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Coming In Hoooooot!

Posted on Thu Dec 2nd, 2021 @ 3:44am by Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.'

1,393 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Shuttlebay

(Excerpt from previous post)

"Myogi, this is Banshee requesting permission to land." Mia hit her impulse engines to full as she made the final turn to the final approach at Myogi's shuttlebay. She heard the response, but didn't pay attention to it, it was probably just the confirmation of her transmission of her orders that she'd made as well.

Her eyes were on the open bay and noted several craft in there, with what appears to be just about enough space for her to land the fighter if she made a nice slow approach. The grin on her face under the helmet grew as she edged just that little bit more power to her engines for a screaming approach. In her ears, she heard the voice babbling at her, demanding she slow down.

Finally at the last moment, she flipped the Razor in a snap turn to turn her aft towards the ship as she punched the power up even further. Her speed died as the voice in her ears screamed for her to abort her approach and she flipped the comm off because she knew exactly what she was doing. She added her reaction thrusters to the burn to kill her momentum, then flipped the fighter again to drift into the shuttlebay, where several people were watching her, a couple with their mouths gaped wide open.

Mia shut down her engines as she landed as gentle as a butterfly on the deck, then removed her helmet and placed it on the console in front of her while she cracked the canopy. She undid her harness and stood to stretch, unzipping her flight suit and pulling her arms out of the sleeves, tying them around her waist as she fished out a brown leather jacket that she slid on over the bright yellow bandeau bra before sliding down the nose of the fighter and landing on her feet. She brushed her hair back and started towards a pair of apparent officers with a wave as she brushed her short hair back with a grin, "Hola! (Hello!)" She said loudly.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" A man with spiked blonde hair wearing a red uniform shouted as he ran up to the scene of commotion. "Excuse me, you can't park that here; your craft exceeds shuttlebay capacity! Didn't you read the specs before you decided to pull that stunt?"

Taking a look back at the fighter, then at the red uniformed man, then back at the fighter, Mia gauged the space remaining and shrugged, "Looks like it fits to me." She flashed a big smile at him, "Besides, I've got my orders to transfer to Myogi straight from my CAG, well, former CAG, along with my fighter. Essex was passing by and dropped a pair of us here, one to the station to await another ship. I transmitted my orders on approach to whoever it was in flight control central."

The man slowed down as he approached.

"Well, that's great and all, but regulations are regulations, and if you don't have someone flying this craft out of here; then I have the authority to have it impounded!" He said.

“You are not going to impound my fighter.” Mia snarled, “Besides, she’s Starfleet property, she’s just dressed up in my setup.” Mia got between him and the Razor, “Regulations be damned. Have someone take one of those two off the ship if you need to,” She waved at the other two fighters, “I’ve got this one dialed in right where I need her.”

"Well, that's great; and if you remember the way you did it, you can dial in one of our fighters to your specifications: And hey, since you said it's Starfleet property, than I'm sure it'll go into surplus."

Without giving Mia a moment to speak, the man tapped his combadge:

=A="Takahashi to Spacedock; can I get a couple worker bees to clear out an illegally parked Razor in our shuttlebay?"=A=

=A="Takahashi, Spacedock: Roger, worker bees are en route." =A=

=A="Thank you."=A= The man tapped his combadge off.

"Let this be a lesson learned that actions have consequences:" He said. "You chose to deliberately ignore both regulations and protocol, so now you have to deal with the repercussions of those actions, and those repercussions are 'say goodbye to your fighter.'"

Mia’s eyes opened wide and she started muttering in Spanish as she turned back towards her fighter and had to decide which way to face it. Should she be scrambling for the bag that had all her worldly possessions or try to change his mind? Her hands clasped together in a panic as she turned this way and that, seeing the small craft making their way slowly towards the open hanger, “Nooo, senor, (sir,) please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please you can’t take her away.. She and I have been together for four years , it’s not like she’s just any craft, please, holy crap I just can’t lose her, she’s everything I have is inside her and she’s never failed me before and I can’t lose her after four years.” Her babble was ongoing as she begged, literally begged this man to reconsider.

Takahashi stroked his chin as he pondered the dilemma the insubordinate pilot had placed him in.

"Okay, perhaps offloading it entirely is a bit extreme;" he admitted. "But there's still a valuable lesson to be learned here; tell you what, I believe we have extra room in one of our cargo bays, how about I impound your craft down there instead? You're still not getting off scotch-free, but you don't lose the craft entirely. If you ask me, I consider that a win-win."

"Thank you thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Mia threw her arms around him and gave him a big bear hug, "Dios mios! Si alguna vez necesitas una mamada, siempre puedes venir a verme." (My God! If you ever need a blowjob, you can always come see me.) She released him, okay, probably was a bit far, but if the choice was losing the craft entirely, and perhaps... "Perhaps if I behave well enough, keep my toes nice and clean, I could get her back? Soon?"

"Depends on how fast you learn your lesson:" Keisuke clarified, tapping his combadge:

=A="Takahashi to Spacedock; call off the worker bees." =A= He ordered.

=A="Takahashi, Spacedock: Roger; is everything alright?"=A=

=A="Everything is fine; thank you."=A= Keisuke responded, tapping his combadge again to switch frequencies. =A="Takahashi to transporter control; lock on to the illegally parked craft in the shuttlebay and prepare to transport to cargo bay 4 on my command."=A=

Tapping his combadge off, Keisuke turned back to Mia:

"You'd better get anything you need out of your craft." He advised.

“Yes, umm…” Mia realized she had no idea who this person was, “Sir?” She guessed, scrambling over to grab her helmet from the cockpit, then slithering around to the back of the craft to the small storage area and grabbing the single smallish duffel bag that she’d been able to stuff into it, the one that held everything she owned. Period. “Gracias! (Thank you!)” She thanked the man in red.

Without responding, Keisuke tapped his combadge again:

=A="Takahashi to transporter control, you may energize when ready."=A= He said.

And within a few moments, the offending fighter disappeared in a transporter beam.

A hole in the bottom of her gut entered Mia as her trusty steed of the last four years vanished in the sparkles of the industrial transporter beam. She fought back tears and an involuntary sob was swallowed as her chest heaved. She looked once more at the officer wearing red and finally noticed the three whole pips on his collar and ice formed in her heart as it tried to stop. She'd just offered to give probably one of the top officers on the ship a blowjob? Well, maybe she'd get lucky and he didn't speak Spanish... Or maybe, if he did... She edged away from him, having escaped his notice now that apparently his flight deck was all rikky tik.

Posting by

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant JG Mia 'Banshee' Amaro
Fighter Pilot


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