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Some much needed good news

Posted on Wed Jul 21st, 2021 @ 11:10pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Before F'Rell comes aboard

Maho sat in the Myogi's ready room filling out paperwork and listening to the news, which was covering 'Stop the Steal', which seemed to be Senpai's latest push to overturn the results of the trial.

"Commander Takahashi;" A voice came over the coms. "You have a civilian transmission; signal origin: Gunma, Japan."

Maho pondered the information given to her. However, given that the signal was from Gunma, it might be who she was thinking it was:

"Patch it through:" Maho responded, shutting off the news.

The screen popped up on the desk and flickered to life, revealing the image of a Japanese man with black hair on the other end. Maho was surprised to see him, specifically the fact that he was wearing civilian attire and not an orange prison jumpsuit:

"Takeshi-Kun!" She exclaimed. "You're okay! And you're not..."

"Yep." The man, Takeshi, smiled. "Judge decided my dedication to Senpai wasn't worth ruining my life over. That, and I may have given a confession or two..."

Maho smiled.

"Yeah, that's the disorganized for you;" She said. "Always forcing your hand to make you cut them a deal to protect their status."

Takeshi sheepishly looked away. He hadn't called to go into politics.

"Anyway, how's K.T. and the baby doing?" He asked.

"Oh, he's fine." Maho explained. "Still mad as hell over what happened at the wedding, but can you really blame the guy? We'll be holding a vow renewal in a few days; the way we should have done the wedding..."

"Well, that's great to hear, Maporin:" Takeshi said. "You and K.T. were always the champions; never compromising in the face of evil."

"Thanks, Zack:" Maho responded. "It really means a lot..."

"And the baby?" Takeshi asked.

"Ever the troublemaker:" Maho explained. "I'll be getting the first ultrasound sometime soon, though with the CMO reassigned and nobody else available for the position, this one might have to be a job for the EMH..."

"Wait, Doc got reassigned??" Takeshi gasped. "Aw, man; and he was such a great officer, too!"

"It's not just the CMO, Zack:" Maho clarified. "The whole crew has been reassigned. They broke Senpai's yardstick and tossed me the shattered pieces, expecting me to put it back together."

"Those bastards..." Takeshi muttered.

"Anyway, how are you doing, Zack?" Maho asked. "I take it Sayuki and the kids are doing well to still have you in their lives?"

"Yeah," Takeshi responded. "Mako is chipper as ever, Sayuki couldn't be happier. The only person with regrets is me: I mean, I went from having everything to losing it all on some stupid gamble I should have never gone through with."

"You're being too hard on yourself, Zack." Maho said. "It's not your fault that the Federation doesn't stand for anything you or Senpai believe in anymore. You both stood your ground and stood for what was right, and were squished under the disorganized boot. At this point, you should be thankful it didn't come down any harder, because you could certainly be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now instead."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Takeshi muttered. "But still, it's just that I want to prove to Sayuki and the kids that I am capable of change, and that chance was denied to me."

"And you still will have chances to prove yourself." Maho responded. "Even if you have that 'disgraced' mark on your record, I'm sure there are civilian employers willing to overlook that dark mark."

"True," Takeshi admitted. "But, Mako has always been curious as to what daddy was up to before Starfleet so... Get ready, bitches, because the NightKids are coming back!"

"Well, it's good to see that fighting spirit still alive and well in you, Zack." Maho said. "It's been nice talking to you: Maybe some time when I get some shore leave, we can meet up? Have a drink or two?"

"Sounds wonderful." Takeshi said. "I look forward to that day. And when it does come; you'll know where to find me."

"Goodbye, Takeshi." Maho said with a smile, tears glistening in her eyes as Takeshi wordlessly waved farewell before Maho ended the transmission.

Maho sat forward as the tears began to fall. She brushed the tears out of her eyes and gave her combadge a tap:

=A="Keisuke, can you come to my ready room?"=A= She said.

=A="Of course:"=A= Keisuke's voice came over the com. =A="I'll be right there..."=A=

Posting by

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Takeshi "Zack" Nakazato
Disgraced Starfleet Officer.


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