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The Call Before The Storm (Backpost)

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2024 @ 9:02pm by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

1,290 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Via Subspace Comms
Timeline: Before leaving Beta Antares (?)

This time she was late to the scheduled comm call with Jane, but the director had demanded that they reshoot a scene three times because a couple of the extras playing the Drule fighters trying to capture 'Allura' kept messing up their lines and movements, forcing Alexis to have to reset and redo it until they got it right.

She activated the comm before she even started changing into something that was much more comfortable than Allura's blue and white combat jumpsuit, not even bothering to wipe off the makeup and pink lipstick. She got her arms and one leg out of the jumpsuit and was hopping up and down on the other foot trying to get the garment off when she heard the telltale clicking of the comm connecting.

Back on the Myogi, Jane had been almost asleep when the comm woke her. She had been waiting for the call which hadn’t come by the time she moved from reading in casualwear on her sofa to reading in pyjamas in bed. But she understood. She had been warned that scheduled call times might not always work because of last minute problems.

She sat up and activated the comm on her PADD but in her rush had not finished yawning when the call fully connected and Princess Allura appeared on her screen. She smiled and when the yawn passed bowed her head formally. “Your highness. How may I serve thee?”

Allura fell over with a yelp and out of the camera view as she lost her balance, then crawled up onto the bed clad only in her undergarments, smiling while blushing in embarrassment at Jane, "Sorry about the wait, we had... Issues. I got here as quick as I could."

"It's okay, I understand," Jane answered. "Love the look, by the way. Didn't realize it was one of those video calls," she teased. She could sense that Alisha's comment on issues meant the day was rough indeed and so hoped her joke might lighten the mood.

“Well, it could be if you play your cards right.” Alisha responded as sultry as she could while still just smiling, but it didn’t come out as well as it could, “On the other hand, we just finished primary filming, so aside from some reshoots and a teaser for the next movie or two, we’re done here! We’re taking a couple days off though, since the last few days we really put the pedal to the metal.. There are problems here where we’re filming, so we’re trying to get off-planet as soon as we can.”

"Can I ask where you're filming?" Jane wondered. "And can you say what kind of problems?"

The actress paused for nearly a second and that would probably be all that was needed to tell Jane that something was up. “I’m not supposed to say where we’re at, love, the whole trying to keep things about the movie a surprise and all, but the people here have something against the crew and some of the cast. Not me thankfully, but there have been a couple of attacks on some of the crew members and Tazuno Hamada got hurt pretty bad.. He’ll be all right, but the director had to ban the female crew members from going out in public, especially in the evenings, it’s just not safe for them.”

"Damn," said Jane. She did indeed recognize the pause. There was a lot going on, and Jane being told more would not only cause problems for the film but also for any Starfleet work Alisha might be doing. "Well be sure to stay safe yourself. Promise me."

“Sugarcube, I am the second safest person here where I’m at.” Alisha said with all sincerity, “But I will be as safe as it’s possible to be, I promise.” She grinned widely, “So where are you and the ship off to next? Did you meet anyone interesting on your journeys so far? Tell, tell, tell!”

"It has been interesting!" Jane said cheerfully. "It turns out the drama involving our good Captain and her rival Captain Aisaka was more exciting than expected. I have stories to tell when we see each other. As for meeting anyone interesting, I got to have a good long conversation with Captain Wilcke from the Akina. She and I fought shoulder to shoulder during the insurrection and I was glad to pick her brain about some command things. Also..." she gave Alisha a wide grin. "Does the name Anise Halaat ring any bells?"

“Anise Halaat..” Alisha murmured to buy herself time to go back in her head for the name, because it was- “Nerdy Trill, I played her for a semester back at the Academy.” She giggled a bit nasally at the memory, just as she had back as Anise on a few occasions, “Complete Jane Sinclair superfan of a small craft engineering track. Those were good times!”

“Well, ah, I met her,” Jane said sheepishly. “She’s stationed on the Akina and we got to talking. Turns out you actually downplayed the superfan thing quite a bit.”

"Wait, what?" Alisha's eyes bugged out at the revelation, "I thought I was overdoing things! I know that I was working off of her official file, because she was at the Trill Academy at the time, but I could have sworn that I'd been inside her either perfectly or a bit too much."

“Um…I, ah, might be able to say the same thing,” Jane said, blushing, looking away, and fixing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Wait, what?" Alisha repeated again, trying to figure out what Jane's words meant, because she'd never been.. Ohhhhh, "You mean, you and she?" A giggle got out of her as she started to imagine what had gone on between the two.

Jane started to giggle too. “I went to her room to sign some autographs and take some photos. Things, ah, escalated. A bit quick too, actually.”

Alisha giggled and covered her mouth as she did so, “Oh my. And did you have a good bit of fun with her? My read of her, if my memory serves me right, would be that she was preeetty inexperienced overall.”

“Well she seems to have made up for it with enthusiasm,” Jane quipped. “I had a good bit of fun but, not to toot my own horn, I think she’ll remember it for the rest of her life.” She grinned and stretched her shoulders cockily.

“I can only bet! Maybe I should infiltrate Akina just to see what she’s really like. Get a good feel of her, too!” Alisha mimed grabbing boobs while she laughed, “And if she’s that big of a fan, she may never take a shower again!”

“Oh my god could you imagine?” Jane said, laughing. “A woman you’ve had a crush on half your life and her hot movie star girlfriend knock on your door together? I’m not sure she’d survive the experience.”

“Then we HAVE to do it!” Alisha put her decision down, “Blow the poor girl’s mind! I have to thank her for taking care of my Jane, don’t I?” She fluttered her eyes innocently.

“You’re incorrigible!” Jane joked. “Well before you show her your thanks, I do hope you’ll be showing me some tender loving care?” She bit her lower lip and stared back into Alisha’s eyes on the screen.

“Always and forever, Sugarcube, until the end of time.”

Mission Post By:

Lieutenant(jg) Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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