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Posted on Fri Jun 17th, 2022 @ 9:41am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt

3,499 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Deck 04, SCPO Victoria Aries Crew Quarters
Timeline: Current


Brandon was chipper. He felt energized after having been for a few shifts in Engineering. Not long after, the USS Myogi departed from the Starbase. In a flirty, pesky mood Pratt decided to drop in on Victoria to see what she was up to. Dressed in his grey sweatshirt and khaki shorts, Pratt wore his antique Adidas sneakers.

Tagging the door chime, he leaned aside the frame. “What are you too??? What are you up to???..” He mockingly sang out and waved as some crew had passed around the corner to see Brandon singing outside Vic’s Quarters.

“Door open!” Victoria called out, not moving from where she was. The moment the chime had sounded, the microphone had activated and a smile had crossed her face from where she stood in front of the hologram that had been splashed across her wall and the floor area she’d kept bare in front of it. The image of a 4 by 6 foot net with a goalie blocking most of it shone on it, a target flickered in one corner and a holographic puck slide across her floor towards her and she one-timed it, pipping the target, which vanished and reappeared as she recovered, then another puck slid across the floor, another shot, this time she missed with the net under deflecting it as she missed the designated target.

She looked up and back at Brandon even as another puck slid towards her and smirked, “You wanted to know, didn’t you?” That puck slid past her, but another one approached, another shot, this one on target again. She wore short-shorts, which molded to her form, with the Sharks t-shirt hanging a bit looser. “I’ve got about five more shots if you don’t mind?”

Brandon didn't turn away from the view. The short shorts were a plus. "You lookin' to get a ricochet in nether region?" The program was a pro-athlete style of the training program, while onboard vessels. Many athletes had maintained their records while serving in the Fleet. Victoria could be one to enter. Her form, execution, and slap shot were fast enough to shimmer the holographic net in front of Aries.

Another shot, another goal, three left. Victoria risked another glance back at him, “All holo, no risk.” She grinned, muscle memory bringing her stick back down in a shot where she twisted to add more power, then tapped the ground where the stick sounded solid, then tapping her shin where the stick passed right through even as her toes scrunched into the luxurious carpet, “It feels a bit different than on skates, but it’s close enough to keep me in practice when I can’t get the time in the holodeck to keep in shape.”

Pratt set up as he punched in the program for another player; as he did, he flexed around with his stick-on Victoria's carpets. "You've got better carpet than mine!" He relaxed, Brandon’s face enjoying all this newfound dream partner for his Engineering. "How’s you finish that up, and we review your vids?" Pratt asked. He was interested in Victoria's sports legacy, having remembered the Women's Hockey for the Federation Alliance.

“Which ones?” Victoria laughed as she didn’t automatically slap the next puck, maneuvering it with stick alone while the target changed again and again to simulate the goalie adjusting to where she was movi by the puck before she flicked it in with a wrist shot, “Additional shot.” She requested of the program, taking the next one and pounding it towards the upper corner, the muted clang as she hit the post, but the shot ricocheted in. The last puck came sliding towards her and she took one last glance back before moving her feet a few inches for the first time, bringing the stick up in a fake shot before tapping a medium-strength pass directly to a spot in front of Brandon.

Pratt had enough of seeing Victoria hit them in the net one after another. The puck was in the middle of the two now. Victoria seemingly wants to see Pratt take the shot. Easily, Brand had sauntered flexing his biceps and then splaying out his upper territory, pushing forward. Pratt snatched the black carbonite polymer puck, clear the circle, and sweep the puck backward to meet him. His frantic, yet puck decking around Victoria bending forward, crouching as circled round’ the net in the quarters to a sliver thrashing tip on the inward left post of the net. It was a Goal.

Raising his hands, adding to the mocking teleplay he knew so well from growing up, watching a play-by-play on sports and actual league participation in the Federation Majors.

"It's a one-timer program, all you did was confuse the goalie program." Victoria rolled her eyes with a laugh as she tapped her stick twice on the holographic ice in acknowledgment of the goal, "Not the best program, but it helps the skills when not on the ice." She walked over to the counter and tapped a couple buttons, ice, net, goalie and sticks vanished from the air and out of their hands and she quickly shucked the gloves and twiddled her fingers around to confirm their flexibility, tossing the gloves into the corner. "But, nice shot anyways!" She added, walking over to him and planting a light kiss on his lips with a quick embrace, before slipping his own embrace and heading towards the replicator, "Drink?"

Leland took the glass of water and set it down after a sip. He clasped his hands together and cracked em' and relaxed. "Honest. Just wanted to relax, your quarters smelled less than mine?" He asked.

She got him the drink as well as something for herself that looked surprisingly like a glass of orange juice, "So what brings you by this wonderful day off of mine?" She asked, mischievous smile on her face, "Certainly not just to visit little old me, would it?"

"I wanted to pick your brains. I'm running a diagnostic on the RS2-3 Isolinear Sub banks. You're the best I have on Computers. I have a hunch there is a redundant shunt bank on the fritz. Its been isolated, nothing of concern at the moment." He truly wanted to know. Victoria had great brains.

"Hmm..." She pondered for a few moments as she took a sip of her juice, brow furrowing as she contemplated the problem. The RS2-3 banks were part of the secondary core memory storage, so hardly a truly critical problem to have to solve at the moment, just as he'd said. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him gently down onto the couch, then sat down next to him, twisting sideways to put her legs on his lap, "I'll run a check on it in the morning and if I need to, I'll do a line-by-line check of the code if the diagnostic can't isolate it. Probably a corruption of the transcription protocol. When it has to overwrite the old data with the new, it..." She laughed, "You don't want the whole explanation, do you?"

Pratt smiled. “Keep talking about engineering computers. Honest, I love it.” Pratt smiled. “I knew you were big trouble the moment I laid eyes on you in Engineering. Your resume and experience, top class.” Where the computer parts had met the engineering core components, Brandon understood immensely. He could name each node, each crevice on the Myogi. Yet, in computer subroutines he was intermediate.

“Starfleet needs to pay you more. At least LT. JG by now Vic. Why?” Brandon knew. Aries was largely into sports which took her full attention in the Women’s league, as well. She turned to Starfleet as do most of the Federation citizens, the need to serve in an era of equality and new horizons.

“What do you want to know about me, Vic? I don’t think you’ve ever asked about my parents. My siblings.” He mocked. Toying as she sat close relaxed.

He playfully lay his head on Vic’s lap innocent enough watching back up at Aries’s eyes down to his. “Ask me anything?”

"Ask you anything?" She repeated his question, his request, smiling down at him as she shook her head, "Why would I need to when you'd tell me anyways?" She leaned back with a chuckle before looking down at him and caressing a cheek, "I know I haven't asked much about you, but that's because it's kindof refreshing to hear about them about randomly from you. But I enjoy being a Senior Chief, you know? Sure, I'll never be a Chief Engineer on a starship, but I'll be just as important as you, because I'll be the one you turn to when you need something done. You can assign someone to do something and know that I'll be right there making sure it's done right. I get to make sure the newbie crewmen and Ensigns are trained right and can mentor them towards greatness."

Victoria gave him an odd look, then showing her flexibility, leaned over and kissed him gently, before straightening back up a bit, one hand on his chest, "But what do I want to know about you? It really isn't much about your parents or brothers or sisters, because I'm sure I'll meet them in the future." She poked his sternum gently, "You, though, what do YOU want in life? Do you plan on being in an engineering room your entire life, or what?"

Pratt narrowed his eyes. "If that makes me a lifer. Then yes. I am a lifer." He pondered. He looked at Victoria. "Victoria. I want kids in life. This can't happen on a New Orleans class vessel. Thus..." He gestured with his hands, "time moves onward. I get opportunities to be on a vessel that can support my dream. Yes, I have dreams Victoria." Brandon paused from serious thought to that turned back with a smile.

"And just why is a New Orleans not amenable to having a family?" Victoria was mildly annoyed at the thought, "The Captain's pregnant as a whale right now and I don't think she's going to be leaving the ship once she finally pops. And what if I don't want to leave Myogi once you get a slot on another starship? Are you just going to go find another girl to have those kids with? I know she's small, but she's a good little ship."

Pratt furrowed a brow. "I didn't say the Myogi wasn't." To another Engineer, that didn't translate. "Any ship in the fleet was 'good'."

"Then why couldn't we have kids on here?" She demanded, not pointing out that it presupposed she would want to have his kids. "Or is your dream just to be on a bigger ship?"

“I don’t want kids with you, Victoria.” Brandon replied. “And I’m not disappointed at being on the Myogi at all.” Pratt stated.

The admission irked the blonde and she nudged his head with her knee to indicate she was ejecting it from her lap as her face scrunched with… Something. “So you don’t want to have kids with me?” She half- demanded an explanation, “Am I just your girl on board the ship? The temporary distraction until someone prettier comes on board? Or until you find Alexis Silverstar and sweep her off her feet or she just falls madly in love with you?” She rolled her eyes, “What’s wrong with me?”

All blood flushed from Brand’s face as he realized how that had just sounded. “Oh, God. No. No..” Pratt lent his hand in gesture. “Let’s hold up. The answer here is currently. I had meant I currently do not want kids, with you is the only person I’d have them with, let’s get that straight right then and there was well Victoria.” Brandon got up and hammered it back. It was exhilarating to argue with Victoria. It got her going, good!

“Now, see here. I have eyes for you and have been… Holy crap, what the words. Head over heels in your presence. Jesus, I screw things up with speaking!” He paused and lent Victoria a longing, sorry look. “Look. I am sorry. I am. But I mean, in our current careers, not for years yet, right if we do, you do I choose to do.” He exhaustively explained himself; in classic, Brandon digs himself a hole adventure.

The knot that had wound up tight within her released and she exhaled. She’d been on the verge of kicking him out of her quarters right then and there and then swearing off men altogether. She considered towing him another shovel to continue digging the hole he was in, then burying him, but dismissed that idea quickly again. “I’m thirty three years old, and while I know women are perfectly capable of having children in their forties and even into their fifties, I sure as hell don’t want to set any records with that.”

She relented and patted the couch next to her with a hand, “I enlisted in the Fleet fifteen years ago, Brandon, then skyrocketed up to the second most senior rank I can attain in thirteen years of service. Within two years, I’m going to be one of the youngest Master Chief Petty Officers in the entire goddamned Fleet, not bad for a girl from Massachusetts that lost her original career when she broke her shin blocking a shot on the ice, don’t you think?”

Pratt felt soothing passive-aggressiveness that lent the signature of Victoria’s soliloquies. He didn’t hear any of it.

Sighs and rolls his eyes as Vic does. “Victoria. You’re not a victim.” He knew her in and out too well at this point. He hurried to beside Aries warmth. “I like you.” He decided to just plainly state and then poked at her from his spot on the couch.

“Like a lot.” He stated.

Victoria squirmed at the continued poking and she playfully batted at the questing finger, “Stop that, you!”

“Yeah. I like. Like you.”

“I kinda like you too.” She fended off yet another tickle attempt, “Like, a lot!”

“Will you sit at lunch beside me?” He offered.

“Only at lunch?” She laughed as he finally ceased his tickle attack, but pre-empted another assault by flopping down on the couch and capturing his lap with her own head to look up at him, “I mean, if you don’t want to sit next to me at dinner, I’m sure I can find someone else to take that slot, but I’d prefer it to be you. Hell, I don’t go around taking one look at my new boss and taking them home to get drunk with them on the first day, so you’re safe isn’t bay regard.”

“So, I was working with Reno today. You know that movie star. Well, former now, I guess.” He wanted to see how Victoria played with other women. As far as he knew, she was still a bit of a loner?

She glared at him for a moment, remembering back to the performance they had been at. Silverstar/Reno had gotten far too close and flirty, which was all right for someone who would be there and then gone away, but Reno wasn't going anywhere. "Mmmhmm?"

“You’re not a loner, are you?” Pratt had asked insensitive assertive maleness.

"I can work with others, I can work WELL with others. I can talk to random people, so no, I'm not a 'loner', but I do have some expectations for you." Victoria admitted, "I know you're going to be working with others, including other women, but I don't wanna hear about any flirting on your part. I'm not the type of girl that likes their man to be all over other girls, if you get what I mean?"

“Not a problem… Hey, as long as you keep that homegrown sugar coming. I’m loving it!” Pratt felt bad for asking what he did.

“Sorry, babe.” Brandon kissed her softly. And lent his hand into hers. “Where are we going for vacation. The chief needs a vacation with his Deputy. We can get away from work for a few shift rollovers. “You finished the valve realignment matrix assembly on time?” He knew. He just had to hear the perfection in Vic’s voice. It oozed sexiness.

“Tell me how you’d seduce my engines!!” Brand got excited and playful. “And I don’t flirt. I don’t expect you to flirt either then.” He stuck out his tongue at her jokingly.

Victoria rolled he eyes, he got excited by some of the silliest 'normal' life things, "Yes, the valve realignment went all well and proper, with a two percent increase in residual power containment. It's a shame that someone neglected the upkeep for the last upgrade cycle, because *someone* signed off on the upgrade even though it was never carried through. That's precisely why I advocate for a two-step verification process, so that someone can't get lazy and skip over the things that aren't the most glamorous, like tuning warp coils for a speed boost, and actually get things done."

"Precisely." Pratt had watched Victoria's eyes as she rolled through the standardized federation reference maintenance materials. "I love it when you talk dirty. You're going to rebuff the acclimator units next week...." He bit his lower lip. "I can't be in the room, If I see you..." He sweated his forehead. "Seeing you bend over like that! I'm in my office for that morning!" Brandon shook his head.

He then re-set himself up on the couch. "You feel like watching a good game of the playoffs? It's on in..." He checked his wristwatch.... "NOW!"

"Wait, we're already into the playoffs?" That stopped Victoria just as she was wiggling said rear end for him JUST to tease him. "When did the regular season end?" She cursed briefly before plopping down on the couch, settling her head down onto his chest as she didn't give him enough time to object to her presence, "Who's playing? Computer, NHL playoffs, live access now!"

"Classic league. Classic League!" He reminded Victoria. There was a difference. He had just hoped she wasn't off-put that it wasn't the Federation Final playing. That was a month away, but the classical Earth NHL Format endured. A franchise as old as time and full of gilded pride and old rivalries remained. "Its down to Tampa and the Avalanche." He didn't dare tell her who HE was cheering for. No way, not at all. He wouldn't live down if his side failed, the playoffs and Victoria's chosen side won, or maybe he would if she was cheering for HIS side.

"Avalanche will take it in five." Victoria fluttered her eyelashes up at him, broad smile on her face. She had no idea who he was rooting for in this series, but she wasn't afraid to take him on if he were going for Tampa Bay. She wouldn't hold any victories by them against him... Most likely.

Brandon flatly replied. "Vic, Babe. Tampa Bay + 120 total in Six" He furrowed now knowing the lines were drawn. Wasn't it always a standoff with Victoria. He smirked. "The game is a game we can get through this together eh!" He reached forward and then tickle tortured Victoria where she was subliminally ticklish at least Pratt thought she was, would she be hardened evermore, or relent for fun?"

The attack was so sudden that she shrieked in surprise and playfully tried to fend him off, batting gently at his hands, twisting in his grip so she was looking at him in his eyes, trying to adjust so he wasn't hitting AS ticklish spots, "Straight up win-loss bet?" She managed to get out through the laughter, bringing her arms up around his neck, "We'll figure out what the forfeit is later, but it'll be something nice?"

"Ok. I can agree to that." He affirmed. "Deal. But the forefit is nice." He smiled. Leaning in with her silky draped perfectly slendered forearms. He felt like a million bucks when she showed him affection like that, which was a lot. Kissing Victoria, he grunted. He giddily then gave a slight peck on her nose too." He grinned. "Boop!" He kissed her nose nerdish.

"Game time... Computer.... Jerseys, playoff NHL 2396. Replicate oversized."

"Mm... Right size." She scrunched her nose at him and allowed herself to slide off him, landing nimbly on her knees before getting to her feet to head to the replicator, tossing him the blue jersey while she stripped off her t-shirt to replace it with the white and red one, "I'll grab the snacks."


Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Senior Engineering NCO
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief of Engineering
USS Myogi


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