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Infiltrating the Nikko

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 10:41am by Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi

3,874 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Timeline: Concurrent with "The Next Step"

She was a part of the third wave and the carnage she'd materialized into made Alisha blanch as she stepped off the transporter. Bodies were down, at least two of Myogi's people, but more of the Nikko's and she was wearing one of their insignia on her collar. The group was emptying into the corridor and she took a deep breath while she checked her phaser, yes, on stun. She saw one of the enlisted security officers and approached her, the small woman rubbing her neck which appeared bruised, "Kozakura, I need your help."

Kozakura looked up at the blonde and nearly brought her phaser up at the familiar enemy uniform before remembering who she was, "What do you need, ma'am?" She asked curtly.

"I'm going to head down that corridor, I need you to shoot at me as I shoot back towards you. Miss please, I sure will, but I need it to look as convincing as possible, all right?" Alisha gave Kiki a bright smile as the little woman nodded, then they both exited the transporter room and turned to the left, "Ready?" She asked quietly, then at a nod, began to run, firing shots into the ceiling even as Kozakura placed shots around her running form with precision.

As Alisha reached the corner and lost her footing(intentionally) to skid around it, the shooting redirected slightly to the side of her that she wasn't going. The Intelligence officer, in the gold of Security at the moment, scrambled back as two phaser rifles pointed at her from the security team that was racing towards the transporter. The look of fear on her face wasn't feigned, but she kept pointing her own weapon back towards the corridor she'd just come from, "Christ! They've made it out of the transporter!" She gabbled, looking up at the two junior NCOs with relief on her face, "Don't go down that corridor, I don't know how I made it out!"

One of the two raised their rifle to cover the junction as the second helped Alisha back to her feet. "Are you hurt, Lieutenant?" She asked, half leading, half dragging Alisha back down the way they were coming.

"No, P-O, don't know how, but I'm in one piece." She was hyperventilating even as she saw what she was looking for, "If we set up over here, we can ambush them as they come around the corner. She was back on her feet on her own and the three officers were all pointing weapons back the way she'd come from. "Here and here, we can stop them long enough for more reinforcements to arrive." She stood behind the one that had helped her as the two junior officers got behind the minor cover provided by a crate and a doorway, lodging the door open.

As soon as the two were in position and focusing on the corridor, Alisha raised her phaser and took out the one in the doorway first, then without hesitating shot the woman who'd helped her up, then released her breath. These two would be out of action for several minutes, definitely long enough for Myogi's security forces to take them into custody, "Sorry, Petty Officer, but you're just a means to an end." She murmured before ducking into the room that had been opened for her and glancing around, reholstering her phaser when no one else showed their faces and made for the Jeffries Tube hatch that she knew serviced this storage room. She had it open within a few seconds and shut it behind her as she closed her eyes to remember the path she needed to take to get to where she was going.

It was up three decks, then over about a hundred fifty meters of winding tubes before she stopped at yet another of the interminable hatches that dotted the hallways. A quick scan with the tricorder showed no signs of anyone out there, she cracked the hatch and gave the view a quick glance before leaving her hidey hole and closing the hatch behind her again and brushing down her uniform before she stepped off to go down this corridor and to the left, leaving her at a door with the crest of Starfleet Intelligence etched into it. Her memory dredged up the codes that she punched into the access pad, and a red light showed. "Crap." She muttered as she thought even further, taking a heartbeat where the red light flashed, then entered another six digit code. This override worked and the pad turned green and flashed twice, the door sliding open in front of her.

She stepped quickly through the door and tapped the button to close it behind her, hustling towards the door where her friend had once had his office. She was sure Hiro was gone, one way or the other and since they hadn't heard from him. She shook her head as she knelt by the armored door that had yet another code she'd have to remember, this one a combination of eighteen letters and digits and other inputs. If she could get into here, she could get the Nikko to shut down her engines and shields and emit a beacon to the Fleet that would indicate she was there and helpless. Of course, she only had one chance at this input. This was the Nikko's master override code that a Captain in Intelligence had provided for her for this mission, just in case. She began to punch it in. '5-*-A-3-M-@-'

Suddenly, Alisha felt the end of a phaser against the back of her head.

"Move away from the console, traitor!" A familiar voice snarled.

As soon as she felt the tip of the phaser against her head, all of her motions stopped, but the voice... It was familiar and it took her a moment to recognize it, given what she'd already decided. She slowly raised her hands to the side, indicating that she wasn't resisting, but her voice trembled and it wasn't an act at all, "I'm not a traitor." She swallowed hard, "Hiro, is... Is that you?"

"You are in direct violation of Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet charter, which permits use of extraordinary measures in times of dire emergency;" The other officer stated without identifying themselves. "In this case, referring to the worsening trade crisis between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. You're breaking ranks, Lieutenant; and it is my duty as Chief Intelligence Officer of the United Starship Nikko to ensure this ship continues its mission of preventing Federation-produced goods from being undercut by Klingon counterfeits at market. Now, step away from the console. I'm not going to repeat myself again:"

Slowly, glancing down only to make sure she wouldn’t trip over anything, Alisha stood up and took two steps away from the hidden console, still keeping her hands well away from her, especially away from the phaser on her hip, “Hiro, I’m here under orders from Starfleet Intelligence, I’m not breaking ranks.” She paused for a moment, “I’m going to turn around, Hiro, I’m not going to try anything, I just want to be sure it’s you.” Just as slowly as before, she took three micro steps to turn around and look her old friend in the eyes, not letting herself show anything about his mis-quotation of the charter, “It’s good to see you again, Hiro.”

"I should have known they'd send Alexis Silverstar to stop me:" Hiro said, still keeping his phaser firmly trained on Alisha's head. "Well, you're still too late; I've locked out the computer, and I have no intention of allowing you to unlock it while I still live and breathe."

Alisha shook her head slowly, "Ever since that stunt at the Academy, Alexis has been retired." She referred to a time when she'd been dared by another of their classmates to make a massive scene on the campus and she'd taken them up on it. Deniability that it was her was established, but she'd caused a four-hour disturbance as her alter-ego, "Look, I'm going to disarm myself slowly." She extended her thumb and forefinger of her right hand and very slowly reached down and removed her phaser in a way that wouldn't allow her to quickly use it. She then gently placed it on the desk and took two steps away from it. "Can I put my arms down? I'm not carrying anything else."

"Prove it;" Hiro said, gesturing the phaser downwards. "Take off your right boot and show me."

Mentally grimacing, Alisha balanced on her left foot and unlaced, then removed her right boot. She'd forgotten about the knife she'd now habitually kept hidden on the inner inside of her left boot. It had been inspired by Hiro himself, but he'd suggested it be on her strong side. She held the boot with both hands and showed him the inside of the boot. She raised an eyebrow as the only visual indication that she'd had any thoughts whatsoever.

"Very well;" Hiro said. "You can put your boot back on, but keep your hands where I can see them."

She stooped awkwardly to keep her hands in view as she unlaced the boot and slipped it on her foot, not bothering to lace it up just yet. "You said I'm here to stop you, Hiro, but that's not why I was sent here." Alisha lowered her arms, but kept her hands in plain sight, with his phaser still pointed at her, she didn't want to do anything to make him jumpy, "You have basically all of Fleet Intelligence convinced you're dead. When you didn't activate the beacon like you were supposed to once Nikko went rogue? You never answered any of the contact requests, and you even ignored the message I sent out with the class encrypt!" That last was the one that the Intelligence Class of 2390 used in personal contacts with each other, "I was convinced you were dead, but you aren't. You and I are friends, Hiro, always have been since we met back in our Freshman year. If you're a part of what Nikko is up to, you should let me in on what it is. Talk to me, convince me." The truth of the matter what, when he invoked Article 14 of Section 31, Alisha knew Hiro was lost. All she could do now was buy time for the boarding party to take the ship, maybe if she were lucky she would survive.

"The fact of the matter is the Federation is facing an unprecedented trade crisis;" Hiro explained. "Federation goods being undercut by cheaper Klingon produced goods, and the Federation's answer is to sit back and let the Klingons plunge us into economic ruin. I've seen firsthand the hardships this trade crisis has had on Federation citizens, and it sickens me. Perhaps if you'd seen what I have, you'd agree with me. Alisha, is it not our duty as Starfleet officers to stand up for and protect those who cannot protect themselves?"

"It absolutely is." Alisha stated truthfully, "While I disagree that the Federation is going to be ruined by Klingon imports, I can most certainly agree that it is hurting many people in the Federation. We're not a capitalist society and strictly speaking, no one absolutely has to work, but I'm one of those who knows the pride the people take in what they do. I'm just lucky that back when I was Alexis, that people in the Federation never truly got into Klingon Opera." She tried to ease the tension by making a small joke and quirked a slight smile. "But why the death and destruction of the Klingon ships and crews? Yes, preventing their goods from getting to the markets helps our civilians, but it risks a war with the Klingons that would cause even more death to those same civilians. Given time, our products will win out as people realize they're superior to theirs and when they don't have to replace them as often. I want the best for our citizens, in everything, but I don't want a shooting war to kill them." Her voice was hesitant, as if she was at war with herself.

"Oh, no;" Hiro sighed, turning his head to the side and pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand. "Alisha, what silly lies have the Klingons been feeding you? Don't you see that you and your captain have been played like fools? The Klingons are upset that their goods are taking longer to reach market because of us, and they run to the Federation, threatening war if we don't stop. Yet you all fail to address the real problem that's causing us to do this in the first place. We've certainly not harmed any of the ships we've inspected or their crews, all we've done is... Delay them, a mild annoyance. But, I suppose the bloodthirsty Klingons are looking for an excuse to go to war with the Federation, and frankly, I welcome the idea more and more with each passing day, especially when we have people like Taiga Aisaka showing us just how truly divided we are. An invasion could help unite people like Aisaka and people like those crazy conspiracy nuts going on and on about a stolen trial, because we'd all now have a common enemy:"

And then the nuts would be in among the sane people. Alisha thought to herself. "Uniting the Federation would definitely help us... We could get back to the exploration that the Fleet was intended to do, with the unanimity of the people, but..." She shook her head slightly, "Before Myogi was sent out this way, I saw a predictive report on what might happen if we couldn't stop a war... About a Hundred-fifty thousand Starfleet personnel as casualties in a limited engagement with the Klingons, with around forty million civilians lost. That's just the border worlds with a strike against one of the sector capital systems. Fleet Analytics believe that the Klingons would back off to give us a chance to evaluate and approach them for peace talks at that point. It would include nearly two hundred thousand Klingon casualties to go along with that, but we know they don't care if they live or die." She gave a slight laugh, "As if I cared if they lived or died. But would it be worth it?" She asked the question out loud, but left it open for either of them to answer it.

"If it means saving the Federation from economic ruin..." Hiro said, extending the phaser towards Alisha at full arms' length. "It's worth every drop of blood!"

Alisha's heart seemed to stop and jump into her throat. As his arm extended towards her, the weapon came within reach and had lowered slightly to point at her chest instead of right in her face. A bolus of adrenaline shot through her system as the woman knew that he wouldn't let her live through this. There was no 'recruiting' her to his cause, he wouldn't take the chance that she could turn against him. True fear ran through her mind, but oddly enough, not fear for her life. Fear for her family, her friends, her fans. Most especially fear for Jane. She'd be leaving Jane behind, alone.

Her training had never contemplated this situation, close combat, basically unarmed with no weapon to hand while having one pointed at her and she knew without the shadow of a doubt that she had maybe two seconds to live. Ironically it was her past as an actress that came forward. In a flash, she was Terry Knight, an elite starfighter pilot who could hold her own in a fight as well. she blessed herself for doing her own stunts as a last ditch effort to preserve her life. Attempting to dodge would do nothing but force him to change his aim ever so slightly. One hand flashed out and pushed the phaser downwards and to the side as she took a step towards him. A flash and what felt like a punch to her stomach told her that he'd gotten a shot off and she'd been hit.

She felt nothing... Yet. Of course, that would probably change shortly, should she live that long. She kept pushing the weapon until it was out of line and she bowled into him, throwing him off balance enough that she fell on top of him, softening the impact to the deck as she grabbed at his wrist holding the phaser with desperation, while throwing another badly aimed first at his face. She wasn't fighting the way of a technically competent grappler, purely by instinct. She brought a knee up into his groin, getting an 'oof' from him as it impacted, then she went flying backwards as he used his free hand to shove her away from him. The hand scrabbling for the phaser got a good swipe at it, knocking it out of his hand and off to the side. Her breath got knocked out of her as her back hit the desk and she fell hard to the ground. Her eyes cast away towards where the phaser clattered to the ground and she began to crawl towards it as fast as she could while he got to his knees and lunged at her.

Alisha yelped as her momentum towards the weapon suddenly stopped and he dragged her back towards him while she kicked out at him, a burning sensation in her abdomen beginning to make itself known. She was roughly turned over and drew her left foot up towards her and managed to plant it on his chest, trying to push him away even as he leant his whole weight onto her. Eyes wide open in terror, she reached to the boot and drew the smaller knife that had been hidden in the boot he hadn't searched. She slashed up at him, which he blocked with an arm, scoring a red bleeding line across it and eliciting the first real pain reaction of the fight. He grabbed at the hilt of the knife as her foot slipped off his chest and back under him, her knee the only thing keeping him off her. The entire fight came down to that three inch bit of metal between them.

It wasn't a fair fight, Hiro outmassing her by a good thirty-five kilograms and slowly but surely he began to take control of the wrestling match as her strength waned, more and more pain making it through the adrenaline from her gut. The knife turned slowly and Alisha found herself looking at the point of her own blade inching closer and closer to her right eye and tears began to run down the side of her face as even more fear gave a final jolt of adrenaline. She released one hand from the knife as she pushed up and scrabbled first at his face before reaching down to his belt and closing her right eye and jerking her head to the side. Another line of burning pain slid down her right cheek as her hand went for where she'd seen her last hope.

A curse emanated from his lips as he missed his target and brought the knife back up, her interposed arm giving virtually no resistance anymore. Her right hand moved again and came up between her and him holding something that she shoved up into his jawline. The shining metal shined no more as Hiro Dobrev's own knife sliced up through his jawline as the sharpened blade that he'd spent many hours at the Academy working on cut through arteries and muscle and nicked his spinal cord. Blood gushed from the artery as he released her blade from suddenly weakening fingers and she shoved with weakening desperation to redirect his fall off of her.

Hiro spat blood onto the carpet as he writhed on the deck, knowing he was taking his dying breaths.

"I always knew you had the blood of a killer;" He grunted. "You just needed someone to help you see the monster you truly are..."

Alisha's eyes widened in shock at what she'd done, but she couldn't stop to think. People were counting on her. She shoved herself into a sitting position, or at least tried to. She laid back flat on her back as searing pain from her stomach prevented her from sitting up. Her breathes came in a quick pant as her mind raced over the last few minutes, what she'd seen, where standard placements were... She rolled over onto her stomach and screamed into the floor before she looked up at a panel on the wall. She was sobbing as she dragged herself to it and activated the quick release panel to the emergency medkit. Her hands scrabbled at it as she tore the pack open and with shaking hands fumbled with the hypospray and pressed it into her side. More tears, of relief this time, fell from her eyes as the searing pain faded into a far duller throb. The expended device fell to the carpeted floor and she reached for the bandages and shoved them up against where she'd been shot, then turned again towards where shed been going for the first time.

Once again she crawled, this time back over to the small armored door and looked at what was on the screen. '5-*-A-3-M-@-' She heaved another breath and continued on, 'B-2-&-$-N-3-J-4-!-*-G-0'. There were two beeps and a yellow light flashed, "Echo-Niner-Niner, Bacon, Triari, Epsilon. Tetra, Sesame." She was speaking as clearly as she could and just hoped that her words and inflection were good enough. Three beeps and a green light combined with a click and the door slid to the side. Alisha slid her hand in and by feel found the button, an actual button that she depressed.

That was it. If it worked the way it was designed to, Nikko was now dead in space. Tears fell freely from Alisha's face as she dragged herself back over to Hiro's body and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'm so sorry, Hiro, I didn't mean to.. I didn't want to.." She brought the hand to her lips and kissed it messily.

Finally she reached up to her commbadge and clumsily slapped at it. Her hands weren't doing what she wanted them to do as well as she needed, "REno to Myogi. Mission accomplished. Medic needed, my location."

=A="Copy that, Reno;"=A= Came Tristana's voice. =A="We're sending Lieutenant Erebos to your location. Stay where you are if you can."=A=

=A= "Not going anywhere.. Tell him to hurry."=A=

Posting by

Lieutenant Hiro Dorev (portrayed by Captain Maho Takahashi)
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Nikko

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi

Petty Officer 1st Class Kozakura Kikuchi
Security Officer
USS Myogi


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