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First introductions

Posted on Sun Jan 9th, 2022 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Lieutenant Alisha Reno

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Myogi
Timeline: Current

Connor was sitting in his office browsing over some reports pertaining to his job. Connor found it amusing how many people either hated it or loved it but to him it was work. To him Growing up In rural Texas on a farm non the less taught him the value of work.

He glanced briefly at the time. To realize his shift was over meaning he was free. He usually found himself hungry at this point. So in his usual fashion walked in the cafeteria.

There she was across from him. The fellow Texan he had been told about.

"Lieutenant eh? And to think I was the only pretty face on this ship. The names Tallmadge Connor tallmadge."

Alisha looked up from the PADD she’d been perusing as she swallowed the grape she’d been idly toying with, an instant slight smile on her face as she considered the officer in front of her, “Bless your heart, thank you, Ensign..” A look into her eyes would basically tell him that she was flipping through personnel files of the officers on board as she spoke, “Talmage,” She finished without any sort of hesitation, “Tou are rather handsome yourself, we Texans do seem to get most of the good looks in our neck of the woods, don’t we?” The casual mention of that informed him that she’d indeed see. His file, but it could have been his accent, both of which would give her the information.

She gestured at the seat across from her even as she placed her PADD on the table in front of her, facedown, “Please, feel free to join me. Alisha Reno, Intelligence, but don’t worry, I’ve been told that I don’t bite too hard, more like just a nibble here and there.” She giggled lightly, not wanting to spook the young man.

"Ever been bit by a cow? Yeah can't be worse then that." Connor replied in a rather prideful position. "See I grew up on a farm I got bitten all the time. The worst was when I got bit by my father's dog Promtheus. Also before you go any farther yes he was named after president archer's beagle." Connor explained. "Anyway enough about me girlfriend hows bout ya' where ya from? Ya a rancher such as me self" Connor said unaware of how phony he was bring.

Alisha couldn’t help but smile, “A cow? No,” She rubbed her right rib area gently in a memory, “A horse? Yes.. And you wouldn’t believe just how much it hurt! But as for living on a ranch, alas, no I didn’t. I grew up in an Austin megascraper, population too many. I didn’t even get to go see a farm except on a couple of brief field trips for school, until I was sixteen.” Alisha shrugged, “First rode a real horse that year too, nice quiet mare that one, not the one that but me! But, what was it like growing up on the farm? Anything like the old stories say about even the kids working whenever they’re not in school?” Alisha asked in genuine in retest. She knew what was happening on HER ranch, though no one, not even Jane, knew about that, but it was her sanctum sanctorum, her truly safe space.

"It wasn't Starfleet that's for sure. The farm came into my families passion during the first world war and we've ran it ever since. It was painful though. I'd get up at 3 in the morning every day and do chores till 5 then I'd be at school by 6. God I hated it but then I found out about Starfleet from a friend. I told my dad and he told me I should apply. He himself always wanted to but never could because of the farm. Does that answer your question?"

"That it does, Connor, that it does." Alisha smiled softly, "I was always into the more genteel side of life, just took some extra time to decide to join the Fleet, and even then started off in the Helm department before Intelligence recruited me." She shrugged, "I guess they decided I was good at analysis and figured I'd fit in best there. I considered going into horse breeding, but just couldn't stay at home that much."

"I understand that anyway I'm heading to my quarters but I'll see you around It was good to meet you."

"Sounds fair, Connor." Alisha grinned a bit more, "Get some rest, because I've got this feeling we're going to be rather quite busy pretty soon."

" Believe me I'm expecting it."Connor said as he disappeared. "


Mission Post By:

Ensign Connor Tallmage
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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