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Tristana's Reinstatement

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 3:54am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: After 'First Senior Staff Meeting under Takahashi'

Maho sat at her desk in the ready room, reading a message on a PADD that Satt had just recently dropped off. After reading the message, Maho set the PADD down and tapped her combadge:

=A="Takahashi to Tristana; can you come by my ready room?"=A=

=A="Si, (Yes,)"=A= came Tristana's response. =A="I'm on my way."=A=

While Maho waited for Tristana to arrive, she read over the message on the PADD a few more times to be clear on what it said. She was in the middle of rereading the message when the ready room bell chimed, and Maho set down the PADD and stood up.

"Enter:" She called.

The door swooshed open, and Tristana stepped through.

"You wanted to see me, senora? (ma'am?)" Tristana asked.

"Yes." Maho said, indicating one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Take a seat."

Tristana obliged and slid into one of the seats, and Maho sat back down. When both women were seated, Maho handed Tristana the PADD.

"I've just received word that our Bolian friend has received transfer orders." Maho explained as Tristana read over the message on the PADD. "As that leaves you as our only tangible leadership material in that department, I am officially reinstating you as Chief of Security, effective immediately. Congratulations, Lieutenant."

Tristana looked up from the PADD at Maho.

"Gracias, senora: (Thank you, ma'am:)" She said. "You won't regret this, and I promise you I won't let you down like I did again."

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Lieutenant." Maho nodded. "What's past is past: For now, we must turn to the future, and do Miyahara proud by making the Myogi's name great once again."

"I could not agree more." Tristana said, extending a hand for Maho to shake. "I'm also glad there are no hard feelings over the wedding."

"Oh, goodness, no;" Maho said with a dismissive wave. "You gave it your best, and that was better than simply caving to Daxer's demands. I'm not sure of Satt had time to forward you notes from our staff meeting before he left, but K.T. and I will be renewing our vows on Holodeck One tomorrow, beginning at noon. You're more than welcome to attend, as the invitation is open to all crew."

"Gracias; (Thank you;)" Tristana said. "I might just stop by."

"Very well." Maho nodded. "Dismissed."

Posting by

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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