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Flier's Fortitude

Posted on Thu Jan 6th, 2022 @ 12:11pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro
Edited on on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 12:10pm

1,720 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Sometime before “Pilotwings”

Mia waltzed into the bay, almost literally her steps were like dance moves as she walked past the first shuttlecraft as if on her way to the fighters near the wall. Of course, HER fighter wasn't there, just the one that had been assigned to her by the person she now knew was the Second Officer on the ship. She'd get to that craft in a bit, but it wasn't why she was there, half out of her flight suit, the top half which was tied by the arms around her waist, revealing her bare arms and mustard-yellow tank top, "Well, you're sortof good looking..." She ran a hand along one of the shuttles as she walked around it as if in a pre-flight inspection, checking over each of the nacelles as visually close as she could, the hull, even the windows.

"Let's take a look inside," She muttered as she keyed the hatch controls and it lowered obediently, Mia checking out the edges of the hatch to make sure the seal was good, then went inside, whistling as she saw the spotless insides of the craft, "Well, they took good care of you, didn't they?" She slid into the pilot's seat of the shuttle, tapping buttons and powering it up, nodding as everything came up to nominal, rather quite well indeed, ninety-nine percent power and the like. She briefly took the shuttle off the deck, testing the anti-gravity effect before settling her back down on the ground and running up the core to maximum to see the effects, "VERY good care of you, in fact, my sweet."

Jane had been working in the maintenance area on a different shuttle and watched as the door to the shuttlebay opened and someone came in. Latina, her jumpsuit tied around her waist. Jane was similarly in a command red coverall, the top half also down, a white tank top stained with machine lubricant from the components she was fixing.

She watched as the intruder inspected one of her shuttles and then made her way inside. She quietly followed and snuck in behind, listening as the other woman spoke to the shuttle.

“I try my best,” she said bluntly. “May I help you?”

Mia jumped in the seat, but then worked to play it cool as she half-turned even as she tapped buttons to begin the controlled power-down sequence, throwing a somewhat leering smile at the newcomer, “Heeeey, Chica, como estas?” (How are you?) But she didn’t wait for a response, “No, I’m all good, just taking a look over this pretty thing,” Mia rubbed the console ever so gently, “Not so pretty as you, though, what’s your name? I’m Banshee!”

A small blush crept to Jane’s cheeks. “It’s been a while since I went by a callsign,” she said. “But when I had one, it was Amazon. Real name is Jane though. I take it you’re Karen’s flight partner?”

“Amazon…” Mia glanced up and down Jane, not leering this time, but considering instead, “I am indeed, Chica, My name is Mia, got in some trouble with that Second Officer on board and got my own fighter impounded until I can prove myself, but they have a second one they want me to fly. It’s gonna be like flying without my arms, though.”

“I know the feeling,” Jane said with a chuckle. “I’m afraid, however,” she continued, now gently stroking the inner bulkhead of the shuttle they were in, “that this beauty is taken. You see, she’s a special one, and so she and I have already become quite intimately familiar. So I need to ask you to stop being so handsy with her.” She grinned at the obvious double entendres even as she verbally defended her domain.

Mia raised her hands quickly, as if to show that she wasn’t trying to cop an unwelcome feel on the shuttle, “Shit, I didn’t know!” She turned a slightly stricken face to Jane, “She was unlocked and I didn’t see anything that said she was already someone else’s girl. If I ever flew her, you know she’d be in safe hands, though, gentle hands, that could make her feel like she’s never felt before.” Mia winked at Jane, which would leave her wondering if Mia was talking about the shuttle, or maybe even Jane herself instead.

“I’m sure,” Jane said, nodding, “but this one is already in someone’s tender loving care. Handled extraordinarily well.” She enjoyed the flirty repartee but still wanted to make some things clear. Though admittedly she and Alisha had not had a conversation about expectations of each other, she felt it was probably right to assume monogamy unless stated otherwise.

Still, a bit of flirting was fun.

“It just so happened that you came onto my favourite,” she continued. “She needs special attention to get her moving just right. But once she gets going, she’ll take you to all the way.”

Mia understood Jane's reference and was a bit disappointed, but it was a part of life that many of the really good ones were already taken. Despite being actively unwilling to turn down any invitation to bed, she didn't actively and intentionally pursue someone she knew was in a relationship and happily as well, which appeared to be in Jane's case. "That's the way with most girls, and even most guys as well, rarely have a problem with them!" Mia winked at Jane, making a gesture that could be intended to show that she wasn't going to actually horn in on Jane's affection.

She resisted stroking the console again, though it seemed to BEG to be touched, "I can fly just about anything with or without wings, best in my Razor, but my favorite thing to fly is atmospherics without anti-grav assist and without the inertial compensator on full. Feeling the craft is the best way to fly, ever."

"I definitely agree," Jane said, "though my favourites are small spacecraft, like this or a bit bigger. My old Captain on the Shanghai let me try out her Yacht once or twice. She had the same model as what's on the Sovereign. With the right touch, she could dance on the head of a pin." She stepped forward and leaned on the back of Mia's chair. "As for inertial compensators, I like turning them down too, but trust me when I say they're invaluable." She lay her right arm along her ribs just below her chest, incidentally pushing her bust up and together, though her purpose was to comfort a phantom of pain in the ribs she'd broken so many years earlier.

"Ouch," Mia enjoyed the the movement, but refrained from comment aside from biting the inside of her lip for a moment before returning to the conversation, "I'm guessing that you pulled a maneuver that was a bit rough with the compensator down too far?" She asked, not really waiting for an answer, "I've never done that bad, but I can only imagine just how hard you accelerated."

“Around point-four-c to warp 2,” Jane replied. “With the main damper at fifty-five percent. Should’ve kept it above sixty but I was reckless. That drive to win, you know?” She let out a sigh. “Well, I can’t have you messing with my things, Banshee. Come on. Out.” She stepped to the side and gestured toward the rear hatch.

"Owww." Mia grimaced at the thought of that sort of acceleration, but it wasn't the sort of acceleration she'd ever really go for, but as Jane gestured for her departure, she really didn't want to. She wanted to run her hands across the smooth lines of the console, the hull of the ship. She exhaled deeply and slid out of the pilot's chair, "I really didn't know, ya' know, that this was your sweetheart." She gave a tremulous smile, "Didn't mean no harm to you or her, she's really a beautiful girl."

“It takes work to stay this pretty,” Jane said, stroking an interior bulkhead. “The Ankō here is my favourite, truth be told, but I’m a bit possessive of them all. No one’s got the sleek lines of her though. Except her sister, Kame, I suppose.”

"Ankō." Mia let the name roll off her tongue as she made her way out of the shuttle, unfortunately, stopping outside the hatch, "All Japanese names like Myogi herself." She commented, then sighed, "Well, I suppose I should leave them alone then, but if you ever need another pilot to help keep the girls exercised, just let me know." The hispanic woman bounced on her toes a couple times, then shrugged, "And if you ever find your own self in need of some attention, you let me know, hermosa(Beautiful), ok?."

Jane couldn’t help but blush at the fighter pilot’s…directness. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll…keep that in mind. As for flying, I think the flight control department has things under control, but you never know when we might need backups or extras. In fact, you remind me I need to convene the flight departments and talk about redundancies.”

"You can count on me." Mia agreed, "I'll speak up in favor of that sort of thing." She smiled, then bounced up and squeezed a hug on Jane, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek, "See you around, chica!"

Affectionate, isn’t she? Jane thought, though she found she was too surprised to say anything out loud. Instead she returned the hug and then waited for Mia to walk away.

It took a moment for her to register that her skin had goosebumps and she’d been holding a breath. Damn, the women on this ship will be the death of me. But what a death it will be! She finally let out the breath and sat in the pilot’s seat where once sat Mia. “She didn’t mean any harm,” she said softly to the shuttle. “Just exploring. But let’s make sure she didn’t change my settings….”

Mission Post By

Lieutenant (JG) Jane Sinclair

Lieutenant (JG) Mia Amaro
Fighter Pilot, USS Myogi


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