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You've Got the Touch...

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2022 @ 11:59am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant EMH MK. V 'Shizuka' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: Mission Day 4, 1200 hours

Maho and Keisuke stepped out of the ready room onto the bridge. They had had their fun, and now it was time to tend to business.

"Captain on the bridge!" Tristana said when she spotted Maho walk onto the bridge.

The bridge officers proceeded to snap to attention. Maho looked around the bridge at the gallery of officers standing at attention before her: She had viewed the security video with Captain Kushieda, and the other captain's brazenness on the bridge, and she had vowed to herself that as long as the bridge was hers, what happened in that security video wouldn't happen again, and any cocky half-wit captain who thinks that they can just swagger in like they own the place and start telling her what to do would have another think coming:

"As you were:" Maho nodded to the bridge crew before approaching the command chair, which had been previously occupied by Miyahara, and Maho hadn't yet sat in as commanding officer. "All ships' personnel, report to your departure stations! Number One; if you'd like the honors?"

With a nod, Ichika tapped her comm badge. =A=All Departments, this is your Executive Officer speaking; we are initiating departure protocols, effective immediately, and will be requesting all senior officers be ready to furnish a comprehensive verbal report regarding the preliminary status of their respective departments. That will be all.=A=

"This is medical reporting:" Came the voice of the EMH. "We are go for launch."

"Counseling reports ready," Bree reported from her office. She anticipated she would be splitting her time between the bridge offering command guidance and providing support to the crew, but she would wait until she felt it necessary or she was called upon before she made an appearance. The view from her office wasn't exactly the same, but she was mindful that she didn't want to throw her weight around unnecessarily.

For their departure, Alisha would have been nowhere else BUT the bridge. Of course, even standing at her console, she'd been probably the only one not to stiffen in attention at the pair's arrival and announcement on the deck. Of course, she was in one of the 'corners' where she'd be out of sight and out of mind in her uniform, but she'd stayed in an at ease position the entire time, impassivity on her face not cracking the slightest. Now she spoke, voice soft in tone, but clearly audible across the room. "Intelligence is ready for departure, full database update will be retrieved upon arrival at destination."

"Security is ready to rock and roll." Tristana said from her bridge station.

“Thrusters, impulse engines, and warp drive online and ready, ma’am,” Jane said from the helm station. “All speeds available at your order.” Her fingers rested on the console, ready to input the necessary commands. She was ready — nay, eager — to see what the Myogi could do.

Down in Engineering... Brandon slapped his chest badge, opening coms to the bridge. Large, calloused hands planted firmly on either side, dominating the Myogi pool table. =A=Chief here. Engines are operating at peak efficiencies. =A= Pratt checking another display of critical core pressure dynamics in real-time. =A=Hull and SIF values are at full optimal output, Commander. =A= Pratt closed his communications badge.

Lt. Pratt handed a padd with sensor updates SCPO Victoria next to him. Entering in LCARS and subroutines like a hawk, Pratt then took a drink of his silver mug of coffee. He punched in a few orders and reviews to be set into the mainframe of the Myogi main computers for engineering. The first exercise of the engines since space dock retrofits and overhauls had been completed. Brandon was more than excited. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” He mumbled to himself, Brand’s motivational incantations.

"Everything's looking good on the diplomatic side of things:" Elisabeth reported. "Amabassador Vro'LakH is pleased by our timely departure."

Connor Quickly ran over available records making sure everything was up to date. Then he began to inspect all the available equipment. Upon his completion he tapped his com badge to alert the capitan.

"Everything is good in Science I believe we're all good for launch"

Ruby's fingers danced across the ops console. "All systems ready to go" she reported. "Power levels stable, all airlock have been sealed and all supplies are aboard"

"Very good:" Maho said, acknowledging everyone's reports with the whole ship being ready for departure. She sat down in the command chair. "Ops, get me departures:"

On Maho's order; the departures channel was opened:

"Departures; this is Starship Myogi:" Maho spoke. "Requesting clearance to depart."

"Starship Myogi cleared for departure:" Came the voice of the controller. "30 seconds to port gates."

"Sinclair;" Maho said, turning her head to the helm station. "Are all automatic moorings cleared and retracted?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jane answered. "We are clear of all obstructions. Doors on track to be open in twenty seconds."

Ichika glanced over at Maho and smiled. "The honors, Captain?"

"Well, then let us be off:" Maho declared. "One quarter impulse power."

Jane grinned. She'd been concerned that the Captain would be a rules stickler and order thrusters only. Everything she had heard about the Captain made her think that an order breaking the speed limit would never be heard, but apparently she'd been mistaken.

"One quarter impulse, aye." And with the deft touch of thin and nimble fingers, Jane slowly brought the ship to one-sixteenth the speed of light, along a gently curved course that took them toward the open Spacedock doors.

"Incoming Hail from the USS Idaho Captain" Ruby reported from Ops.

"Put it through:" Maho ordered.

"Good to see you back under your own power, Myogi:" Came the disembodied voice of the Idaho's commanding officer. "Safe travels:"

"Thank you, Idaho: Myogi acknowledges." Maho responded, closing the channel. "Helm, once we're clear of space doors, set course for Utopia Planitia; warp 1."

Down in Engineering Pratt enjoyed watching the streaming data, the main computer analyzing the Myogi's preparations for an eventual warp bubble. Brandon listened to Captain Takahaski. The Engineer felt a ping of excitement. The link remained open to the Myogi Bridge. As per starbase departures per Starfleet communications codes.

Pratt had turned to Victoria. "Aries. How are systems on your end?"

Victoria's eyes flicked from side to side as she evaluated the readings, tapping three in quick succession to expand the readouts into more detail, then nodded slightly, "System reliability factor is ninety-nine percent, all within appropriate variance. Any adjustments will be made after we jump to warp for optimization." She swiped the expanded readouts to the right to dismiss them.

“Course laid in, warp one,” Jane reported as the small and graceful ship exited the Starbase doors. “We’re ready to jump at your command.”

"Engage:" Maho instructed, sitting upright for the jump to warp one.

A mission post by:

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant EMH MK. V
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Connor Talmage
Chief Science Officer

Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Engineering NCO


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