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Peaceful Transfer of Power

Posted on Wed Apr 13th, 2022 @ 11:32pm by Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant EMH MK. V 'Shizuka'

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Sickbay, Deck 7
Timeline: Concurrent with "Sabotage! The Conclusion"

While everything had been going on with the Brunel, the Myogi's EMH had received word that a new doctor was being brought aboard; and the EMH had requested that they report to sickbay at their earliest convenience, so that it could delegate the responsibilities of CMO to this new doctor.

Victor wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting as he'd stepped foot aboard the Myogi- but a summons to duty from an EMH was not among the list of options. A burned out Chief or an injury that needed healing or R&R he could understand, but an EMH was nowhere near suitable for a ship of this size. The message had said his earliest convenience and he suspected that now was convenient enough.

"Computer, direct me to sickbay please."

A running light on the panel beside him began to flash, and a second flashed at the end of the corridor indicating a turn to the right. He followed the blinkies until he reached the door that read 'Main Sickbay'

"Thank you." he murmured to the computer whose light flashed once more and went out, before he entered the bay itself. Something was off, and he wasn't sure what it was but he would get to the bottom of that soon enough. "Please activate the EMH?"

Upon Victor's command, the EMH materialized at attention.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." It began, as was expected when an EMH was first brought online.

"No emergency." Victor said with a slight smile at the typical response of the EMH. This one had a different face than he was used to. Maybe the Mark V was different. "I am Doctor Victor Delling, you requested me at my earliest convenience."

"Ah; yes, doctor:" The EMH responded. "It is my understanding that you have been brought aboard as our new Chief Medical Officer, and having been acting Chief Medical Officer since our previous doctor abruptly left, I figured we could make it official and I could turn over the medical records I've managed to collect on the crew members I've managed to get in for physicals."

"Of course. Let us go into the office, so I might see how much work I have to do there as well." He inclined his head for the EMH to preceed him into the office.

As the EMH entered the office; it picked up a PADD that was sitting on the desk and began the transfer protocol:

"Computer; transfer Chief Medical Officer's access codes to Lieutenant Commander Delling; authorization code EMH 2-3-8-2 Teal."

"Command authorization code confirmed." The computer responded. "Access codes transferred."

The EMH then turned back to Victor and smiled.

"Welcome aboard, doctor:" It said, handing over the PADD. "On here are the medical records of the crewmembers I have managed to get in for physicals. You'd be surprised at how little respect is shown for an EMH such as myself. Hopefully, you'll have better luck getting folks in now that we have an organic doctor again."

"Surprised? No. Disappointed, perhaps but not surprised. " Victor heaved a soft sigh and read the list. The majority of the senior staff was missing. "I don't suppose your programming would allow you to force the issue with the unwilling."

"If, by 'force the issue,' you mean physically dragging them to sickbay kicking and screaming; I'm afraid I don't have such a draconian subroutine." The EMH explained. "I'm a doctor, not a dictator."

Victor snorted aloud and cast an amused glance at the EMH. "You have a humor subroutine. I appreciate that, very much. ". Raking his hand through his curls he thought for a moment before asking "Did you run into any serious resistance to your care while in charge of sickbay?"

The EMH decided not to mention to Victor that it had purged its humor subroutine. Perhaps a humor subroutine had inadvertently reformed in its matrix? Regardless, the EMH decided instead to tackle Victor's question head on:

"The only real resistance I ran into was the mistrust of holograms I previously alluded to:" It explained. "The patients I managed to summon preferred the nurses to perform their physicals; and they pretended as if I didn't exist. I suppose it's just that organics are more comfortable if fellow organics are examining them rather than a collection of photons shaped like one of them. It sure makes me wonder how the Doctor managed to do anything as Voyager's acting Chief Medical Officer, but that's beside the point: Now, there is one more thing I've been meaning to bring to your attention if you can spare a moment before getting to work:"

"What's that?" his voice sounded interested as he looked up from the list of crew members he still had to get to do their annuals and gave the EMH his full attention once again.

"The captain:" The EMH said, directing Victor to pull up now-Captain Takahashi's file; one of the few senior staff members that was on file. "She is carrying a most precious cargo, if you catch my drift: The previous doctor set up a weekly ultrasound schedule before she left abruptly: If that schedule won't work for you, you'd do best to speak with Captain Takahashi about rescheduling before her next appointment a couple days from now."

"That will not be a problem. I will be sure to review the file before her next appointment. Anything I need to be aware of before I read the file in its entirety?" His question was in earnest, for he didn't want to be surprised by anything in the file that was particularly negative. He'd had to give that sort of news before and it was terrible.

"Nothing out of the ordinary for a Starfleet officer." The EMH reassured him. "She's played Parrises Squares in the past and has been injured on the job, but nothing too serious."

"I suppose I should be gratified to hear that. ". Victor smiled and shook his head. "Let's hope" and he knocked on his wooden desk for emphasis "that it stays that way."

"Indeed." The EMH responded. "Well, unless there is anything more you might require of me, I believe I can leave you to your work, doctor: Though, if you need me; don't hesitate to bring me online. My vast medical knowledge wasn't installed on this ship to be wasted."

"I don't waste the resources at my disposal" he assured the EMH with a smile. "Worry no

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant EMH MK. V
Emergency Medical Hologram


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