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Christmas Packages

Posted on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

1,533 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation


It was embarrassing, being summoned to the security office. Jane felt like a schoolgirl being told to go to the principal’s office. She had no idea what it was about though.

She had never dealt with Tristana one on one before. They had both served on the bridge, of course, but nothing just the two of them. She’d heard things, of course, from Alisha, Elisabeth, and especially from Karen. Tough. No nonsense. Also: drop dead gorgeous.

She walked quietly toward the security complex and found the chief’s office therein. The door was open, and she gently rapped her knuckles along the door frame, trying to keep the mood light. “You asked to see me, Lieutenant?”

The young Hispanic Lieutenant looked up from the incident report she was writing to be forwarded to the command staff.

"Si, senorita. (Yes, ma'am.)" She said, setting down the PADD on which she had been working. "I was informed that you were the purchaser of several crates of product that arrived today, and I was hoping you could enlighten me as to what exactly is in them?"

“Umm…” Jane started, looking a bit sheepish. “Just a few things. Nothing special. Nothing to worry about, surely.” She had a hard time keeping her eyes on the security officer, both from the awkwardness of being in a bit of trouble and the state of the chief’s uniform.

Tristana shook her head and clicked her tongue.

"I was hoping you'd be a little more honest." She said as she reached down and picked up a bottle of the Romulan ale that had been picked up on the tricorder scans of the crates, setting it on the desk for Jane to see. "Care to explain to me what this was doing in your crates of 'nothing to worry about'?"

“Ah, yes, that,” Jane said. “Well, hang on, um, wait, check the date! I’m fairly certain we got it legally! Is it a ‘74 through ‘76?” Jane prayed it fell in that narrow window when the embargo was relaxed and bottles could be acquired legally. But it was possible her mother had an extralegal source.

"Senorita, (Ma'am,) if this was dated within the range when the embargo on Romulan ale was relaxed, we wouldn't be having this little chat now, would we?" Tristana asked, picking up the bottle of Romulan ale from the desk and verifying the date. "This one's dated 2383, and that's one of the older bottles. There were also bottles from this decade; a 2390 and a couple 2392s. So, clearly something's not adding up, and I have two prominent theories: Either your seller lied to you about the legality of this stuff, or you're lying to me in an attempt to save face."

“¿Por qué no los dos? (Why not both?)” Jane asked, her eyes bright and her lips curled into a smile. “In all seriousness, you can check the packaging. They’re a gift from my mother, not some ruffian on the fringes. She wants me to enjoy my Christmas shore leave, the one time I’m allowed to imbibe a bit. I’m treating my girlfriend to a nice dinner down on Cestus III, and I intend for us to enjoy one of these. That mum sent along a few extras…well, mothers can spoil us, can’t they?” She took a seat opposite Tristana. “Honestly I thought I was in trouble over the meat and produce.”

"Senorita, (Ma'am,) I shouldn't have to be the one to remind you about the illegality of Romulan ale." Tristana explained. "We all have a duty when serving on board this Starship of upholding the Federation's laws, but it is my duty especially as chief of security. As such, in accordance with my duty to the Federation, I cannot allow you to take possession of a controlled substance, no matter who it might be from. I shall be making a note of this infraction to be put on your record. Consider this a warning, because next time, there will be no discussion. Do I make myself clear?"

"Surely there's some loophole that applies, Lieutenant," Jane said. "Starfleet officers have been consuming delicious Romulan ale for centuries, despite the embargo. I've heard of exemptions being applied for medicinal use. Well, this is for good morale, a critical component of my health and well being." She tried to look into Tristana's eyes, but she kept breaking focus to check out the woman's very large and very deep cleavage. She smiled again. "Or maybe it's in transit, actually going to a Ferengi-owned parlor from whom I'm renting a suite. He's not a Federation citizen and the embargo doesn't apply quite the same way. Come on, Tristana. Work with me here."

"While it is true that Romulan Ale has been and can be used for medicinal purposes, any shipment intended for such purposes should be properly tagged and labeled." Tristana explained. "Same could be said for the 'in-transit' excuse; if it were the case, the tricorder scan would have indicated to me the shipment's final destination as being somewhere other than here, which was definitely not the case."

Tristana sighed.

"Senorita, I was really hoping to just let you off with a warning:" She said. "However, your continued lying to me has made it clear that perhaps a more severe punishment is warranted:"

Tristana tapped her combadge:

=A="Ensign Rumlow: Can you come in here for a second?" =A=

Moments later, a security ensign came into the office.

"Ma'am:" He said.

"Ensign;" Tristana responded. "Would you kindly show Lieutenant Sinclair here to the brig?"

"Of course:" The ensign responded, drawing his phaser. "Lieutenant, if you would come with me?"

Tristana looked back at Jane:

"Senorita, (Ma'am,) if you're asking me to choose between you and the Federation, the choice is not only easy, but also not in your favor." She said. "I hope your girlfriend doesn't mind a nice dinner on the other side of the brig forcefield."

Jane bit her lower lip and considered her options. Back off, go with the flow, or double down. The Starfleet Officer wanted to make peace, but the reckless racer wanted to take this further.

“Ensign, be sure to make sure it’s a cell big enough for two.”

Rumlow gave Tristana a look, which Tristana returned with one indicating that her word as a full lieutenant overrode that of Sinclair, who was only a JG. As such, Rumlow kept his phaser firmly trained on Jane, turning up the stun setting to a higher stun.

“Lieutenant Tristana,” Jane said, still sitting, “I know for a fact that you’ve received warnings about your uniform. Starfleet Regulation fifty-two, paragraph one, requires that all Starfleet Officers keep their uniforms in line with the Uniform Code at all times. Paragraph three stipulates that the third warning is punishable by a night in the brig and a citation in your permanent record. Now, truthfully, I don’t mind the show, but rules are rules, and I know you’ve been told off by the Captain on multiple occasions, as well as Lieutenant Commander Churchill. My warning makes at least three, but probably many more. We can’t enforce the rules differently for different people, girl.”

She leaned back in the chair. “Now, Lieutenant Tristana. Ensign Rumlow can escort us both to the brig, mine for my Ale and yours for your uniform. Or he can bring you along for abuse of power if you decide to neglect Starfleet Regulations. Or we can work this out.”

Tristana sat back for a moment to let it sink in for Jane that she did not have Rumlow's backing.

"It looks like I have the floor:" She said, drawing her own phaser and setting it to a heavy stun before training it on Jane. "Well, senorita; (ma'am;) since it looks like you certainly aren't suing for peace, I guess only one question remains: Are you going to cooperate and allow yourself to be led to the brig? Or are we going to have to stun you and drag you there unconscious ourselves?"

“No,” Jane said firmly. “I demand arbitration. I know my rights and I’m within them to do so on this. You’re being unreasonable in your enforcement of the rules while you willfully ignore them yourself.”

As Sinclair had made her intentions clear from the word 'no', as soon as the Lieutenant JG was done speaking, it was time for Tristana to make her intentions clear in response: Without speaking, she and Rumlow initiated a two-prong phaser attack, stunning Jane.

"Take her to the brig: No visitors." Tristana told Rumlow. "And get someone to help if you can't do it yourself. I've got to stay here and add this incident in my report to Commander Takahashi."

Nodding, Rumlow scooped up Jane in a fireman's carry before taking her from the room. Once Rumlow was gone, Tristana sighed to herself.

"Ay, dios mio... (Oh, lord...)" She mumbled. "Commander Takahashi is not going to be happy about this..."

Posting by

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer


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