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Backpost - Emergency Preparedness

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 7:16am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Cassia Amabilia

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: Before return to Earth

As the Myogi made her way toward Earth, Lieutenant junior grade Jane Sinclair was tasked with making certain that everything in her department was just right. Any and all of the ship’s resources might need to be brought to bear, and so nothing could be out of place.

Colour her surprised to find that one of the emergency medical kits aboard the Reopon was missing several items. The dermal regenerator’s battery was completely empty, and the hypospray was missing its doses of painkiller and antibiotics.

An investigation showed what had happened: someone had injured themselves in the shuttlebay and sought immediate treatment rather than go to sickbay. That person would get a stern talking to, but the immediate concern was a full inventory and replenishment. So Jane had requested support from the medical department, and Dr. Cassia Amabilia was set to meet her in the shuttlebay.

The support she'd requested was quick to arrive; the blond-haired Magna Roman medical officer swept through the door just a few minutes after her request had been sent and received. She had her ponytail tied up as she normally did when on duty so that it wouldn't get in her eyes, and still had her doctor's coat on. "One new emergency medical kit!!" She said, hefting the grey plastic case and placing it on top of a storage crate next to Jane. "You must be lieutenant junior grade Sinclair, am I right? Seeing as you're the only one here." She flashed a dazzling pearly smile before turning to the medical kit and flipping it open. "I'd like to go over the contents with you to verify if we've got everything in, is that alright?"

Jane had to physically shake her head to stop from staring. She had never met this doctor, and didn’t know what to expect. She certainly didn’t expect a blonde, blue-eyed bombshell who actually had an inch or two on her. “Um, yes,” Jane said. “Let’s go over them, yes. Yes.” Stop talking Jane. She shook her head again. “Sorry. Yes, I’m Lieutenant jg Sinclair. Jane. You’re Doctor Amabilia, right?”

Cassia was, in reality, no stranger to having people's eyes glued to her. Maybe it came with fighting in the arena for public entertainment. Maybe it came from knowing she looked good and simply being accepting of that fact. Maybe it was a bit of both. Regardless she'd learned to take them lightly and occasionally give onlookers a smile or wave and leave it at that, and that was what she did now: smile at Jane before turning back to the emergency kit. "That's me. Now." She began to remove items from the kit, laying them out on the storage crate. "Dermal regenerator, bandages, cordrazine, adrenaline..." And so on and so forth through every single item in the kit, as per regulation. "...and that should be all. Have we missed anything?" She smiled at the other once more.

"I think that covers it," Jane said, nodding. The other woman was gorgeous but Jane could be professional about it. She closed up the kit, putting everything back as she had seen Cassia remove it (for she did have her eyes on the kit...most of the time anyway; stolen glances were always allowed). She closed the kit and hefted it toward the shuttlepod Reopon. "I'd like us to review the contents of the other emergency kits in here too, if you have time," Jane added. "My team inventoried them but I'd love to have you. Look at them. I'd love to have you look at them," she added hastily, blushing at the slip.

"I can do that." The Magna Roman couldn't help but giggle at the rather obvious Freudian slip. "Though I'm afraid I can't stay too long. I'm still on call, as I'm sure you're aware." She followed the brunette anyway, though. "By the way - if you'd like to catch a drink sometime, or somesuch, just let me know, okay?" She quipped.

"I'd like that," Jane said, walking Cassia to the open hatch of the next shuttle in the line. The emergency medkit was already out, ready for inspection. "They're all like this, so it won't take long." She stepped aside, and couldn't help but keep her eye on Cassia as she went to look at the kit. "Are all Magna Romans built like you?" she asked, rather bluntly.

"Hmm? Oh, no. Not really. I just got lucky in the genetic lottery, as you humans call it." Cassia blushed slightly at the other woman's remark. "Most Magna Romans are no different to the average human, really." She began to go through the medkit with equal familiarity and poise as the last one. "Along with an extremely strict diet and exercise regime when I was young. Courtesy of my mother."

“Lucky is right,” Jane mumbled. “I come from Proxima Centauri II,” she continued, more loudly. “Lower gravity, so we’re bred tall, slim, and light. I’m actually short for a Proximan, but it’s rare to meet a woman taller. And built like you.” She let out a chuckle. “You could probably snap me in half,” she added nervously.

"Proxima Centauri II? I know that planet. It's the one with lower gravity than most others isn't it? I've been there before." Cassia replied with a warm smile. Seemingly satisfied with the contents of the medkit she closed it and moved on to the next fighter. "As to snapping you in two... maybe." The Magna Roman shrugged - though by appearances she certainly seemed to be capable of exactly that with her toned arms and height. "But I'd never. I swore never to harm a single other living thing when I left Magna Roma."

“And you’re a doctor now,” Jane added. “‘Do no harm’ and all that.”

"Yes. That I am." Cassia snapped open the next medkit and began to peruse the contents. "Though I swore that to myself even before I took my Hippocratic Oath at Starfleet Academy. Let's just say if you've lived a life like mine you'll feel quite ashamed of yourself too." She smiled, a thin one, one laced with regret and maybe a bit of anguish.

“Want to talk about it?” Jane asked, closing the hatch to the second to last shuttle. “You don’t need to, but you can.” She seemed like good people, and Jane liked being in her presence. Gorgeous woman aside, she seemed like a good person.

"I'd rather not." Cassia closed the medkit and stowed it back inside the last shuttle. "Your medkits are in good working order - just call if you'd like them maintained or replaced, really, it's no trouble for us at all. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

Yes, several, Jane thought for a moment before shaking her head, a blush crossing her cheeks. “No, that should be alright. Thank you, Dr. Amabilia. If we need to deploy any shuttles when we get to Earth, they’re all properly equipped now.”

"You're welcome." Cassia chuckled. "I'll be going, then - you let me know if you want the drink, alright? See you!" Waving, she turned and left the shuttlebay with a cheeky wink sent the other woman's way.

Jane let out a long sigh, releasing quite a bit of held tension. She bounced on the balls of her feet for a second before looking at a chrono on the wall. Off duty. Good.

She tapped her commbadge. “Sinclair to Reno. You free? I need to see you in my quarters.”

Posting by:

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Cassia Amabilia
Medical Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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