Storming the Nikko
Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 10:40am by Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Commander Ichika Misono & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi
2,133 words; about a 11 minute read
Trade Troubles
Location: USS Nikko
Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:
Once everyone had taken their places, she turned her attention to the NCO operating the transport controls.
"First away team, ready to beam out," she announced, nodding her head approvingly.
Of course, rather than do things the easy way, the NCO grinned and struck a dramatic pose.
"Fly forth, my demon spawn!" she monologued as she pulled down the lever activating the transporter. "Wreak havoc upon the Nikko and her crew!"
"Oh, Jesus Christ..." Ichika could be heard sighing as the first group disappeared in a flash of bright light.
And now, the continuation:
Transporter Room 3, Deck 6, USS Nikko
Security teams aboard the Nikko had taken up defensive positions at each of the ship's 4 transporter rooms on Deck 6, knowing that a boarding would be likely via those areas. However, their intelligence was unsure where the attack would come from, and as such, their numbers were stretched across each of the transporter rooms.
In transporter room 3, there was a bright flash of light signaling the arrival of a transporter beam, and an away team from the Myogi materialized on the transporter pad.
"Let 'em have it!" The squad commander screamed as the Myogi away team materialized.
As soon as they materialized on the Nikko's transporter pad, the away team from the Myogi was peppered with white hot phaser fire.
Lieutenant Tristana dive rolled off the transporter pad into cover behind the transporter controls. A security officer that attempted to follow his boss into cover, but got hit in the chest by his Nikko counterpart, letting out a scream of agony as he fell to the floor near where Tristana was crouched. Tristana leaned over and attempted to feel for a pulse in her comrade, but there was none to be had. The Security officer was dead.
Ducking behind one of the bulkheads, Ichika took time to assess her surroundings and observed a small control panel on the far side of the room, just behind two of their attackers. It didn't appear vital to the operation of the transporter, but that wasn't quite what she was aiming for; with any luck, it would disrupt their attackers just long enough for the away team to get a few lucky shots in. Hoisting the phaser rifle just over her shoulder, she quickly ducked into view and fired before retreating behind the bulkhead again.
Direct hit; the panel exploded in a shower of sparks, causing their attackers to flinch, or even drop their weapons.
As they had materialized, Kiki held her ground at the corner of the group. She knew they were going to be met by hostile with every intent of killing her and she knew her job at the side was to lay down as much immediate covering fire as she could throw out so the entire team didn’t get massacred. Aiming only vaguely, she hit the trigger again and again, barely paying attention to the hard light being flung around, waiting for the one that would hit her in the chest, the head, wherever. As the transporter pad cleared, she knew at least one of her fellows had been hit. She didn’t even know if she hit anyone, though figured rose and fell both in front of her.
A beam impacted her, finally, high on her left arm and she gritted her teeth as she withheld a scream of pain that threatened to emerge. Then the flash as a console exploded and she blinked twice before rising, finally truly taking sim and in two quick shots burned the throat out of one of the Nikki guards with even just a stun setting, the another in mid-chest, that woman slumping to the ground as she released her weapon from nerveless hands. Kozakura finally left her position, stepping off of the transporter pad and missing the step, tumbling to the ground and finally letting out a muffled scream as her burned arm impacted the hard deck, but she maintained her aim from her new angle and opened fire again, hitting an exposed knee that protruded around the corner of another console.
Tristana fired blindly over the transporter controls at the attackers that had her pinned down. Unlike the others, Tristana had chosen a phaser pistol, as it gave her greater flexibility at the cost of range. As she engaged her attackers, a panel exploded in her peripheral vision and someone screamed as they hit the deck. However, Tristana was unsure if it was one of hers, or one of the Nikko's.
Eventually, the last assailant hit the floor, having been stunned. Tristana stood up and noticed one of the felled security officers had regained enough movement to point their phaser at her, and Tristana fired again to ensure they were knocked out. Once that was taken care of, Tristana turned to Commander Misono:
"That should be the last of them for now, but no doubt there's more on the way." She said. "We should beam over team 2 while there's a lull."
"Make it so, Lieutenant," Ichika ordered as she moved over to begin restraining the survivors. "By order of Starfleet Command, you are being placed under arrest for desertion, conspiracy to commit piracy, and murder of a Starfleet Officer. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can, and likely will be used against you in Starfleet Judge Advocate General court of law..."
Kiki had gotten back to her feet and schooled her face to impassivity as her boss and the Exec conferred, moving over to the side of the door and keeping her rifle up and aimed. She was injured, yes, but she was still capable... And at least one of her friends wasn't, maybe two. She stole a quick glance at the rest of the away team to count noses.
Tristana tapped her combadge.
=A="Tristana to Myogi; let's get team 2 over here stat!"=A= She said.
'Team 2' consisted of more security officers. A team of 6 new security officers materialized on the transporter pad right as the reinforcements the initial wave had radioed for backup arrived.
"Keep 'em contained! Don't let 'em through!"
The new wave of security personnel unleashed a fresh hail of phaser fire, and Tristana ducked back behind her cover at the transporter controls.
For a moment, Kiki blessed her foresight at her placement by the door. The first new victim, and that's what it felt like, took a point blank stun shot to the side of the head from her. From that distance, even that lower setting would likely be fatal. Then two lurched through the door simultaneously and ducked to either side. Her shot missed and then a male officer over half again her weight bowled her over and both dropped the weapons in their hands. He fell on top of her, stunned slightly as he ran into someone he hadn't been intended to. Her hands were in motion even as the rifle was ripped from her hands and she landed on her back, one hand behind her and she grunted in pain, jerking the hand back out with her tanto in it. His hands went around her throat as he regained his bearings and found himself on top of one of the invaders. She gasped for air as his hands clamped and one hand reached for his tunic while the other jabbed with the knife. He screamed in a mix of rage and pain until she finally hit the spot she'd been flailing for and t he blade ripped through his throat. Despite that, he maintained his grip as if to take her with him into death and she blacked out moments before his grip faltered and he collapsed on top of her.
"Petty Officer!" Ichika shouted, hastily flipping the dead assailant off of Kiki and dragging her out of harm's way.
"Is she gonna be alright?" one of the security officers expressed out of concern.
Ichika quickly felt around for a pulse.
"I think so," she reported with a sigh of relief. "Bastard tried to choke her with his bare hands!"
"Shit..." the officer muttered in disbelief. "There truly is no end this Iwaki dude's gonna go to in order to evade capture!"
"If you want to make the call for an emergency beam out; now would be the time, Commander!" Tristana responded as two assailants managed to flank her.
Thinking fast, Tristana grabbed the arm of one of her assailants and rammed her knee into the man's crotch as hard as she could, the shock causing the other officer to drop his phaser and allowing Tristana to flip him over her and bowl over the other assailant. Picking up her dropped phaser, she proceeded to stun the two men.
"And stay down..." She muttered.
Light came back into Kiki's eyes as she slowly regained consciousness, but her eyes remained closed. "Watashi o okizari ni shinaide kudasai. Mada tatakaeru.(Don't leave me behind. I can still fight.)" She pried her eyes open as she swallowed and grimaced at the pain it caused, "I just need a minute." She continued in English, the redhead abandoning her native Japanese.
"Steady, now," Ichika warned. "Don't sit up too fast; take a moment to regain your bearings before running back into the fight."
Tristana wished she could help her injured comrades, but her attention was currently being held by more security officers entering the transporter room. This time, there were two burly men who stepped over the fallen with little remorse as they targeted the boarders with their high-powered Phaser rifles.
"Take 'em out!" One of them yelled as they opened fire on the boarding parties.
Unsure how effective her phaser's current stun setting would be against these new intruders, Tristana turned to Ichika from her cover:
"Commander; permission to go to a higher stun setting?" She asked.
"Do it!" Ichika authorized.
With the authorization given, Tristana turned her phaser up to the highest stun setting available. Any higher and her phaser would be on a lethal setting. Standing up from her cover Tristana took aim at one of the two men now advancing on Ichika and Kiki and fired, hitting the large man in the back.
It worked, and the man squealed in pain as he fell to the floor unconscious. However, she had only attracted the attention of his comrade, who proceeded to step over to Tristana and shove her into the console she had been using as cover, dazing her.
"What a cute little thing;" The man taunted. "You know, it really is a shame I have to kill you, because I could have some real fun with you first..."
Crewman 2nd Class Petra Silika was scared out of her mind, real combat was nothing like boot camp holodeck training simulations. She had her finger was on the trigger of the phaser rifle, as she scanned for targets like she had been trained to do, when she saw that Lieutenant Tristana being shoved into a console, she took careful aim and fired her weapon. The shot was a little bit higher than she wanted and hit the man in the back of his head. He collapsed to the floor.
An eerie silence fell across the room as the dust began to settle. the members of the boarding party glanced at one another, half-expecting another wave of mutineers to burst in, guns blazing; but alas, that moment never came.
"Is everyone here alright? Ichika called out, signaling the all-clear.
"Commander Misono I believe Starfleet protocol calls for a boarding party to have a medic come aboard with the third wave once an area is secure." replied a very nervous Crewman 2nd Class Petra Silika.
"I've had worse..." Tristana muttered as she stood back up. "Commander, is it safe to signal for the third wave?"
"Make it so, Lieutenant" Ichika authorized, dusting herself off. "And have Dr. Delling send over a Medic or two; we've got wounded on both sides, and they're in need of immediate medical attention."
Nodding, Tristana tapped her combadge.
"Tristana to Myogi:" She spoke. "Team 3 is clear to beam over."
"As for you," Ichika continued, shifting her attention over towards Petra. "Nice save back there, Petty Officer; I understand that killing him wasn't the most desirable outcome, but given the situation, I don't think I would've done things all that much differently."
"Thank you commander. I do not mean to correct you but I am just a Crewman 2nd Class, and this is my first boarding action." replied Crewman 2nd Class Petra Silika, her checks burning red from the praise.
To be continued...