I enjoy private practice."

"You enjoy private practice until you complain that your clients don't pay you in a timely fashion, or appropriately. "

The woman Mimed being struck with an arrow in the heart, and slumped forward onto the desk. Then, she laughed from her position on the desk- still acting. "You win this round Victor."

"I look forward to the next round Vivienne" the blue eyed doctor gave her a practiced bow from his seat, and also gave her name the proper french pronunciation.

Her expression was that of an impressed, star struck lady who was surprised that he could speak her name in its entirety. "I will come on one condition"

"Name it."

"I apprentice of sorts. I'd like to set her up for the academy entrance exams. Can you back her?"

"Absolutely. Send me her credentials. Does she need a full sponsorship, social worker and everything?"

"Her parents aren't thrilled, but she's their 6th daughter and they were despairing to try to get her wedded.". Vivienne snorted at that and raked her fingers through immaculate white hair. "She's wasted on a wedding and popping out the requisite 3 babies now. She's got such to learn. I am sure she'll be perfect for both academy life and lifestyle. She'll get her mate and kids 100%, just not here and now."

"I'll back her, whatever is required. My word on it."

"Thanks Victor."

"My pleasure. "

He closed the connection and grinned at the ceiling. Victory!


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