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After Hours

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 11:05am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt

1,610 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Myogi - Mess Hall
Timeline: Current


“Ah, Alisha.” Brandon had taken a glance at Alexis. In his mind, she was Alexis. Alexis Silverstar, dressed to kill in movie form. Now beside him.

He was pausing a moment at the replicator before ordering. Brandon wiped at his tired eyes. “Long day. Find anything noteworthy to report to your masters at Starfleet Intelligence?” He quipped jokingly.

“One XL 4 cream, four sweeteners. Dark Roast. Hot.” It was the first critical part of Pratt’s Engineering Day on the USS Myogi.

“Toast and scrambled eggs, with a side of Bacon.” He ordered.

Alisha had pulled her own meal out of the replicator just before he'd ordered. She was going with something less likely to keep her awake, but she smiled anyways, trying not to let how tired she herself was. That early morning drill had kept her up, handling reports of her own before having to start the daily brief. She'd meet Jane later at her quarters, so she was on her own for food. I always find something to report, even if I have to dig in my bank of reserve information." She gave a very tired grin, to let him know she was just kidding about it.

She did wait for him and gestured to a table as if he wanted to join her, sliding her tray onto it as she settled herself in, "No chance to get more sleep after that drill this morning, so it was a long day of reviewing reports and trying to find more information on where we can find Nikko."

“So..” Brandon. Paused. Looking at his plate and then at Reno’s. She was not hungry, at least this time of the evening or early morning. Whichever way, it was Pratt’s morning.

He took a drink of his mug of coffee and then playfully gestured. Lent his hand outward. “Let me see one of those. What do they get you to do in the first place? Look over data sets? We’re on the frontiers, for god sake.” Pratt mumbled his morning machinations.

She nibbled on a piece of bacon, one of the two she'd allowed herself this morning, but didn't hand over either of the PADDs she had with her, "I get local data, yes, but also information from across the sector, the region and even items of interest from all over the Federation, raw data and refined or analyses. Some of it is unclassified data, but some of it is highly classified material as well, most, if not all, has nothing to do with you or Myogi in general." She quirked a slight smile, "One of the things we in Intelligence do is run the raw and refined data across several sets of eyes to see if one of us picks up something the rest of us miss. It can be rather quite boring, mind you."

“Well. On another topic.” After a few hearty sips from his silver stainless mug, Pratt lent into his plate. “I am ecstatic to see that Entertainment Department will be adding your Saga’s to the Federation play database.”

"I still don't want it to be well known that I'm here on board this particular ship, but it was stated at one point that I'd joined the Fleet when I retired from showbiz." Alisha shrugged, "People might get a bit wary if they find out that I'm Intelligence, but I don't think I've got too many super-fans across the Fleet in any case. I won't have ship CO's falling over themselves to have me perform on their ship."

“Well. Ok. Maybe not be seen by the Fleet Captain, Commander of ships, etcetera. But you’ll be replayed on how many in transit shuttle departures. It will be premium plus; I bet they will ask to pay to watch you.” He winked, shaking his head. “I have you here right now.” He smiled giddily.

"Try pimping me out and you'll see just how vindictive I can be." Alisha gave him a wicked grin even as she winked at him to let him know that she wasn't seriously thinking that he'd do anything of the sort, "Besides, I'm hoping they don't charge people to see me, or at least to have those proceeds go to a good cause. I know I sure as hell don't need the cash, my investments back home are rock solid and are in excellent shape."

"Money. As in Latinum?! As in Credit! No, no that's alright. HEY! Wait..." Pratt gawks. Pausing from his checklist of the new supplies for shuttles and engineering components arrived as well. "I DID pay to see you. It was Fan Anime Con 2393..." He grinned. "You revealed at the Q and A what you had for lunch on location every day." Pratt gussed.

"And buttermilk biscuits and sausage cream and pepper gravy are the absolute best things out there, I still believe." Alisha laughed as she gestured to her plate, "But the replicator really doesn't do them justice, it's just too chalky of a flavor when I get them on board, so I go with other options most of the time. I'd make them more often myself, but the biscuits take a bit more time than I tend to have."

You could hear the conversation as the other officers walked around doing the real work. "Oh cool. What kind of biscuits. Buttermilk. Oh Man! I love me a good biscuit or bangers n mash." He smiled. "I will try baking my biscuits for you if you like? I mean, their probably not as anything good as what you have had in your encounters. I have a secret ingredient. Shhhhhh! It's nutmeg!"

"Nutmeg isn't a bad option," Alisha admitted, "But it isn't what I use. Buttermilk, cold butter, flour, the usual, but..." She leaned over the table, "Honey. Real honey, made by real actual bees. Just a little bit to add that tiny hint of sweetness, makes the biscuits work just as well for biscuits and gravy as it does with a nice jam or jelly."

"And then match it all with the priestess riels amber royal Hellenic gemstones from Rinus II. You worked your tush off for those, you should make them work on your honey biscuits, Wow. I would be honered to taste one!" He completely forgot the whole roll out, it was already on auto pilot as it were.

"Ensign Millox." Pratt had paused shaking his head and then taking a sip of his coffee. "That Lomography Beta 5 unit. He needs to set them away from the Y axis gamma radiation probes assembly rods. I told him 3 times, and three times where do they end up!? Beside each other. One more time and I will write him for a safety infraction. Or you could come along and scare in some.....' Intelligence believes your sabotaging Engineering, we need to ask you a question or two.' " Pratt had winked at Alisha. Brandon had interjected just thinking. He felt like a foreman when he did, not that he had to. Everyone did great work he just wanted to be there sticking his engineer nose in.

Alisha gave him a very flat look for a few seconds, then rolled her eyes. This was absolutely what some people thought Intelligence was all about: intimidation. Sure, there were some that used it as a common role to try to gain the upper hand, but it wasn't her own personal method, "I'm not going to terrify poor young Ensign Millox. Maybe you should have your Assistant Chief get in on the teaching action, or perhaps your girlfriend?"

"Ouch." Brandon furrowed a brow. "Tensions. I sense tensions. I am sorry for asking." He soured.

"I'm not here to be an asshole, it would be counter-productive to what I'm here for. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about Victoria, though I don't think she's trying to hide it when she's off-duty." Alisha shrugged, "My girlfriend is the Chief Flight Control Officer here, so I have to be just as careful not to show any sort of favoritism when it comes to my duty operations. I'm not going to hide how much I love her, especially since I won't let it affect how I treat her when the shit hits the fan."

"When the shit hits the fan I'm the one holding the stick. And I'm already prepared for that, since she walked through those containment doors and by the pool table. How can I defend that? I don't want too." Brandon felt akin now that Reno had indeed shared a vulnerability, and in kind Brandon did so. "And no, your not a dick don't say that. I ... Just was not understanding." Pratt shook his head.

"It's all right." The bright smile was on Alisha's face again, mistress that she was about that sort of thing, "It's really a bit typical about Intelligence and it strikes a nerve here and there for me at least. I'm mostly just an analyst, I look at information, decipher it, interpret it and pass it on to whoever needs it. I'm basically harmless. You believe me, right?" She flashed him a smile with a wink.

"I believe you and Sinclair make incredible hawt love. That is not in dispute here..." He chuckled. He was just happy to be spending time with Alisha. "Cheers..... To.... Our interests." He coded. And then winked. Raising his coffee mug at the table. "And Yes." He rolled his eyes. "I believe every word you say don't I?" He chuckled. oO Not everything! Oo


Lieutenant(jg) Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief of Engineering
USS Myogi


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