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Mission Accomplished.

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2022 @ 1:20am by Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Nikko's Intelligence Office

"Reno to Myogi. Mission accomplished. Medic needed, my location." The voice came over the comm to both the away team and to the bridge of the starship. Kozakura had been left behind with a couple of security officers and some of the medical staff to keep an eye on the transporter room until something happened. She glanced over at one of the medical staff before shaking her head slightly. That had been that blonde woman who'd asked her to shoot at her while she ran. She'd made it, then, good for her.

Vivienne raised her chin at the security guard that was next to her, in silent inquiry. When the woman fell immediately into step beside her Vivienne could only smile and meet the eyes of the transport officer. "Beam us 6 feet away from the signal, ideally with some cover."

In a matter of seconds, the two women rematerialized into what Kiki thought was a miniature version of hell. There had obviously been a fight in here, mano a mano, well, woman. Her eyes swept the area and locked on the door when no threats proved to be imminent. There were two people in the room, both of them in 'enemy' uniform, but she'd recognized one of them. The other was staring off into space, the pool of blood making his fate obvious. "Clear." She announced, keeping her rifle pointed at the only entrance.

Alisha looked up from where she had left herself laying on the ground. It hurt to move at all, the hypospray had dulled the pain in her gut, but it was still there. The slash on her right cheek was deep and leaking blood all over her face, but she knew she was hurt bad, just didn't know how bad. "Help." She got out. Her voice was weakening and she knew it.

The silver haired woman knelt beside Alisha, and quickly ran a scanner over her, before passing a bandage to the security guard whose name she didn't even know. "Cover the wound on her cheek with that."

"Yes, ma'am." Kiki placed her rifle on the desk and took the bandage and affixed it to the wound on Alisha's cheek. Then she looked down the woman's body and blanched, turning away quickly so she wouldn't throw up at the sight.

Vivienne was quiet as she scanned her patient, not liking one bit the blood and greenish fluid that was flowing rapidly from the gaping hole in her belly. It was charred at the edges and the skin around the wound was slick and blistered. Ouch. If she were to lift the flap of skin- yes, there was the charred edges of her liver and intestines. They were white, non-perfusing and that told Vivienne she was barely clinging to life and that she had no time at all to waste.

Rummaging in her bag, she pulled out a bag of what looked like powder, and tore it open, pouring it into the wound. It mixed with the blood and formed a pink foam that bubbled up and overflowed the wound like bubbles from a sink of dishes. The powder was vaso-active, would only bind to the venous bleeding, sealing it with a polymer encased within each mote of powder until she could figure out how to repair the massive damage before her eyes.

The Intelligence officer bit the inside side of her cheek hard, until she tasted the coppery flavor of her own blood. No, there was still more pain than she'd been hoping for, but she also didn't want to be unconscious, that would be no way to meet death. No way for her to give at least one more message for Jane if needed. "Don't worry, doc, it's just a flesh wound.. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right as rain." She tried to joke as she gasped for air, but laid her head back to rest it on the ground.

The look on the Security guards face was not lost on the Doctor and she sighed gently. "Security, if you're going to be sick go around the corner and do so. But get it out of your system right now, because I need your help."

"Kiki, my name is Kiki, not Security." She got out as she swallowed hard, "I'll be fine. I promise."

That response surprised her and only the tilt of her head allowed her to hide the smile. Vivienne's blue eyes raised, met Kiki's and then fell back down to her patient satisfied at the moment. "Kiki, in my blue bag, there is a blood synthesizer and a transfusion bag, can you set that up?"

Kiki's eyes opened wide. She wasn't a medic, she was a security officer and had barely had the first aid training required by most security personnel. She shook her head once, then nodded, "I... I think so, ma'am." She opened the blue bag and got to hopefully the right work.

"Did you just take the one hit Lieutenant?" she asked her patient as she carefully affixed a rapid infusion field to her neck. It functioned like a hypospray did but directly into the great vessels of the neck.

Alisha nodded with just her head, knowing that she should move as little as possible. "I don't know what it was set to, but just the one. Kicked like a mule, point blank. How bad is it?"

"Bad, but you won't die if I have anything to say about it. You're going to be in surgery for a long while though." Vivienne smiled reassuringly at her before hooking up a small hypospray tube to the rapid infusion field.

Tears were flowing out of Alisha's eyes. Won't die if they have anything to say about it. That meant she very well might. Mortality was a hard thing to look at and she was just an analyst. She wasn't a super-spy type, except on the holodeck. She knew her limits and she knew she'd gotten far too lucky to get this far. "Tell... Tell Jane I was thinking of her at the end?" She had to get out, but it sounded silly.

"I'll tell her, and she'll be upset when you wake up." A brief but spectacular smile bloomed on the Doctor's lips before she went back to work. A fluid replication bag was dropping volume into her veins, and allowed Vivienne the time she needed to assess the damage in her belly. The burns were spectacular inside, they were going to have to seed a transplant pod for a new liver for her.

=/\= Erebos to Delling, Victor, Do you have an OR free for me? =/\=

=/\= I just cleared OR 4, and it's clean. What do you have? =/\=

=/\= I'm incoming with a female, hit with a phaser set to kill, glancing blow to the abdomen and a number of stab wounds. Just make sure I have a team ready to receive her and wheel in a transplant pod for me. I'm stabilizing her now. =/\=

A chuckle came through the comm line as it closed and Vivienne smiled, knowing that Victor would have the OR set up to her precise specifications as soon as he cleared the patient he was working on. It was a good partnership, and he was a good friend she mused while she pressed a button to increase the fluids going into Alisha's body. Her blood pressure obediently raised and Vivienne nodded before pressing a vial to the rapid infuser, to sedate her and have her ready for the long surgery to come. An oxygen mask flickered into place with the press of her fingers, and she was ready to transport. "Kiki, are we secure to beam out?.

"We're clear, ma'am." Kozakura had been keeping her eyes on the move, just in case, "I'm going to stay here, see what sort of trouble I can get into, ma'am."

"Not too much trouble. There's only one of me."


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