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An NCO And A Lieutenant Meet In A Corridor…

Posted on Thu Nov 25th, 2021 @ 4:28am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries & Lieutenant Commander Tristana

1,096 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout

Grumbling to herself, Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries hopped slightly to adjust the black bag on her back even as she leaned to her right to counteract the duffel bag she carried in her left hand. She made the final turn and saw the hatch ahead of her, but there was someone there… A gold uniform, like hers, but halfway unsealed compared to her own stuffy, fully sealed one. Of course, she was wearing a skirt that showed part of the Celtic knot tattoo that ringed her thought a few inches above her knee, but it was more comfortable than the pants the Hispanic Officer wore. She tried to angle herself to pass the other woman, but was forced to stop as she blocked her path, “Sorry ma’am, mind if I pass through? These are kinda heavy and I just want to get on board.”

"You have credentials proving that you're supposed to be here?" The Hispanic woman asked.

The tone of voice as well as how she’d now stopped her considerable momentum caught Victoria short. With a sigh, she extended the duffel bag out to the side with some effort and dropped it, the bag falling with a heavy thump, which was because it was rather heavy at over forty pounds. She the n unslung the bag over her back and dropped it with another impressive thump. Inside, she quailed at the thought of putting it back on without a table or chair to stage it to, but oh well.

Victoria’s voice came out in a rather flat tone to match the look she gave the Lieutenant, “Well damn, you caught me. I’m here to blow up Myogi and your diligence and Grace has stopped my obviously nefarious intent.” She rolled her eyes, but didn’t reach for said credentials yet, “It really does depend on when your PADD’s list was updated. I came in on Warspite and got my orders to pack up and ship off to Myogi less than five hours ago, the rest of my things are in queue to be beamed aboard.”

"Well, all I need to see are your credentials, and then you can be on your merry way." The Hispanic woman said, her hand moving to her phaser, for even if the remarks were in jest, a terror threat was not one to be taken lightly.

“Hold on one moment, Lieutenant. You are looking most UN-becoming of an officer at the moment”. With a precise half-step, Victoria stepped forward and without asking permission reached out and slowly sealed the front of Tristana’s uniform jacket up properly, straightening the collar and brushing a few bits of lint and dust from her shoulders before tugging the hem down and making sure it was straight, then taking that same precise half-step backwards again, “There, ma’am,” She changed her form of address, “Now that you aren’t looking like you’re desperately trying to get laid by anyone who’s passing by, perhaps we can act like the adults we actually are.”

Without waiting for the expected blow-up of the Hispanic woman, Victoria assumed an at-ease position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind her, having palmed her credentials as she moved her hands back, “Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries, reporting for boarding, Lieutenant, ma’am.” Her slight Irish kilt came through this time as one hand whipped around to hand her ID to Tristana.

Obviously annoyed, Tristana swiped the credentials from Victoria's hand and gave them a once over: They contained all the proper information and didn't show any signs of forgery.

"Everything checks out, and you're clear to board." She said, handing Victoria her credentials back. "Though, friendly words of advice; I'd watch that tongue of yours when making terror threats, even in jest; because I take them very seriously; second, you should know better than to lay hands on a superior officer without consent. Consider this a warning; because if you try something like this again, I will have you transferred off faster than you can say 'Stop the Steal'; do I make myself clear, petty officer?"

Senior Chief Petty Officer, ma'am, and that’s why I deliberately changed my tone of voice and facial expression, ma’am, in order to make it crystal clear that there was no serious intent.” She tucked the credentials back into the pocket she’d picked them from, “Besides, ma’am, as a senior non-commissioned officer, it’s my duty to make sure our officers are representing the ship properly when wearing the uniform in a public setting, such as on sentry duty at a Starbase.” Victoria wasn’t about to back down from the Officer, “I’ll accept your ‘warning’, ma’am, but if you believe you can have me transferred off at the drop of a hat, you’ll have to have another think coming. However, Lieutenant, present yourself with dignity where civilians and other ships crews can observe you, and the situation you’re talking about will never arise.”

"I already have superiors telling me this is a Starfleet ship and not a brothel." Tristana responded. "I don't need enlisted telling me as well."

A very small smile crossed Victoria’s lips as she crouched down and started the process of shimmying the pack back on, doing so as so to keep her skirt modest, then straightened slowly as she adjusted it, “Ma’am, with respect,” Her voice sounded like she actually did mean it respectfully, “If every corner whispers a truth and they’re saying the same thing, perhaps the subject of that whisper ought to give a listen and react to it?” She considered the heavier duffel bag and once again bent both knees while keeping her back straight and lifted it in both hands, “Present yourself how you wish to be treated, ma’am, I know I do.”

"I shall consider your remarks, Petty Officer." Tristana responded. "For now, you're cleared to pass." It was the nicest remark the Hispanic woman could think of at that particular moment, refraining from using more colorful remarks.

The dismissal with words that Victoria 'wanted to hear' was obvious, "Thank you, ma'am." There was no more use in trying to get her point through to the Security officer. Oh well, that's what officers did, ignore the things that enlisted personnel did or said, unless it was bad.

Posting by

Lieutenant Tristana
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Computer Systems Specialist


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