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The First Captain's Log

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 1:21pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

104 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles

Captain's log, Stardate 47634.44

The Myogi is en route to Utopia Planitia to rendezvous with the starship Brunel. Lieutenant Commander Ritsu Tainaka; the ship's commanding officer, believes she can get us the parts we're still missing faster than waiting on a backorder from yard staff at Utopia Planitia: A claim that I am eager to put to the test.

However, before that can happen; there is one more hurdle left for me to clear: One that could determine whether or not I will be relieved of command, and if the Myogi will be meeting a new captain at Utopia Planitia...

---End of Log---


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