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Tinker, Tailor, Doctor's eye.

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 7:56pm by Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D.

1,435 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Sickbay, USS Myogi

Bree was pleased to learn the ship had received a new chief medical officer. She had nothing against the EMH, but there was no denying there were certain limitations with the holographic doctor. She only hoped the latest arrival would decide to stick around, and she had to admit, she was curious about him professionally and personally. He was from a planet she wasn't overly familiar, and even if he wasn't a healer like herself, that would be enough to spark her natural interest in understanding others.

Scott he considered making an appointment to introduce herself, but she had decided against it, not wanting things to be so formal. She had, however, reached out to one of the nurses to make sure when she stopped by, she wouldn't be interrupting anything scheduled. Still, she approached and spoke softly, not wanting to startle or disturb him. "Dr. Delling, I presume? I hope it's not a bad time. I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself as I expect we will be working quite a bit together. I'm Brennyn Scott."

The tone of the words being spoken to him registered before the words themselves actually wrote themselves across this brain. The name that she offered was also familiar, he had read it but she wasn't in his direct staff or he would remember it.

A glance over his shoulder at the woman confirmed that she was not a member of his staff. It was only after a moment study that he recognized her from the Case files of the senior staff. He had been updating himself on over the course of the past week. Her picture didn't exactly do her justice, as he suspected few pictures ever did anyone. He said some instruments into the sterilizer wiped his hands on the towel that was beside it and offered her his hand "And good morning to you Counselor Scott, I would suspect that you're right."

Bree smiled, shaking his hand firmly. "Are you settling in OK?"

"As well as I can. A lot understaffed at the present moment which is inconvenient for my sleep." He gave her an answering smile, which had the effect of making his eyes dance with amusement.

Bree's smile widened, instantly taking a liking to the doctor's good humor. Placing her index finger up to her chin, she pretended to be deep in thought. "Hmm... should I respond to that as a counselor or a physician who could possibly be of broader assistance?" Scott was teasing, but in truth was a bit torn. She genuinely had just come by to introduce herself, but now it seemed she may have just put him on the spot. She hoped she hadn't put her foot in her mouth, but she didn't have a time machine and couldn't take it back.

Victor's eyebrows shot upwards, surprise evident on his face. A similar look of contemplation crossed his features. "Both? Yes. Both. Both is good."

Scott chuckled. "Well, I suppose as your counselor, I would suggest delegating and developing a proper sleep routine. As a physician, I think I have a way to get you started. In short, I would like, and Starfleet encourages, to maintain my medical skills outside the practice of psychiatry. I'm not one of those psychiatric professionals who saw going to medical school and learning things outside my desired specialty as simply a means to an end. If you're willing, I'd like the opportunity to assist in Sickbay attending to a variety of medical needs to keep all of my skills sharp, not just those required for my chosen position."

"A Psychiatrist that doesn't view the MD as the means to an end? Who willingly does time as a generalist?" He bowed slightly to her, holding his hand over his heart "I almost cannot believe the words I just heard you say, however...I am inclined to take you up on it. How long has it been since you've been in a medical bay or surgical suite as a Doctor rather than Counselor?"

"I suppose you could consider me one of those oddballs who still believes health concerns both body and mind equally. I figured if my education was going to grant me prescription power, the least I could do was take an interest in the entire model and how it functions and not just one small part, you know? As for how long it's been since I've been in the medical bay, perhaps a couple of weeks? When I was with SCIS as a forensic psychiatrist, a full psychiatric evaluation often included a review of medical scans and tests conducted by others, if not myself. I also made sure to keep up with required continuing education, making sure to study diverse aspects of medicine and not just my specific specialty. I particularly enjoyed family practice medicine and specifically midwifery and obstetrics courses. I'm sure that seems odd for someone who has primarily assessed and treated those impacted by criminal violence, but in light of that darkness, it was quite nice to focus on something as grounding as helping families stay healthy or helping to bring life into the universe. Nothing quite prevents a person from getting a big head like treating a screaming toddler for the common cold, or being splashed with amniotic fluid," she added, laughing, realizing too late she might've gotten too descriptive, but then wondering if she couldn't get descriptive with him about medical matters, with whom could she get descriptive? A bit sheepishly, she added, "it's been longer since I've been in a surgical bay. No one quite trusts the psychiatrist with all the sharp pointy things."

"There is far more to it than that, as I am sure you know, but I can't fault your dedication to medicine in all its forms." His warm smile lit his eyes to sparkling. He understood precisely the appeal of bringing life into the universe. "I will , since I understand precisely what you mean in that regard, have you round with me on a few patients to assess your skills and then on a limited basis we can give you an assignment. Then, once you're established in both places we can move on from there. I understand, and I hope you do as well that some might not wish to see you as their primary when you know so much about their souls. "

Brennyn nodded. "All of that seems fair." She had no way of knowing if many people would object to seeing her as a medical provider if she was already seeing them as a therapist, as some people could very well could find comfort in continuity, but above all, people deserved to choose their healthcare provider wherever possible.

"I am pleased you think so. Now, let's get to sorting brass do you want me to schedule you here?" His hand raked through his hair lightly.

Bree appreciated his forthrightness and out of respect for him, she took the proper beats to consider what he might be really asking her. Of course, she could always provide the standard agreeable answer and say she would accept whatever he thought best, but Scott had never been much of a people pleaser and she had the sense if she gave such an answer, he would respect her a little less, and she wouldn't blame him for it.

After a few moments of thought, her tone was conversational but direct. "I'd like to start with a shift per week, just until I can get a sense of what demands my primary position will put upon me. I expect that won't take long and we can always bump things up as you and I are comfortable. Not to minimize the value of triage in an emergency, but I'd like to work frequently enough that I don't lose my other skills."

"In an emergency, triage is not where I would put you." He answered honestly"I try to play to people's strengths when I have that option, but once a week is fine. You'll start with me."

Scott was tempted to ask where he would put her, but she decided that would come in due time. Her curiosity piqued, she simply smiled and said, "I'd like that. Any particular area you'd like to start with?"

"Assessment of course. We're going to sit in triage for a while. " His wicked little smile seemed right at home on his lips. "Come along Doctor."

Scott could have been irritated by his reply, or even simply shocked. Seeing his smile, however, she simply chuckled and followed right behind him.


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