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Sabotage! The Epilogue

Posted on Tue Jul 26th, 2022 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

212 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Timeline: One day after departure from Sol

Chief Flight Control Officer's Log.

It took some doing, but the small-scale warp coil relaminator and the warp field stress simulator are up and running in the maintenance area of the shuttlebay. Our shuttle maintenance team got the parts into place -- no easy task, mind -- and with the help of Engineering and Operations, we got them installed, plugged in, and operating. I already have some of my team running stress tests on the hulls of the Ahiru and checking the warp coils on the Usagi.

When I arrived aboard the Myogi, I didn't expect to find the shuttlebay ransacked by the outgoing staff. But here we are, only about a week later, and what few tools and spare parts we're still lacking are being churned out by the Engineering Support Lab. The team, the entire crew, came together and found the parts we needed. When we rendezvous with the Nikko, the Flight Control department will be ready.

I assess that within thirty-six hours, the Myogi's small craft capabilities will be back to one-hundred percent.

Special mention to Lieutenant Pratt and Ensign Kurosawa for their assistance in the installation. It went so smoothly largely because of their help.

End log. Computer, forward copy to Captain Takahashi and Commander Misono.


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