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Something Something Engineering (Part 3/3)

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 1:48pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt
Edited on on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 1:49pm

2,858 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout

Brandon had crouched atop and passed over the top of Victoria underneath him. He extended his broad shoulders outward as Pratt flexed his chest, enjoying some attention somewhat cocky. Especially from Victoria. She was… Wow. The ideal one, eh! "Yeah, like a date thing." Brandon had poked back playfully at Victoria's side. "You've got some sweet ink." Brandon had whistled to himself, inspecting Victoria's almost naked body, enjoying her fine ink work along her tanned and toned body curves, thighs and breasts perky and taut. "Tell me about that one?" Brandon pointed to the closest one on Aries's fine body of artwork, meanwhile kissing alongside her neck.

Victoria moaned softly and turned her neck more fully towards him as his fingers traced the elaborate tattoo that covered her midriff. She tried and failed miserably to stifle the giggle as his fingers tickled her. It was a stylized bird with wings unfurled that stretched across her entire abdomen, claws 'grasping' her navel as the head rested on her sternum. The wings came up right under her breasts, almost as if holding them up, "That one? It's a phoenix, I got it after the Synth attack on the Utopia Planetia Yards.. I lost a lot of friends in that attack, I worked there for a couple years and left a year before the attack. I figured that so long as I remember them and do my best to safeguard everyone out there, they'll live inside me, come back to life as it is." She squirmed slightly away from him, just so she could look further into his eyes, "I take that vow seriously, but that's two down, five to go." Her eyes sparkled.

Pratt had shaken his head. "Victoria... I am.." Brandon felt emotions turn excited one to sadness for the story had told him as his eyes fixated on hers. The phoenix tattoo rises to Victoria's friends who had passed and lived on in her energy and spirit.

"That is incredible. You immortalize your loved ones like that. That is beautiful, and of course. The tattoo as well." Pratt could tell Victoria that she was a softie inside despite her gruff outer independent exterior. The kind of people Brandon could understand, relate to.

Victoria half-rolled her eyes even as she looked up at him with a soft, but sad smile, "I still remember where I was on that day.. We were running a review of a major systems check on the Glamdring after we'd run a major exercise. The subspace call came in, with the footage and I even saw the nexus I'd been in go up under a direct hit from a Synth ship. I later found out that Heathrow had transferred out a couple weeks before, but the rest of my old team had been there to work on the refit of Roswell." She was quiet for a moment, "I'll miss them, that's for sure."

"You've been through a lot Victoria. I am sorry."

"Don't be." She shook her head slowly, "Don't be sorry. What we go through in life just shapes us to be who we are." She leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss, no passion, but lots of affection, "I'm lucky that I got reassigned to a starship. Not disappointed in it at all, because it was different than the day in, day out of the shipyard. Sure, the entertainment wasn't as good, no good bars or restaurants, but I've had some fun out in the black." She saw something on his face, in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

He looked Victoria. "Look. I just got excited. I've never really ever kind of had a Girlfriend before." Pratt had felt embarrassed at his age. All his life was dating and or devoting his life to Engines.

"I don't believe you." Victoria said immediately, but saw the truth on his face, "Really? I really do find it hard to believe. I'm not saying I've had lots and lots of boyfriends, never had time for one when I was younger, well, that's a lie, I did have one for a few months until he got jealous of my hockey mates. Had one for a year and a half on Glamdring with a couple short termers here and there. So, I can help you with anything you need to know." She gave her own curious look as she stopped talking. She was presuming that he was interested in her in THAT capacity, not having asked.

“I, umn. Whoah. I mean.” Brandon leaned back and relaxed, he said wanting to interate. His hands large and strong had gestured with communication at his center. “Victoria. I do know the finer points of relationships, the sex and the dating, and much of relationships I have delved. “ Brandon had cocked his head sideway curious at his own explanation. He was no virgin.

"Having met you what? An hour ago? Two? God, I don't know how long I've been on board at this point.." She pursed her lips in some thought, "I'll have to say yes to being your girlfriend, yes." Victoria smiled up at him, "We've got a couple more days here at the station, so we'll have to find a point when both of us can be spared from Engineering to go on a formal date. The other option is..." Her face gave a look of distaste, "I could always transfer over to Operations... Would take me out of your direct reports... I don't want you getting in trouble over little old me."

Brandon had come to that in thought. “Well. If need be, I will redirect you for an assignment on a night watch report, under direct guidance of the ships computer systems chief. “You’ll be in the Department Victoria, I just won’t directly be over your control.” Brandon, eyed her, as he let his hands reach along her waist long things and let his fingers glide along the line of her skin tight dark panties…”

She shivered as the fingers traced along her body, "I don't like that." She admitted, obviously referring to his thought to put her on the overnight duty roster, her nipples erect even as she fought her way to a sitting position. He didn't stop her, but she also didn't pull away, her head was spinning from the alcohol, but she focused, "And I'll still technically be in your chain of command, but yeah, it wouldn't be direct one-on-one.. But it would put two systems specialists on that watch, and I really don't need a babysitter, I'd be more likely to babysit him."

As Brandon sits her on his lap, in the spot, and lets his large strong hands rub up and down Victoria’s smooth silky baby soft skin. Her tanned skin and taught back muscles flexed and moved, as he reached, holding Victoria’s waist sides in control and gently grinding her in his lap, Brandon furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes glazed over, ass he held and then turned back round Aries to face him.

Recouping himself, and focusing on his career. Victoria’s job as well, and not influencing her career and nor decisions as an officer under his direct command. He could fix this. “We have to do this right Victoria. I really… Really… Really do like you.” Brandon bemoaned, a pleading yet pouting look on his face. “You’ll get promoted quicker too under the ships Computer Systems Chief.” He winked.

"Get promoted quicker?" Victoria tittered a laugh, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the lips, lingering for a second, "My dear, dear Department Chief, I've only got one more promotion to go. Master Chief is still a ways away for me and unless you're planning on handing over the entire department to me on the overnights..." She smiled softly at him at the perfect height to look into his eyes, "I really like you too and I've already agreed to be your girlfriend, but I'm not going to let myself get dumped onto the overnight just to make things less awkward, because then we'd have virtually no time to go on dates or anything, and I'm not going for that."

Brandon had agreed. "I can understand. I just had to ask." He shrugged watching Victoria's body as she had talked.

She'd adjusted herself so she was straddling his lap and she hugged him, his head to her chest, "We'll figure it out, Brandon, we'll figure it out. Really, as your Senior Chief, you and I are supposed to be working closely together and we are going to." Victoria leaned back to look at him again, "I can be professional when I'm on duty, I just got... Distracted today. What we do off-duty is our own damned business, the Captain can go bugger herself if she doesn't like it." Victoria determined, "Besides, tell me you don't want to see me every day, multiple times a day, even if I'm in uniform?"

Victoria had her ways. Damn. She was good. She had a way of resting a man down and deconstructing his day, his whole machinations of the daily dealings, feelings, and end thoughts all in one suggestive monologue from her. The Senior Chief Petty Officer had a way of taking him and making him feel like the only one in the room.

"It will be fine. It will be my dealing, if so when there is a dealing." Pratt had lent it that much. The topic was off-limits, and they would work things through. He felt Victoria's sincerity, her warmth, affection as she had huddled around his broad chest, strong shoulders from actual structural engineering, warehousing, and dealing with a host of volatile processes, construction, and manufacturing chemicals. Brandon was lucky to be alive most days from the years and departments he had served. He had learned to operate throughout the years, stay low, and not rock the boat.

He was smiling at Victoria, alcohol coming in and out of focus. Victoria was now in his lap. "Who dropped you in my lap? What Transfer Operations Officer do I have to pay off for this?" Brandon stated, fawning at Victoria, letting his hands run gently up and down her naked thighs. As she sat penchant on his waist, Pratt leaned back in the seats. As he lent his hands scooping gently at her shoulders and coaxing Victoria to meet Pratts face. Massaging the back shoulder blades of Aries. Pratt were a trained massage therapist back at a resort through university back on Earth.

"So you've had a few guys, hunh?" Pratt was seizing up his past, which Victoria was well seasoned. Not a slut, not mean or nasty. She was a cute girl, and she knew it. How to use it, and she had resulted in meeting more people. Brandon lent a slap and thigh tug with his finger, letting it stand there in place outward till the redness of his thumb turned white. He was letting it snap back, as Victoria's scare was even hotter. Brandon chuckled and placed his hands on the sides of Victoria's face, through her long blonde and styled hair, meeting her this time for a deeper kiss. Brandon had gone to the washroom and had sterilized his mouth processes from his old cigarette from earlier. Pratt had sensed Victoria's uncomforted with it. He didn't want that to continue at all.

The taste was definitely better, but as they parted again her eyes blazed with annoyance and humor, "Four." She held up four fingers between them, wiggling her thumb, "And you aren't going to become number Five, for tonight at least." She was a bit annoyed at him, "You're not getting me as a virgin, Mister Brandon Pratt, no pure princess for you, take me as I am or not at all." She softened the rebuke with another kiss, running her hands over his chest, "Besides, I doubt you've been lacking for ladies company, not with a gun like that." She wiggled her rear end over his erection, "But I don't know who signed my transfer orders, all I know is that this morning someone did." She tossed her head to try to clear her hair away from her face and nearly lost her balance, catching herself by his shoulders, "Okay, definitely too much to drink.."

Brandon caught Victoria as she did lose her balance, about to fall on her back to the floor. “Good thing I have you here. Sitting on me, ready to catch you.” Brandon had grunted and eyed Victoria rather cockily and annoyed.

“Some of us could keep up with postseason hockey alcoholic drinking olympic games during reading week on campus. And if many are aware,” Pratt had puffed his chest and hit his medium kept, haired chested left peck with a fist. “This dude won title holder two years in a row with Mario cart holodeck drinking Olympics.”

She rolled her eyes and again held tight, "Drunken video games..." Victoria shook her head and regretted it instantly, "Drunken skating would have been more impressive, what? Did you just have coeds over for these fun and games, or anyone and everyone?"

“Naw, Just most of the teammates in the off-season. We kept weight training together in the offseason and studied and sports, otherwise having fun. I believe that is what your experience at the Academy entailed?” Pratt was there for fun, sun, sex, and the ability to take control of his penchant for mathematics and mechanical hands.

"Unlike you, Lieutenant Brandon Pratt, I didn't go to the fancy shmancy Academy." Now Victoria sounded bitter, "I went to basic training where they gave me some aptitude testing to determine where I best fit in. MY Academy experience was taking the entrance exam twice and failing it both times. That dream went down the crapper real fast.. In Basic and Specialist training, we didn't get the all-around education you glittery officers got. Hyper-specialization, twelve-hour training days, six days a week for almost two years. I had to bust my ass just to get enough ice time to not get too rusty. Getting out of there seemed like a vacation ever since.

Brandon pouted as he grinned evil, shooting an eye glaring I know! As he let his manhood become ever more pronounced in his boxers, cuddling Victoria also nearly as naked as he ground. “Whooseeee, my Girlfriend? Who is Brand’s Girl?!!!” He asked, half slurred.

Instantly, Victoria's mood changed and she laughed hard, ignoring the bubbling in her gut, "You don't even know who your girlfriend is?" She asked, bitterness about her lack of the Academy gone, "If you put me down, you're going to forget who I am!" She laughed even harder and hiccupped hard, suddenly throwing herself onto him, back against the back of the couch and throwing up over his shoulder and off the back of it, thankfully missing him, "Ugh... I don't feel so good..."

Pratt had picked up his new girlfriend, and happily, caringly, proudly had taken Victoria to the Quarters washroom. He had sat her down at the alcove and then began to rush some running warm water. "Here. Just relax." He ran a warm towel and then reached for a headache sedative. "This will help with the dizziness, Aries." He reached for the bottle and then took a glass of water that he had replicated

“Victoria…” She objected slightly, “Aries is my last name.” Victoria grumbled slightly, ignoring the medication for the moment to get that thing clear.

"Cummon, Babe. Have a drink. You'll feel better." Brandon had wanted to show Victoria, this was who he was. A protective, caring and supportive person she could trust.

Victoria Aries finally accepted the analgesic and water, taking two even as Brandon did the bulk of cleaning her up, then, as the medication started to work, she gave him a smile that could flatten a building, “How can I get to bed?” She raised her arms to him, smile turning mischievous, “Carry me? I am, after all, a delicate flower of femininity.”

Brandon had grinned to himself, standing there in his boxers and Victoria in her “secrets.” He was a happy engineer and a happy man. He was waiting all this time for the next piece of his life puzzle to fall into place. Er., well, quite literally drink her way into Pratts lap!

To each their own, they weren’t necessarily off to a romantic start of the long process of dating someone, yet Pratt for himself already had his intuitions about the type of female that Vic was, a hot one!

“Your lucky your looks are amazing; you’re a stunning hockey playing,” Brandon had grunted as his biceps carried her to her bed to lay down. “Because the flower you're talking about, the Venus fly trap. It's a real kicker Vic,” Pratt taunted flirtingly, laying Victoria down on her bed and allowing her to apply inside of her comforter. Nothing else would happen.

At least that evening.

Post By:

Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Senior Engineering NCO
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief of Engineering
USS Myogi


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