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The One With The Onboarding Physical

Posted on Wed Dec 21st, 2022 @ 8:24am by Commander Queed & Commander Victor Delling MD

592 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: A Few Days Ago

Queed found the Myogi’s sick bay easy enough. He entered as the double doors hissed open.

One of the things Queed found interesting was that no matter what Starfleet vessel he found himself on, all the doors sounded exactly the same when opening or closing.

Upon entering the reception area and finding no one about, Queed lightly cleared his throat and asked, “Is anyone home?”

Victor chuckled at the call, and rose from his desk to exit into the main sickbay. He'd been doing some paperwork after the absolute disaster that had been the battle. The injured had numbered in the hundreds, and each had to have their charts manually updated. It wasn't just the Myogi crew. "Come through to the main bay."

Queed walked through as instructed. Seeing who he presumed was the doctor on duty he smiled, "Hello Doctor. I'm new onboard, Lieutenant Commander Queed, I'm here for the physical."

"Nice to meet you Commander, I'm Doctor Victor Delling, and appreciative to not have to seek you out for the formality." His easy smile warmed on his lips and he nodded to a bio bed. "Make yourself comfortable and we'll get this over with quickly enough."

"Good to meet you as well," Queed took a seat on the nearest bio-bed. "I also appreciate not needing to make an appointment. Getting settled in can be harrowing."

"There is truth in that. I'm still not fully settled in myself." His fingers stroked over the PADD he held to pull up the Commander's last physical for comparison. "Your last posting was the Bolarus IX Embassy? They didn't enter much into your medical record."

“Bolarus is a place where not a whole lot happens,” Queed quipped, “At least not to me. It was… relaxing.” His manner gave the impression the El Aurian preferred a little more action in an assignment. "I'm actually looking forward to being on a starship again. It's been awhile."

"I suppose that is a benefit of a boring posting," Victor said with a wry chuckle. "Anything I need to know that isn't in your medical records?"

“Well, nothing I’m aware of,” Queed answered after a moment of thought. “I found out there’s root vegetable grown on Bolaus that causes a rather bad allergic reaction. Chulic it’s called. They don’t export that one though. I later found out most of the Galaxy not born on Bolarus is allergic to it.”

"I've never heard of it, I suppose it's worth looking into to see why it's universally disliked by people's immune systems." He chuckled making a note of the substance in his chart. He was fascinated by allergies, having had a couple as a child. Briefly He wondered if it had anything to do with the native bacteria on the planet in question. Another thing he could research later.

"Something to do with the native soil as I recall," Queed answered the unasked question. "I just know I'm going to stay away from it from now on."

"It's always something." The scanner in his hand hummed as he waved it almost by muscle memory.

Queed chuckled, "In every department even," he quipped. "If there is nothing else, I'll continue getting settled in. It was nice to meet you Doctor."

"Oh likewise." he answered as he studied the readouts. It was normal in every way and he wasn't the least bit concerned by anything he saw there. "Feel free to darken my door at any time."

Queed smiled, "I will certainly keep that in mind Doctor. Thank you."


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