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Roman Liaisons

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 12:27pm by Lieutenant Cassia Amabilia & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro

3,285 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Mess Hall, USS Myogi

The one thing Cassia didn't like about her duties - were long, stressful shifts on call, usually for 24 hours or more. This time had been thirty-six hours straight, and boy, did she want to relax and unwind. As such she'd gone to her quarters, discarded her uniform in favor of a flowing white dress that complemented her curvaceous figure and let her long, golden blonde hair down over her shoulders and found a quiet seat at the mess hall. It was at this time that she ordered herself a huge plate of fish and chips and tucked in hungrily.

Mia was sitting across the mess hall when the vision came through the door and began collecting her meal and she eyed the woman while she indelicately ate her enchiladas. Finally, she’d watched enough and picked up her tray and slowly sauntered her way over towards the new coming, brushing her short purple-highlighted hair over one ear and the Hispanic woman stopped with one hip half-cocked as she gestured to the seat across from Cassia with a grin, “You look a bit lonely, chica, mind if I join you?” She asked. She was wearing her favorite off-duty outfit, a yellow cropped tube top with her leather flight jacket and short shorts. She’d been yelled at about it before, but she didn’t care. What she wore when she was off duty was her own damned business, not some stuffy security officers’.

Cassia glanced up from her meal and smiled at the attractive Hispanic woman. "Of course. I don't mind the company." She said. Blue eyes seemed to study Mia as she sat down, taking in her outfit and manner of dressing. "My name is Cassia. Cassia Vesta Amabilia. But please, ignore the last two parts." She held out a hand for the other to shake with a kind smile. "And you, friend? What should I call you? If I had to guess - are you one of the ship's helmsmen?"

“Mia Faye Amaro, but you can ignore the last two parts.” Mia winked sassily, shaking the other woman’s hand firmly, but allowed it to linger, “But a lot of people call me Banshee. I mean, sure I can fly this old girl, but I can fly anything with or without wings. I’m a fighter pilot by trade, one of the best in the business. You, on the other hand… I wasn’t aware that they had the position of ‘goddess’ on a starship, but that would seem to fit the bill for you.”

"It's nice to meet you, Mia." Cassia smiled and withdrew her hand. So this one was the flirty type, and very forward when it came to it, too - a pretty sexy combination, when she thought about it. That she definitely had to give to her. "I'm flattered that you think about me that way. I think you're beautiful yourself." She took a moment to sip from her drink before asking, "How long have you been on board? Longer than me, obviously, considering I only just arrived here a few days ago, but I really am curious."

“I’ve been here for oh… A few weeks, right before we went after Nikko.” Mia shrugged, “Flew some cover for the ship, got a few shots in to disable her, but nothing a little bit of fancy flying couldn’t do.” She shrugged in a very ‘Ehat can I say’ manner, “Pity we don’t have any Scorpions on board, I could take you you for a really fun flight, but I can’t in my Razor. Of course, the XO didn’t like how I came on board the ship, took my Banshee away from me for a couple weeks, made me fly one of the other fighters.” She grumbled a few choice words about Keisuke under her breathe, still holding that grudge.”

"Oh." Cassia blinked hard. "I see. I've never flown in a fighter craft before, unfortunately - I'm a doctor, you see. I might never need to." After spooning another mouthful of food into her mouth she asked, "Well then. What do you do for fun, Mia, other than fly fast? Do you have any other hobbies?" She smiled a dazzling pearly white smile and leaned forward, inadverdantly giving her a good view of her bust...

It was a true test of her force of will that prevented Mia from staring openly at the cleavage presented. Instead, her eyes kept flickering back and forth from Cassia’s face and the luciousness beckoning to her. In the end, she stretched widely, “I do like some beach volleyball here and there, I’ll admit, oh and watching cartoons! All styles, the really cartoonish ones and anime and all that, if you've never seen the remastered Neon Genesis Evangelion and any of the Gundam series, you’ve never seen nothin’! Always better with some company to watch with you, of course..” She smiled widely, “But pretty much I’m game for just about anything that keeps me out of one of the stuffy uniforms the top bosses here seem to love. I don’t know how anyone can get used to the itching and lack of pockets!”

"I mean... I haven't seen any of those shows before." Cassia smiled a dazzling, pearly white smile, either ignorant of, completely ignoring or possibly very, very much accepting of the other woman's flirtatious offer. "If you're offering, I don't mind watching them with you. I'm curious, actually, to see what Earth has for televised entertainment. I'm not from Earth, in case my name didn't give it away." She canted her head as she studied the other woman with the barest tantalizing upcurl to her lips. Tall, statuesque and curvaceous, she really was the picture of Roman beauty.

Mia stood again from her seat in order to be more on even-eyes terms with Cassia, “I actually wasn’t sure, some people still use the old Latin names, especially in Old Rome. I do recognize the language because Spanish is based off it.” She gave a tiny shrug, “But there are some that say Rome colonized everything even before humans left Earth, so I suppose it must be true.” She smiled widely as she leaned forward, “And there are so many other things to watch, too!” Those eyes were bright and gleaming.

"I'm sure there are. Name a time and place, and I'll be there." Cassia promised. The smile that she flashed afterward, slight but also laced with thinly veiled coyness, suggested that she knew full well that some things other than just consuming old Earth entertainment might happen afterward, and simply wasn't opposed to it. It'd been a while since her last, after all.

"Then it's a date, my place, say... Eighteen-hundred." Dark eyes glittered as Mia picked up her tray again as she recognized a look that she'd given others so many times. She put a bit of a wiggle in her hips as she departed the mess hall, depositing her tray in the replicator as she went and only throwing a quick glance and wink over her shoulder before the doors slid shut behind her.

Mia's Quarters, 1800

Preparations were made, snacks were replicated and the place was... Moderately cleaned up. At least it wasn't a complete wreck, with the trash now in the right receptacle, the flight suit now hung up in the corner with her leather jacket, just in case they got a scramble call instead of a pile on the floor along with the other clothes, now in a fashionable pile in the corner of the bedroom, the DARK corner. Even the bed was somewhat made, what she could do in five minutes. The hardest choice, which had taken her about half an hour that she should have used cleaning up more, was what sort of anime to introduce Cassia to first. Wouldn't do to put on something too great, just in case, but not something that would give the wrong impression... She finally came up with an oldie but goodie, Voltron. The remake done after the original, that was, not as good, but a bit more sophisticated.

She herself wore something far more comfortable than before, a crop-top sleeveless shirt made of a fleecy fabric and matching short-shorts, her bare feet with freshly painted purple nails just waiting for her new guest to arrive. Who knew what was going to happen?

And right about then, exactly on time, the door to Mia's quarters chimed. Cassia had arrived. In lieu of something more traditionally Magna Roman (which she decided was far too formal-looking for occasions such as this one, anyway) she'd opted for something simple and far more casual: a white crop top that left her toned arms and belly bare, jeans that clung to her equally toned legs and posterior and accented them perfectly and a white jacket that she'd left unzipped. Had she picked her outfit on purpose, just to see how Mia would react? Perhaps!

Mia hopped up from the couch where she'd been admiring her nails and padded over to the door before triggering it, then looked up slowly, taking in the woman in front of her. A sly smile had hit her face as she took in the attire that Cassia had put on, including the fact (not just suspicion, Mia knew how to tell) that there was nothing on underneath. The only daunting thing that she could see was the height difference, but that rarely ever a problem for Mia. After the quick glance, Mia went up on her toes as she wrapped her arms around the tall blonde for a typical Mia-hug, giving her a peck on the cheek, "Good to see you, Cariña, come on in! I've got everything all set up, tiny tacos, popcorn, cookies, strawberrries with a gooey chocolate dipping sauce and other things! Figure we could make it an extended evening!" She released Cassia and extended a hand for hers.

Cassia blushed as her warm, soft lips met her cheek, and she leaned in slightly with a soft hum of satisfaction. "Good to see you too, Mia. It all sounds lovely - I can't wait to see what you've got in store." She took the young Mexican woman's hand and gently ran her thumb over her knuckles as she took in the interior of her quarters. Neat, but not that neat - she figured that Mia might've cleaned up just for her, somehow, but she wasn't here to judge. "I'm afraid I am not familiar with most Earth languages. What is the meaning of....Cariña?" Cassia asked, hoping she'd gotten the pronunciation right. She wrapped an arm round her new friend and began to walk into her quarters.

Mia guided the pair into the quarters and towards the exceedingly comfortable couch that was right in the middle and looked up in a smile, "It's not that important, just a comment on how good you look in that outfit. Definitely glad you didn't show up in uniform, now that would have taken some explanation, wouldn't it?" She evaded the question, because how would Cassia have taken being called 'Darling' in Spanish? Most people didn't ask and well... "Besides, I don't like the standard Fleet uniform, waay too unflattering and just so drab. And no pockets, that's important too!"

That Cassia had to laugh at, and nod in agreement. "My trousers have pockets, and so does my doctor's coat. But I do wish my top had pockets sometimes, to carry a tricorder with me and such." She smiled and sat down on the couch, almost letting out a half whimper half groan of relief when she did. She'd been standing and walking all day, almost, and by the Gods, was she tired. "Now, what was that about all those delicious snacks you mentioned? If you've prepared that much you're surely predicting that our evening isn't going to be short at all!" The Magna Roman laughed, a pleasant, bellike sound that could fill the listener with warmth. "Also, I haven't had dessert quite yet."

"Oh, not short at all." Mia's eyes glowed as she bustled over to where she'd laid everything out, "The salsa dip for the tacos is my niece's recipe after it got run through the replicator, she runs a rather nice restaurant back on Earth. The rest is basically just your standard stuff, I've never been a good enough cook to try to poison you with what I'd make!" She laughed as she placed the tray on the couch next to Cassia within easy reach, "Anything to drink? I've got Voltron set up for now, it's a classic anime, five lion robots piloted by heroes combine to make one giant robot and save the galaxy!"

Ah, yes. The complexities of family trees. Newborn uncles, nieces and nephews that were older than you, so on and so forth through every possible permutation. Cassia's mind had boggled when learning about it in depth as a medical officer and it admittedly still did when she thought about it. "I'd like a chocolate milkshake, please, with whipped cream and caramel syrup on top." Cassia replied, dipping a strawberry into chocolate, eating it whole, then licking her lips clean so they gleamed delicately. "The show sounds quite unusual - but one thing I do know about human entertainment is that it always has its own charm, no matter how silly. I can't wait to see it."

Mia thought for a second, then shrugged, replicating two milkshakes, hers being cherry with whipped cream and a chocolate syrup on top. She'd been expecting more about tequila or something strong, but this woman had some good taste, just the wrong flavor perhaps. "Computer, play." She slid onto the couch and handed the chocolate shake to Cassia and then lifted the platter as the opening theme began, sliding herself in next to the taller woman, leaning forward and placing her shake on the low table, grabbing a handful of the mini-tacos and one of the salsa cups. These were her absolute favorite snacks, her niece Rosita did make a killer salsa,

Cassia shifted a little bit in her seat to allow Mia to cuddle up next to her, head laying on her chest, with a content sigh. She would giggle occasionally at something silly on screen and glance down at Mia with an eyebrow raised, but she elsewise remained silent. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, though.

Something was off and Mia knew it. She had the feeling that this woman KNEW that the whole anime gig was just for show, not the REAL reason Mia had invited her over. She smiled up at Cassia briefly, making sure that she was at least enjoying the snacks and show, but it kept gnawing at her. Typically she would have been all over someone she brought home by now, but... "Cassia, hermosa? I think I'm intimidated by you." Her voice was confused as she lifted her head up to look at her partner here, "This is the first time this has ever happened to me. Ever."

Something changed in that moment. Cassia had been relaxed before, content to simply sit and watch the silly Japanese cartoon with her new friend, but now she seemed almost tense. Like she'd remembered something that pained her immensely. Just like that, her arm was gone from around Mia's shoulders, and she had risen to leave. "I didn't mean to scare you." She said softly, eyes glued to the door. She took a step forward. "I'm sorry, I- I thought this'd be an amazing night for us both. But we can't have that with you scared of me." She began to walk forward, heading for the door. "I think I should go. I'm sorry, Mia - perhaps it's best we should not meet again."

"No." As soon as Cassia had stood, Mia had shot to her feet and the moment the first movement had been made towards the door, she'd plotted and executed an intercept course that took her OVER the back of the couch to plant her feet shoulder-width apart in front of Cassia, one hand outstretched, "Cassia, I didn't say that you scared me, I am not afraid of you." Her hand came up against the blonde's chest as she'd made her way forward, but Mia wasn't going to just let her leave, "Look, let me be candid. I brought you here with every intention of seducing you and taking you to bed, but I can't figure out HOW to do that to you." Her mind raced, "Eres preciosa y no te merezco." She shook her head sharply as she realized and translated, "I don't deserve you."

Cassia glanced down at the shorter woman, staring at her for a few minutes before smiling wanly and saying with amusement, as much as her expression said otherwise: "It wasn't hard to figure that out from the second you met me. If I didn't want that to happen I wouldn't have come." The corners of her lips turned up in a coy smile. "Come on now, Mia, as much as I might look like a Roman statue come to live I'm as mortal as you are. So go on, shoot your best shot." She said, retreating to the sofa and settling on the armrest with her arms folded. "You already have me where you want me, so why waste the chance?"

"But if you think it isn't right, or you shouldn't, I can also leave if you'd like." She offered with a tinge of regret.

"Hell no!" Mia objected to that last offer instantly and while she hadn't moved yet, her mind was racing. 'Madre de dios, ¿Qué está mal conmigo? A la mierda.' (Mother of God. What is wrong with me? Fuck it.') She came up on Cassia slowly, almost tentatively at first, but then with more confidence. This time, she was at the right height, made for a better angle and instantly Mia realized that in this relationship (whether only a single time, or if there were other encounters), she wasn't going to be the dominant partner as she usually was. It was a novel thought to the young Mexican.

Mia placed her knees on the sofa's arm to either side of Cassia's legs and leaned in, reaching out to encompass the Magna Roman's face with soft hands and pulling towards her for a kiss that would melt steel. There was no hesitation, no questioning about intent or desire. That was all there.

"That's it, that's the way..." Cassia whispered, returning the kiss with equal passion and fire. She pushed into the kiss, almost, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman's rear and pulling her in close to her generous bosom. "Why don't we move somewhere else more... comfortable." Her tone had changed, too, morphing into something much lower and sultrier than she seemed to be capable of doing. "And then we can have our fun."

"Si." Mia agreed as she backed off unwillingly, hands lingering on Cassia's cheek until only one manicured finger remained on her lips, "And I suppose I should show you." She winked, brown eyes promising blue eyes, then licked her lips and sauntered off again, this time reaching up and peeling off her top before discarding it and shimmying out of her shorts, then coquettishly looking back, "Coming?"

Cassia smirked to herself as she admired Mia's less well-endowed but no less eye-catching nude body, and her own clothes followed soon after. "Coming." The look in her eyes was devious as she sauntered after her and tackled her onto her bed, hands wandering...



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