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Engaging the Nikko (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Jul 25th, 2022 @ 1:23pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
Edited on on Mon Jul 25th, 2022 @ 1:23pm

1,366 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Korinar system
Timeline: After 'Engaging the Nikko (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"If anyone has any ideas on how we can punch through their shields, I'm open to suggestions." Maho stated.

"Didn't Senpai recently invest in having our fighters' weapons upgraded?" Keisuke suggested. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's put them to use!"

Maho stroked her chin. She had seen the files of the pilots they had on hand, and they weren't entirely confidence-inspiring, but if their fighters were in the field, they might be able to bolster the Myogi's weapons enough to punch a hole in the Nikko's shields and cripple the ship enough for them to send boarding parties over.

"It's risky," She said. "But then again, what choice do we have? Our backs are against the wall here."

And now, the continuation:

Maho tapped her combadge.

=A="Takahashi to Kujo and Amaro:"=A= She spoke. =A="You are to deploy immediately and concentrate your fire on the Nikko's shields. Target the shield above one of their impulse engines. The Myogi will provide you cover fire."=A=

=A=Copy that, Maporin,=A= Karen acknowledged. =A=Completing pre-flight inspections as we speak, over.=A=

=A="And don't call me Maporin, Lieutenant:"=A= Maho warned sternly. =A="You don't know me enough to deserve to use that nickname."=A=

Karen simply cackled and switched her com frequency over to the squadron's channel. =A=All systems looking good, Banshee?=A= she radioed in.

Mia snickered as she monitored the main frequency, but only her squadron frequency was transmitting, =A=Two in the green, weapons are hot, Union Jane.=A= She flicked her HUD on and settled herself into the flight couch and verified her inertial compensator was set to ninety-eight percent, just enough to feel her flight moves. She was ready to rock and roll.


Sickbay was bustling, so far with minor injuries. The unexpected rocking of the ship under attack had sent many to the floor, and one unlucky science officer who happened to be holding a tray of glass utensils had some significant lacerations. Victor was still listening with one earbud to the communications from the bridge, but he had stopped the overhead transmission of said communications into his sick Bay. He didn't want to distract his staff from their duties.

With the battle likely to become more intense now that fighters had joined the fray, Bree had made the decision to leave the bridge for now and head to Sickbay to offer her assistance. It wasn't a decision she made lightly, of course, but under the circumstances, she knew she would be of greater use if, God forbid, there ended up being more wounded than she would be if she remained on the bridge.

Inserting her own earbud just as she entered so she too could keep an eye on what was happening on the bridge, she approached Victor. "I thought you might need an extra pair of hands. Where do you want me?"

"I'm trying to keep open for the more severe wounds, I've got some greens in the waiting room that need to be patched up. Simple stuff at the minute, but it won't stay that way."

Nurse Ichihara came out of the waiting room, sending one healed patient out the door and back to duty. She heard the tail end of the conversation between the Doctor and Counselor. “Any help back there would be good, ma’am,” she told Lieutenant Scott. “I can show you to where the kits are.”


“Captain,” Jane called from the helm, “Nightkid One and Two report ready for launch. Bay doors are open. Awaiting your command.”

"Deploy Fighters" Maho ordered.

=A=Nightkids are cleared for launch!=A= Karen radioed back to Mia. =A=Engage!=A=

The two razors launched from the Myogi's hangar bay and immediately swung back around, guns blazing as they commenced their assault on the Nikko.

As the Razors swooped around, the Myogi unleashed a barrage of cover fire for the smaller craft, succeeding in retaining the Nebula class starship's attention and keeping it off the Razors.

"This is how we put down a proper doylem!" Karen grinned as she unloaded a barrage of photon torpedoes on the Nikko's Starboard impulse engine.

Mia waited for a fraction of a second, only long enough to stagger their fire so there was always something hitting the shields over the nacelle. She added her pulse phasers to barrage to go with the torpedoes. It was about quantity of fire, not just quality, and she spasmodically kept the nimble craft dancing around just in case the other ship targeted her.

Under the relentless barrage from the combined firepower of the Razors and the Myogi, the Nikko's shields suddenly gave way, and the ship's starboard impulse engine exploded.

Seiji held on as the Nikko rocked with the explosion.

"Damage report!" He yelled.

"Shields have failed, sir!" The ops officer responded. "We've taken a direct hit to our starboard impulse engine!"

"Damnit, load more photon torpedoes!" Seiji growled.

From the Myogi's bridge, Maho witnessed the Nikko's starboard impulse engine explode; and knew from the explosion that the Nikko's shields were down.

They actually did it: She thought. Now's our chance:

"Target the Nikko's stardrive section!" Maho ordered. "We want to cripple them, but not cause a warp core breach!"

"Aye, sir;" Tristana responded. "Launching torpedoes!"

The Myogi launched a series of photon torpedoes, which struck the Nikko's stardrive section at different points.

"Catastrophic hull breaches on decks 19 through 22, and deck 24, sir!" The ops officer on the Nikko reported. "Our secondary computer core and forward torpedo mechanism were hit, sir:"

"God damnit, she's crippled us!" Seiji cursed.

"Sir, incoming hail from the Myogi, sir;" The Ops officer reported. "They're demanding our surrender."

"On screen." Seiji muttered, a hint of defeat in his voice.

The view on the Nikko's viewscreen changed to the Myogi's bridge, Maho sitting triumphantly in the command chair.

"Well, Commander; I hope I've gotten my point across." Maho said. "If you beam yourself over now, we can prevent further bloodshed. Otherwise, I shall be sending over boarding parties to remove you by force."

Seiji smirked at the challenge.

"Bring it!" He said. "I'd love to see how your crew reacts when you order them to almost certain death."

Seiji severed the communication and tapped his combadge:

"Attention all crew; this is the captain!" He spoke: "We are about to receive hostile boarding parties. You know what to do; and you are authorized to use any and all force to contain them. I repeat, lethal force is authorized!"

On the Myogi's bridge, Maho turned to Ichika.

"Prepare the boarding parties:" She ordered. "It seems this son of a bitch has decided to go down fighting..."

Ichika nodded an affirmative before excusing herself to tend to the boarding party.

Tristana also excused herself from the bridge, as she would also be leading one of the boarding parties.

Jane stayed at her station and wordlessly swung the ship around so they were within effective transporter range and Tristana’s relief could provide fire support if needed.

Without a word, Alisha locked her station and left the bridge. No, she wasn't going to ask for permission, she was going to make it. If Hiro were dead, then if she could get into the Nikko's Intelligence section, she could shut the ship's systems down one by one... The back door that Hiro would have used.

To Be Continued...

A mission post by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Mia Amaro
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Chief Operations Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Mai Ichihara

Commander Seiji Iwaki
Commanding Officer
USS Nikko


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